Changelog for oggvideotools-debuginfo-0.9.1-1.1.i586.rpm :

* Fri Jan 06 2017 Update to 0.9.1
* changed over to C++11 and boost (in some minor places).
* Cleanup a lot of things to fit ogg/theora/vorbis API again. Version 0.9:
* Bug in oggRingbuffer fixed (Thanks to Bjarne) -> solved problems with ffmpeg ogg implementation
* Manpage cleanup
* fix for gcc 4.7 (used in Fedora 17) Version 0.8a:
* Handling of zero size packets
* correct compiling of small packets into pages (packaging exactly 255 segments per page)
* renaming oggResize to oggTranscode
* oggCat can handle different video and audio files (complete rewrite)
* internal: video and audio hook for oggCat and oggTranscode
* timing, stream No. and stream type in oggDump packet dump output
* reworked manpages
* switch to cmake
* oggScroll is no longer supported (libSDL is not needed any more!) and will not be installed
* mkSlideshow is not supported any more and will not be installed
* cleanup mkThumb (bug #2925128) - thanks to jferlito
* integrated fixes from Tim Starling (advanced exception handling, logging etc)
* oggSlideshow returns with -1 if no picture was found
* prefix walkthrough for KenBurns effect
* Documentation pdf is outdated and therefir not shiped with the source package any more google can help much better
* release creation reworked
* configure reworked and added to trunk- Dropped oggvideotools-gcc47-includes.patch and oggvideotools-fix_nonvoid_return.patch no longer necessary- Added oggvideotools-paths.patch and oggvideotools-gcc6.patch- Spec cleanup
* Sat May 19 2012 fix build with gcc 4.7 (add missing includes)
* Sun Sep 06 2009 update to 0.8:
* adds oggSilence: creates an Ogg/Vorbis file of a specified length that is filled with silence
* adds oggResize: can resize a given Ogg file consisting of a Theora and/or a Vorbis stream
* Fri May 29 2009 fixes minor bugs with oggCut
* Mon Mar 23 2009 update to 0.7a:
* adds two scripts to create a thumbnail series and a slideshow with sound in an easy way
* adds support for corrupt end-of-file identifiers
* some minor bugfixes
* documentation updates
* Thu Mar 12 2009 update to 0.7:
* contains a new command line tool \"oggResize\", which converts an Ogg/Theora file into another Ogg/Theora file with a different framesize, framerate, and datarate
* cleanup and minor bugfixes
* Mon Jan 05 2009 new package