Changelog for
screengen-debuginfo-1.9-lp150.1.11.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Aug 11 2016 Update to 1.9.
* Fixed deprecated call of FFMpeg (2.4.3).- Correct URL and source URL.
* Sat Sep 13 2014 Update to 1.8.
* Change console output.
* Change default aspect ratio to DAR (Display Aspect Ratio).
* Added parameter \"maxRows\" if use parameter \"timeStep\".
* Added parameter \"version\".
* Added parameter \"stampStart\".
* Added example scripts.- Add Requires: liberation-fonts. The program use it by default.- Install example scripts and desktop files to docs.
* Sun Sep 01 2013 Update to 1.7.
* Fix segmentation fault if open error videofile, if not exists video stream or video codec.
* Video Codec names fixed.
* Added parameter \"timeStep\".
* Thu Nov 22 2012 Update to 1.6.
* Fix segmentation fault if audio not present in video file.
* Added parameters \"presetsList\" and \"presetInfo\".
* Sat Oct 20 2012 Update to 1.5.
* Added parameters \"frameBox\", \"frameBoxColor\", \"stampDescr\", \"stampDescrPos\".
* All color parameters (except shadows) support alpha channel (may be to set to \"R,G,B,A\").
* Fix errors.- Changes in 1.4.
* Disable log messages from ffmpeg-libs.
* Added parameters \"fontFrameShadowOffset\", \"fontFrameShadowInt\", \"fontFrameShadowColor\" for timestamp shadow.- Changes in 1.3.2.
* Added parameter \"outFolder\".
* Change logic for save output file - saved in current folder or in folder from parameter \"outFolder\".- Changes in 1.3.
* Change algorithm shadow create.
* Added parameters \"infoShadowOffset\", \"infoShadowInt\", \"infoShadowColor\" for text in header.
* Added parameters \"logoFile\", \"logoShadowOffset\", \"logoShadowInt\", logoShadowColor\" for logotype in header.
* Added parameter \"descr\" - Custom text, located at the top of the header.
* Added parameter \"stampOffset\" - Offset from the edge of the frame to the timestamp.
* Fix errors.
* Sun Aug 19 2012 Initial package created - 1.2.