Changelog for lightspark-plugin-debuginfo-0.8.1+git.20190521-lp150.14.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed May 29 2019 Update to version 0.8.1+git.20190521:
* fix several refcounting issues
* [Sound] implement loadCompressedDataFromByteArray fixes #328
* switch to using lightspark by default for AVM1 files fixes #292 and #339
* rework asAtom, part 4: reduce size to 8 byte (4 byte on 32bit arch)
* rework asAtom, part 3: implement seperate types for asAtom
* rework asAtom, part 2: store method closure seperately
* rework asAtom, part 1: make type private
* add checks for interfaces
* revert accidentally committed stuff
* [] implement dynamicPropertyWriter
* [Textfield] check for number when syncing AVM1 variable
* [AVM1] ensure that scripts in frame 0 are executed in cloned sprite
* [Class_base] fix setting of constructIndicator
* switch to python3
* [ABCVm] fix skipping of unreachable code
* don\'t flush invalidation queue before frame scripts are executed
* ensure that variable is not bound twice
* [Array]} fix handling of index 0xFFFFFFFF
* fix compilation for Windows
* [DisplayObject] implement getBounds for AVM1
* [DisplayObject] inherit blendmode from ancestors when rendering
* [PlaceObject2Tag] ensure that placed objects are not removed
* [AVM1] fix variable binding
* [AVM1] fix prototype handling
* [AVM1] implement _alpha property
* fix mouse handling for AVM1
* implement optimized getslot opcode
* fix focus handling
* [Graphics] fix beginGradientFill
* really fix execution order of framescripts
* fix focus handling
* [Graphics] fix rendering of objects not on stage
* fix execution order of framescripts
* fix the fix for mouse click handling on Sprites...
* fix iftrue/iffalse optimization
* reduce excessive copying of GeomTokens
* fix mouse click handling on sprites
* [AVM1] fix ActionEnumerate2
* fix drawing of mixed strokes/fills
* disable compilation of tightspark by default
* switch to python3
* fix mouse input handling
* [DisplayObjectContainer] fix checkColorTransformForLegacyChildAt
* [ACTIONRECORD] fix local variables handling for AVM1
* [ABCVm] fix preloading
* implement SWF7 action model
* throw error if argument count is to high
* [ABCVm] implement some small preload optimizations
* [Array] speedup isValidMultiname
* implement swf6 action model
* avoid infinite loop in checkPropertyException
* don\'t expose constructor in describeType
* implement SampleDataEvent
* [TextField] fix variable binding
* [AVM1] fix mouseOut event handling
* [CairoTokenRenderer] handle ColorTransformation for LineStyles
* [SimpleButton] fix handling of ColorTransform
* [AVM1] it seems that Adobe ignores invalid paths in ActionSetProperty
* [AVM1] another fix for ActionCloneSprite
* [AVM1] scripts are executed after all DisplayObjects called InitFrame
* [AVM1] fix hitTest
* [AVM1] fix ActionCloneSprite
* [PlaceObject2Tag] ensure name is properly set
* add forgotten patch to latest commit
* [ColorTransform] fix applyTransformation
* [MovieClip] fix purging of placed objects
* fix rendering of thin lines
* [AVM1] implement ActionCall
* [AVM1] implement ActionSetTarget2
* [AVM1] add Stage class
* [AVM1] don\'t overwrite text in bound textfield
* [AVM1] implement handling for ClipEventLoad and ClipEventEnterFrame
* fix possible deadlock when handling drag/drop
* implement SWF5 action model
* fix MorphShape rendering
* ensure that AVM1 actions are executed last
* fix possible deadlock when input listeners are removed during DisplayObjectContainer destruction
* fix handling of empty JPEGTablesTag
* implement support for text input
* implement DefineFontInfoTag
* implement SWF4 action model
* don\'t clean memory too early
* try to continue when there is no FileAttributes Tag
* handle first tag correctly
* better code formatting
* [MovieClip] ensure gotoAndPlay/gotoAndStop jump to new frame after current function is executed
* partially implement AVM1 swf3 action model
* ensure masked objects are invalidated when mask changes
* optimize shape generation
* fix several warnings
* fix sound streaming
* fix inserting legacy child objects
* implement sound streaming (SoundStreamHead/SoundStreamHeadBlock tags)
* add experimental support for swf version 8 and older currently this doesn\'t do very much, as no actions are implemented, but some animations without user interaction may work. this can be activated by setting environment variable LIGHTSPARK_USE_GNASH=0
* [RenderThread] apply FrontFace
* apply ColorTransform when creating rendering tokens for DisplayObjects
* [SoundChannel] ensure sounds are not played before engine is initialized
* [Context3D] fix rendering to texture
* [Stage] fix handling of hidden objects
* [ABCVm] fix simple getter/setter optimization
* [CurlDownloader] fix redirected download
* fix several issues on resampled sounds
* fix LineStyle/FillStyle creation in SHAPERECORD construction
* more text rendering issues fixed
* fix several text rendering issues
* fix OpenGL not properly detected at runtime on nvidia
* [TextBloc] fix recreateTextLine
* implement class ActionScriptVersion fixes #338
* fix warning
* fix loading of ppapi plugin
* [XML] implement undocumented methods notification/setNotification fixes #337
* optimize simple getters and setters that are only a wrapper around private variables
* [ABCVm] implement optimization for callpropvoid opcode
* [ABCVm] optimize iftrue/iffalse opcode
* implement \"not\" opcode optimization
* fix compilation with llvm 7 fixes #336
* small performance improvement
* [tiny_string] use avmplus implementation of toupper/tolower
* [ASString] avoid creation of ASObjects in fromCharCode, if possible
* implement optimized setproperty for static multinames
* fix several cmake warnings
* [SoundMixer] make properties bufferTime and soundTransform static
* reduce creation of ASObjects
* [ASObject] avoid creation of ASString objects in nextName
* optimize equals opcode
* make llvm dependency optional (disabled by default)
* implement flash.system.Worker/WorkerDomain fixes #280 and #335
* more refcounting fixes
* use libswresample instead of libavresample, if available
* ensure that symbol 0 from SymbolClassTag takes precedence over non-lazy DoABC tags for execution
* [Date] make protoype method toString() dynamic
* [Array] it seems it\'s allowed to overwrite all prototype methods in Array
* [ABCContext] set width and height of the swf file from metadata, if available
* [BuiltinStreamDecoder] set framerate from metadata, if available
* [DisplayObject] fix deletion of masks
* [Sound] fix possible crash when loading sound
* Even more granular memory accounting for Tokens
* more fixes to reference counting
* create tokenvector on demand (reduces memory usage)
* fix compilation on big endian This is not tested, as I don\'t have access to a big endian machine see
* fix compilation for ppc
* fix reference counting for synthetic functions created by as3 code
* disable \"add\" optimization, as it breaks refcounting
* [asAtom] avoid creation of ASStrings in isEqual
* Memory Profiling: Track tokens in separate account
* fix several refcounting issues
* add forgotten patch to last commit
* [ABCVm] optimize findpropstrict opcode
* fix refcounting for optimized opcodes
* [MovieClip] ensure Framescripts are executed after the function calling gotoAndPlay/gotoAndStop/prevFrame/nextFrame is completely executed
* [CairoTokenRenderer] fix hit test
* [ABCVm] fix getlex optimization
* [XML,XMLList] fix hasOwnPrototype
* [Class_inherit] speedup creation of new instances
* [ABCVm] optimize getLex when argument can be resolved to a slot of the closure
* [asAtom] small performance improvement when adding strings
* [ABCVm] optimize lessequals/greaterequals opcode
* [asAtom] avoid creating ASStrings for isLess on single char strings
* fix possible deadlock on multiple concurrent downloads
* [NetConnection] fix possible crash if download fails
* ensure that clips are started in correct size on Firefox
* [ABCVm] fix lookupswitch handling in preloadFunction
* [ASString] optimize charAt/charCodeAt when iterating over all chars
* [LoaderInfo] 3rd try to fix sending of init/complete events
* fix QName to multiname conversion
* [Array] fix sortOn return value
* [LoaderInfo] fix sending of init/complete events
* [TextBlock] fix return value for createTextLine
* revert fix for loader complete handling
* fix getLex optimization
* [DisplayObjectContainer] fix setOnStage
* [ABCContext] fix handling of const traits in buildTrait
* [Loader] move \"complete\" event after the construction of DisplayObject fixes #329
* fix getProperty optimization
* [Stage] only request resize if ScaleMode is really changed
* [ABCVm] implement undocumented opcode 0x5f (finddef)
* [ABCContext] constant traits without index are initialized to null fixes #327
* [RootMovieClip] allow framesizes without xmin==0 and ymin==0 fixes #326
* fix some log output
* [BuiltinStreamDecoder] fix AAC decoding
* [SocketPolicyFile] allow \
as last char in downloaded policy file
* add partial support for rtmfp protocol and ensure NetConnection.connected is set only after the NetConnection.Connect.Success event has been handled
* [Math] small performance improvement for abs()
* implement caching of constants created through getlex on static multinames or through arithmetic operations on constants
* make most prototype methods constant apparently all prototype methods that are not also defined in ASObject are final
* [ByteArray] fix toString()
* fix several corner cases for parseInt
* fix several prototype handling issues
* [ABCVm] fix instanceOf
* [Socket] implement endian getter/setter, readBytes and writeBytes fixes #325
* add stubs for Camera/VideoStreamSettings/H264VideoStreamSettings fixes #323
* [Date] add toLocaleTimeString with AS3 namespace fixes #324
* [Number] fix toString() if value is an integer
* ensure dynamic properties are searched in getLex
* [JSON] throw exception when parsing empty string
* [SyntheticFunction] initialize locals to undefined. Apparently it is allowed to access uninitialized local variables fixes #276
* [SharedObject] return proper values for getRemote and flush
* [Math] use same precision for mathematical constants as math.h does
* properly handle slot_traits with slot_id 0
* prepare release 0.8.1
* fix caching for callproperty/callpropvoid
* [Math] small performance improvement for abs
* [BitmapData] implement perlinNoise
* partially implement
* check for and remove unreachable code in jump opcode
* [Array] optimize sortOn
* optimize performance of returnvalue opcode by avoiding pop of operand from stack wherever possible
* optimize performance of convert_d opcode by avoiding push/pop of operand and result to/from stack wherever possible
* [XMLNode] implement NodeName setter
* [asAtom] fix setFunction
* fix several chromium plugin issues fixes #321
* fix possible crash in log output
* fix possible crash during external call
* make npapi plugin run on Firefox >= 58
* speedup newobject opcode handling
* handle coerce_a opcode when checking for optimization
* implement caching in optimized static callproperty calls
* speedup index access to array elements
* optimize performance of iftrue/iffalse/dup operations by avoiding push/pop of operands and results to/from stack wherever possible
* optimize performance of callproperty and greaterthan opcodes by avoiding push/pop of operands and results to/from stack wherever possible callproperty is currently only optimized for calls with one argument and static multiname
* optimize performance of getlex by avoiding push result to stack wherever possible
* Thu May 10 2018 Update to version 0.8.0+git.20180506:
* optimize performance of branch operators by avoiding push/pop of operands and results to/from stack wherever possible
* optimize performance of getproperty by avoiding push/pop of operands and results to/from stack wherever possible
* optimize performance of arithmetic operations by avoiding push/pop of operands and results to/from stack wherever possible
* fix callproperty caching
* improve performance of callproperty/callpropvoid/callproplex/getproperty
* more small performance improvements
* fix compilation
* [TextField] fix autoSize handling
* [CairoRenderContext] implement more BlendModes
* implement classes flash.display.CapsStyle and flash.display.JointStyle
* several performance improvements
* add forgotten patch (fixes #319)
* [TextField] fix adjusting width and height
* don\'t coerce the return value of sort comparison functions This has to be done because otherwise coercing to int may loose the sign of the result (avmplus does the same). fixes #318
* [XML] fix replace
* [BitmapData] implement noise
* force several asAtom methods inline
* pass asAtom vars by reference to reduce copying
* more rendering fixes
* reduce generation of unneccessary ASStrings
* [DefineEditTextTag] take bounds and leading into account when placing the tag
* [Vector] fix generator
* [ABCVm] fix handling of \"constructor\" property in newClass
* [DisplayObjectContainer] fix hitTestImpl
* fix possible crash introduced in last commit
* fix several rendering issues in Bitmaps and TextFields
* further reduce generation of primitive ASObjects
* [Class_base] fix coerceForTemplate
* speedup handling of one-char-strings
* [ApplicationDomain] handle templated classes in hasDefinition/ getDefinition
* [BitmapData] implement hitTest with rectangle
* [Vector] really fix coercing in concat
* reduce creation of ASObjects for primitives
* [ABCVm] fix pushbyte
* add forgotton patch to previous commit
* [ABCVm] rework preloadFunction
* [MorphShape] implement SOLID_FILL morphing
* [Vector] fix coercing in concat
* [DisplayObject] implement blend modes ADD and SCREEN
* [call_context] remove unneccessary reference counting
* [DisplayObject] implement handling of BlendMode \"multiply\"
* [NativeApplication] fix getNativeApplication
* [SimpleButton] set correct default values for enabled and useHandCursor
* [Context3D] fix orientation when rendering to texture
* avoid endless loop on sorting
* fix stringToQName for template types
* fix some rounding errors
* fix mixed rendering of 3D and 2D content
* fix mingw compilation
* fix llvm optimizer, part 1
* fix compilation with clang
* add command line option to disable rendering removes the need for xvfb for tamarin test suite runs
* [Context3D] skip rendering if previous frame is not completed
* [SystemState] fix reference counting in frameListeners fixes
* Fixed C++ scoping issue detected by LLVM Trunk
* Fixed C++ syntax issue detected by LLVM Trunk
* Fixed several memory leaks
* [ThreadPool] catch std exceptions in worker
* fix handling of multiple embedded fonts with same name
* [Context3D] implement rendering to texture
* work on rendertotexture mode for Stage3D
* work on Stage3D
* Implemented LINEAR_PCM_LE audio
* implement DisplacementMapFilterMode and add method stubs to DisplacementMapFilter
* more work on stage3D
* [Context3D] handle parameter enableDepthAndStencil in configureBackBuffer
* [Matrix3D] implement several methods
* more work on Stage3D implementation
* [Class_base] don\'t overwrite borrowed Variables in copyBorrowedTraitsFromSuper
* [Matrix3D] implement copyRawDataFrom
* [DefineBitsJPEG3Tag] fix alpha values generation
* partial implementation of Stage3D support this is a work in progress, it currently only renders some simple examples
* fix image decoding for DefineBitsLosslessTag
* remove unused class
* fix png rendering
* [FFMpegStreamDecoder] fix decoding with ffmpeg version >= 3.1
* [XML] fix inScopeNamespaces
* remove accidentally committed log messages
* [XML,XMLList] fix hasOwnProperty
* fix mouse click handling in firefox plugin
* avoid endless loop on sorting
* implement Matrix.setTo and Matrix.copyFrom, add stub for Matrix3D.copyRawDataFrom
* fix sorting with comparison function on Arrays and Vectors
* switch all remaining classes to asAtom
* fix serialization
* switch all Error classes to asAtom
* avoid creating unneccessary ASObjects on convert_s
* [Dictionary] switch to asAtom and implement weak keys
* [flash.system] switch to asAtom
* fix execution of framescripts
* [] switch to asAtom
* [Date] switch to asAtom
* partially implement MorphShape rendering does not really morph anything, it more or less just renders the start and end shapes
* [] switch to asAtom
* [flash.filters] switch to asAtom
* add another case where objects can be cached in findPropStrictCache
* switch ByteArray and URLStream classes to asAtom
* [Math] use asAtoms for declared constants
* properly handle download of adobe signed libraries (
*.swz files) We can\'t decrypt them, so we send an IOErrorEvent when trying to download such a file
* [XML] add check for empty childrenlist
* [StyleSheet] add stub for method parseCSS
* build class for tag on first access
* [ASFont] implement hasGlyphs for embedded fonts
* [TextFormat] implement property \"display\" (not mentioned in spec)
* [ABCVm] fix caching in getLex
* fix ArgumentConversionAtom>
* [flash.geom.Transform] implement undocumented constructor
* [flash.text.engine] implement TextElement.replaceText, ContentElement.rawText, FontDescription.isFontCompatible, TextBlock.firstLine, TextBlock.lastLine, TextLine.unjustifiedTextWidth
* use stage directly instead of going through mainClip (mainClip may be removed from stage)
* [ASObject] switch to asAtom
* [flash.geom] switch all classes to asAtom and make them reusable
* add another test to blacklist that doesn\'t work on adobe player
* fix compilation for windows
* mark BitmapData as initialized when constructed through BitmapTag
* fix compilation with llvm 5.0 fixes
* fix compilation for Windows
* [ABCVm] throw correct exception in constructProp
* [avmplus.System] implement getRunmode
* [Keyboard] switch to asAtom
* remove gtk2 dependency
* [TextField] implement horizontal alignment in

* implement class
* make sure root movie clip is availabe in Stage
* add possibility to switch log levels by pressing ctrl+l (in debug build)
* several fixes for describeType
* [RegExp] reset lastIndex if no math is found
* [Vector] throw correct exception on get/setVariableByMultiname
* add stubs for methods and classes in package flash.sampler
* add several tests that fail on adobe player to blacklist
* implement handling for different swf versions
* [langref_parser] fix conversion of file path to class package
* fix several namespace handling bugs in XML/XMLList switch XML/XMLList to asAtom based methods
* convert all Event classes to asAtom
* add forgotten patch for eb79070679decb558533c92be6fe75bd86f1d600
* add several tests that fail on adobe player to blacklist
* [avmpluFile] implement saving and loading files for standalone version
* change instance traits into declared traits if they are overwritten in class objects
* [Array] fix sorting
* [MovieClip] implement ClipDepth handling
* [MovieClip] fix execution of first framescript
* fix refcounting for calling setters
* forgotten part of last commit
* fix refcounting for asAtom getters
* fix llvm detection under Ubuntu
* getQualifiedClassName: implement handling for T_TEMPLATE also switch several methods to asAtom
* [RegExp] switch to asAtom
* [ABCVm] implement callproplex
* rework reference counting, significantly reduces memory usage
* Install Pepperflash to the $LIBDIR
* [CairoTokenRenderer] fix hitTest fixes
* [flash.display] move all classes to asAtom
* fix reference counting for getVariableByMultiname now every derived version of getVariableByMultiname is expected to deliver the return value so that one ref can be consumed by the caller
* [asAtom] unify string handling
* switch all flash.text classes to asAtom
* allow multinames without namespace in setVariableByMultiname
* [Number/UInteger] switch to asAtom- Drop lightspark-link.patch, builds for Tumbleweed and Leap 15.0 without it, and those are the distros we currently care about.
* Fri Jul 28 2017 Update to version 0.8.0+git.20170723:
* fix file IO and external call handling in ppapi plugin this avoids several possible deadlocks
* fix compilation with older ffmpeg versions
* [] add stubs for classes SoundMixer and Microphone
* [flash.text.textengine] add several stub classes and enumerations
* implement flash.crypto.generateRandomBytes
* [ABCVm] fix possible crash in coerce
* [BitmapData] add stub for method \"treshold\"
* [DisplayObjectContainer] implement methods \"removeChildren\" and \"getObjectsUnderPoint\"
* [BevelFilter] add several stub properties
* [flash.geom] add method \"setTo\" to Rectangle and Point
* [Sound] handle null urlRequest in constructor
* [pygil] remove wrong stub classes counting
* [LocalConnection] partially implement property \"domain\"
* [System] add stubs for \"pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent\" and \"gc\"
* [XML] fix namespace for several methods
* [memorystream] small performance improvements
* [ASObject] use boost::flat_map instead of std::map as variables map for better performance
* [ASObject] fix compilation with older boost
* [ImageDecodingPolicy] fix typo
* [FFMpegStreamDecoder] fix compilation with ffmpeg 3.0 fixes
* [FFMpegStreamDecoder] really fix compilation with ffmpeg 3.0
* fix detection of llvm 4.0 fixes
* [RootMovieClip] avoid re-binding classes on every InitFrame
* improve perfomance by caching the property in callProperty and findPropStrict, if possible
* reduce the number of dynamic_casts
* use unsigned integer in loops
* [SharedObject] add missing incRef
* [ABCVm] fix callPropertyCache
* [ABCVm] cache type in multiname
* [TextField] only request invalidation if really neccessary
* [ABCVm] remove callPropertyCache, it doesn\'t work correctly and doesn\'t really improve perfomance
* [ABCVm] small speedup for getMultiname()
* [Class_base] performance improvement for isSubClass()
* add new builtin string \"length\"
* [ASObject] only search in declared variables if multiname doesn\'t contain the public namespace
* [Array] switch to flat_map
* [ABCVm] throw correct errors in checkfilter
* [Matrix3D] add some method stubs
* [DisplayObject] add some property stubs
* switch to using a flat_multimap for variables. namespaces in multinames are not sorted anymore.
* [Array] fix some corner cases when handling index UINT32_MAX
* [memorystream] cache the u30/s24 codes before executing a function the first time
* [TagFactory] don\'t throw exception if tag is longer as expected (Adobe seems to allow this, too)
* [ThreadPool] increase number of threads this leads to less stuttering when playing multiple sounds
* set emulated version to current adobe version
* [SyntheticFunction] add call to ABCVm::preloadFunction
* enale building of ppapi plugin by default
* [ASObject] handle declared properties in JSON stringify
* [ASObject] more fixes for JSON.stringify
* [ABCVm] use function pointer array instead of switch in executeFunction
* [IFunction] fix prototype constructor
* [Number] add toLocaleString and make several properties not enumerable
* return exit code 1 if exit was caused by uncaught exception
* [tests] switch to the github adobe avmplus repository as base for the tamarin test suite
* [Global] make all builtin classes constant traits
* [Array] implement insertAt() and removeAt()
* [Vector] implement insertAt() and removeAt()
* fix test output
* rework blacklist for tests not working on adobe (not yet complete)
* [avmplus] implement System.canonicalizeNumber
* [SharedObject] add stub method setProperty()
* remove more dynamic_casts
* [ArgumentConversion] handle Undefined in toConcrete()
* [ABCVm] fix sxi1 opcode implementation
* [Array] small performance improvement in isValidMultiname()
* [ApplicationDomain/avmplus.Domain] fix DomainMemory handling
* [SyntheticFunction] fix needsRest()
* [ASFont] add stub for hasGlyphs()
* [DisplayObjectContainer] fix deleteLegacyChildAt
* [avmplusDomain] implement loadBytes()
* reduce number of AsyncDrawJobs by ensuring a DisplayObject is only rendered once until it changes again
* [InputThread] add null-checks to results of getMouseTarget
* [ABCVm] implement opcode hasnext (0x1f)
* remove more dynamic_casts
* [SystemState] avoid creating AsyncDrawJob if DisplayObject is unchanged
* add test to blacklist that doesn\'t work on Adobe
* [BitmapData] add stub for method \"merge\"
* [ABCVm] remove unneeded argument from abc_function
* implement alpha support for pngs and images with palette
* [ABCVm] implement opcode 0x43 (callMethod)
* [DisplayObject] implement ColorTransform handling
* implement stroke handling in Shapes
* introduce class asAtom as wrapper around ASObject This allows operations on primitives without reference counting. TODO: There are only a few builtin methods currently converted to this wrapper, see usage of ASFUNCTION_ATOM vs ASFUNCTION
* fix warning
* conversion to asAtom, second part calling of functions is now handled in asAtom to avoid creating of new function objects every time the function is executed
* conversion to asAtom, third part Vector class uses vector of asAtom as underlying data structure
* move several #includes from .h to .cpp
* [CairoTokenRenderer] only draw strokes if necessary
* set results of arithmetic operations on asAtoms as (U)Integers, if possible
* [Math] fix several corner cases
* [variables_map] switch to unordered_map as basic datastructure
* conversion to asAtom, fourth part - all ASString methods use asAtom - ASFUNCTION_ATOM now has additional parameter \"sys\"
* [Array] switch to unordered_map to store array elements
* rework function calling to only count references if neccessary
* fix compilation for Windows fixes issues #270 and #288 the npapi/ppapi plugins compile but are not tested
* fix compilation on older stdlib
* [Array] use std::vector for small arrays (up to 65536 elements) and unordered_map for large arrays
* [asAtom] make most methods inline
* [Vector] fix forEach
* [multiname] small performance improvements
* add more subtypes for dynamic casts
* [ExternalInterface] switch to asAtom
* [SecurityManager] allow to call https URLs even if the main URL is http
* fix compilation on windows
* fix compilation in profiling mode fixes
* make NPAPI plugin windowless
* fix minGW compilation
* prepare release 0.8
* bump version number
* Now Cmake supports LLVM up to 4.0
* add several missing tags in describeType
* [ApplicationDomain] fix hasDefinition/getDefinition
* Add NullVideoDecoder::switchCodec
* fix ArgumentConversionAtom
* don\'t throw if setting a dynamic variable with not-empty namespace
* [ASString] fix localeCompare
* [method_info] switch to asAtom for getConstant/getOptional
* [Integer] switch to asAtom
* [asAtom] add support for strings with a stringID, reduces the need to create ASString objects in some cases
* [pygil] implement detection of setVariableAtomByQName
* add two tests to blacklist that don\'t work on Adobe
* Thu Mar 02 2017 Update description
* Thu Feb 23 2017 Update to version 0.7.2+git.20170107:
* [ppapi] implement keyboard and mouse event handling
* [ppapi] implement downloading of additional files
* directly include shaders into sourcecode to avoid filesystem access which is not allowed in ppapi sandbox
* [Config] fix loading config from ppapi plugin ppapi doesn\'t allow direct filesystem access so we just ignore the errors reported when trying to load config file
* [ppapi] implement separate file cache for ppapi plugin. Now the ppapi plugin runs in sandboxed mode with some limitations: - It doesn\'t detect system fonts properly as cairo tries to read fontconfig files which is not allowed from sandbox. - Sound output doesn\'t work yet, as sdl_audio initialization crashes when done inside sandbox.
* [FFMpegStreamDecoder] fix possible crash when probing input format
* [ppapi] implement sound support
* [SoundChannel] implement volume handling
* [ppapi] implement font rendering
* [SoundTransform] initialize volume/pan to default values- Add _service- Add lightspark-link.patch
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Use pkgconfig for ffmpeg BuildRequires
* Thu May 30 2013 fixed build with new llvm: llvm-3.3.patch
* Mon May 06 2013 Update to 0.7.2
* Improved image support: alpha in palettes, abbreviated JPEGs
* Improved embedded font parsing and text positioning
* Open links in a browser (plugin only)
* BitmapData improvements
* Fixed many crashes- Remove lightspark-0.7.0-no_glu.patch. Applied upstream.
* Thu Dec 27 2012 Update to 0.7.1
* Fixes for YouTube
* Support keyboard press and release events
* Support mouse wheel events and other mouse event improvements
* Support LLVM 3.2
* Implemented hit testing of DisplayObjects
* Parse JPEG images embedded in DefineBits tags
* Parse RGB15 and paletted images in DefineBitsLossless tags
* Improved XML support- Remove lightspark-0.7.0-llvm32.patch, applied upstream.
* Fri Nov 30 2012 Add lightspark-0.7.0-llvm32.patch to fix build with LLVM 3.2