Changelog for
libgstbadvideo-1_0-0-1.12.5-pm151.4.15.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Dec 25 2018 Add gst-bad-fdkaac2-fix.patch: fdkaac: Fixes for compatibility with libfdk-aac 2.0.0 (boo#1120299).
* Thu Mar 29 2018 Update to version 1.12.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#794069, bgo#794353, bgo#794620, bgo#794537, bgo#793629, bgo#789476, bgo#789476, bgo#791910, bgo#791813, bgo#791772, bgo#791330, bgo#791982.- Drop gst-bad-vtdec-destroy-create-fix.patch and gst-bad-player-transfer-ownership.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Fri Mar 23 2018 Move BuildRequires pkgconfig(dvdnav/dvdread) to BUILD_ORIG section. It is only needed when building BUILD_ORIG package, which is not the case for official builds for openSUSE Leap, Tumbleweed or SLE.
* Fri Mar 02 2018 Add gst-bad-revert-automake-autoconf-versions.patch: Revert the autoconf and automake version bump upstream did without consideration about us, allow to build with the automake we have Leap 42.3 and SLE12.- Following the above patch, drop the explicit automake BuildRequires, as libtool BuildRequires brings it in, and we can now build with the old version we have in Leap/SLE.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Split out fluidsynth plugin in new sub-package gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth.- Following the above, add gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth and already built sub-package gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint to baselibs.conf, build 32-bits support for these too.- Add conditional gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth and gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint Requires: to -devel sub-package.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Add gstreamer-plugins-bad-reproducible.patch to avoid variations in gtk-doc output (boo#1048207).- Following the above, add automake and libtool BuildRequires and pass autoreconf, as the above patch touches the buildsystem.
* Thu Feb 22 2018 Move pkgconfig(mjpegtools) BuildRequires and resulting plugins to normal build, mjpegtools with all needed features are now available in openSUSE.- No longer pass --disable-mpegpsmux and --disable-mpegtsmux to configure, and move the resulting plugins to normal build. This was originally done due to a possible license issue, however on closer inspection, the plugins in question clearly states that one can use any of the four licenses listed, so we elect to use LGPL-2.1+.- Remove conditional for libgstwayland-1_0-0 subpackage, need due to it beeing in baselibs.conf, and lint bots declines this now.
* Fri Dec 29 2017 Add gst-bad-player-transfer-ownership.patch: player: transfer ownership of info properties (bgo#791982).
* Sat Dec 23 2017 Add gst-bad-vtdec-destroy-create-fix.patch: vtdec: destroy and create the GL context on start()/stop(). Removes a reference count loop.- Add python3-xml BuildRequires and switch to using plain make instead of make_build macro, and add conditional for pkgconfig(graphene-1.0), pkgconfig(wayland-client), pkgconfig(wayland-cursor), pkgconfig(wayland-egl), pkgconfig(wayland-protocols) and pkgconfig(wayland-scanner) BuildRequires and the .so and sub-package produced, fix build for old versions of openSUSE.
* Mon Dec 11 2017 Update to version 1.12.4: + openjpeg: Support building with openjpeg 2.3 (bgo#788703). + Bugs fixed: bgo#784593, bgo#787293, bgo#787942, bgo#789999, bgo#790042, bgo#790812, bgo#791258.- Drop gstpb-support-openjpeg-2.3.patch: Fixed upstream. Following this; drop autoconf, automake and libtool BuildRequires, and no longer pass autoreconf, no needed anymore.
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Move pkgconfig(libmodplug) BuildRequires, and thus libmodplug module, to build-orig. This move is not legally motivated, but rather build time optimization as it helps us eliminate a build cycle in openSUSE.
* Wed Nov 29 2017 Switch to python3: + Replace python-base BuildRequires with python3-base. + Export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 before calling configure.
* Mon Nov 27 2017 Add pkgconfig(libde265) BuildRequires in orig-addon subpackage, build h.265 (HVEC) decode support.
* Wed Nov 08 2017 Disable %glib2_gsettings_schema_post/postun scriptlets on suse_version >= 1330: this functionality is now covered by file triggers and the macros expand to %nil.
* Wed Nov 08 2017 Enable gobject introspection bindings: + Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires: allow the build system to find the needed infrastructure. + Pass --enable-introspection to configure: enable the introspection support. + Split out new typelib- packages: - typelib-1_0-GstBadAllocators-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstGL-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstInsertBin-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstMpegts-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstPlayer-1_0
* Mon Nov 06 2017 Move pkgconfig(mjpegtools) BuildRequires to orig-addon: mplex without mpeg2enc support is pointless, so keep those two in the same build conditional.
* Fri Oct 27 2017 Add gstpb-support-openjpeg-2.3.patch: fix build with openjpeg 2.3 (bgo#788703).- Add autoconf, automake and libtool BuildRequires and call autoreconf, since above patch touches the build system.
* Thu Sep 28 2017 Split out chromaprint plugin into gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint: the chromaprint plugin links against ffmpeg (indirectly) which in turn can cause cycles in various other builds, like webkit2).
* Mon Sep 18 2017 Update to version 1.12.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#767462, bgo#782379, bgo#784887, bgo#785119, bgo#785941, bgo#785957, bgo#785987, bgo#786036, bgo#786201, bgo#786250, bgo#787234, bgo#787309, bgo#787442, bgo#787727.- Replace pkgconfig(libopenjpeg1) with pkgconfig(libopenjp2) BuildRequires: Build against the new branch of libopenjpeg.
* Tue Sep 05 2017 Fix file list on SLE, is only built on openSUSE.
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Drop conditional valgrind-devel BuildRequires, this type of debugging is probably not done by users of binary packages.- Simplify spec, drop obsolete conditionals for openSUSE, keep only conditionals for new versions of SLE (and BUILD_ORIG).- Clean spec, modernize where appropriate, update macros.- Add explicit pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0), pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0) and pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0) BuildRequires: align with what configure looks for.- Add missing Requires to devel sub-package: + libgstbadallocators-1_0-0. + libgstbadaudio-1_0-0. + libgstwayland-1_0-0.
* Fri Jul 28 2017 Add Mesa-libGLESv3-devel, pkgconfig(egl), pkgconfig(gl) and pkgconfig(glesv1_cm) BuildRequires: Add missing dependencies to build full EGL/GL/GLES support.
* Fri Jul 28 2017 Add pkgconfig(libsrtp) BuildRequires: Build srtp support.
* Fri Jul 14 2017 Update to version 1.12.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#764025, bgo#773159, bgo#782774, bgo#783028, bgo#783075, bgo#783244, bgo#784027, bgo#784059, bgo#784210, bgo#784439, bgo#784510, bgo#784755.
* Tue Jun 20 2017 Update to version 1.12.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#783028, bgo#773681, bgo#776609, bgo#779202, bgo#781249, bgo#781561, bgo#782221, bgo#782352, bgo#782376, bgo#782693, bgo#782697, bgo#782736, bgo#782771, bgo#782801, bgo#782921, bgo#783066, bgo#783075, bgo#783255, bgo#783256, bgo#783401, bgo#783626, bgo#781204.
* Mon Jun 12 2017 Pass --disable-mpegpsmux, --disable-mpegtsmux and - -disable-resindvd to configure when building for openSUSE on the OBS until we can get the licensing sorted upstream. Move the plugins to the orig-addon package.
* Sat May 27 2017 Add missing libgstplayer-1_0-0 Requires to gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel sub package.
* Mon May 08 2017 Update to version 1.12.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#773681, bgo#764947, bgo#780976, bgo#782046, bgo#782119, bgo#782078.- Changes from version 1.11.91: + Bugs fixed: bgo#729371, bgo#764011, bgo#778237, bgo#780190, bgo#780397, bgo#780402, bgo#780494, bgo#780569, bgo#780570, bgo#780897, bgo#781017, bgo#781018, bgo#781019, bgo#781022, bgo#781023, bgo#781024, bgo#781027, bgo#781037, bgo#781043, bgo#781156, bgo#781170, bgo#781179, bgo#781188, bgo#781233, bgo#781267, bgo#781320, bgo#781539, bgo#781725.- Changes from version 1.11.90: + Bugs fixed: bgo#736213, bgo#755782, bgo#764726, bgo#772811, bgo#774544, bgo#775487, bgo#776436, bgo#776997, bgo#776999, bgo#777847, bgo#778073, bgo#778333, bgo#778731, bgo#778825, bgo#779011, bgo#779067, bgo#779309, bgo#779333, bgo#779447, bgo#779453, bgo#779790, bgo#779831, bgo#779856, bgo#779869, bgo#780064, bgo#780108, bgo#780179, bgo#780180, bgo#780330, bgo#780367.- Stop passing --disable-fatal-warnings to configure, not needed on stable branch.- Package new sub package libgstbadallocators-1_0-0.
* Fri Feb 24 2017 Update to version 1.11.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#764947, bgo#758257, bgo#773709, bgo#775665, bgo#776360, bgo#776490, bgo#777181, bgo#777206, bgo#777376, bgo#777377, bgo#777394, bgo#777652, bgo#777682, bgo#777741, bgo#777760, bgo#778028, bgo#778076, bgo#778142, bgo#778703, bgo#779064, bgo#779070, bgo#779103, bgo#779154.
* Thu Feb 23 2017 Update to version 1.11.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#696852, bgo#711155, bgo#746018, bgo#751324, bgo#753003, bgo#755036, bgo#758232, bgo#760172, bgo#771992, bgo#772357, bgo#773473, bgo#773521, bgo#773570, bgo#773932, bgo#773936, bgo#774035, bgo#774112, bgo#774132, bgo#774177, bgo#774178, bgo#774196, bgo#774223, bgo#774357, bgo#774400, bgo#774463, bgo#774485, bgo#774493, bgo#774518, bgo#774530, bgo#774576, bgo#774629, bgo#774637, bgo#774689, bgo#774850, bgo#774886, bgo#775171, bgo#775248, bgo#775293, bgo#775306, bgo#775377, bgo#775378, bgo#775379, bgo#775409, bgo#775746, bgo#775791, bgo#775793, bgo#775967, bgo#776047, bgo#776076, bgo#776141, bgo#776317, bgo#776352, bgo#776399, bgo#776431, bgo#776722, bgo#776727, bgo#776787, bgo#776790, bgo#776900, bgo#777048, bgo#777078, bgo#777097, bgo#777121, bgo#773927, bgo#770990, bgo#774587, bgo#774793, bgo#775726, bgo#775288, bgo#772822, bgo#774527.- Gstreamer-plugins-bad now allows for disabling of internal dependency free plugins, hence we now pass conditional - -disable-dvdspu and --disable-siren to configure, as those are the last internal plugins we disable.- Following the above drop, and gst-plugins-bad-x.xx.x-patched.tar.xz, we no longer need to generate a patched tarball.- Drop gstreamer-revert-bogus-automake-version.patch, gnome-common BuildRequires and call, no longer needed since we are not using the patched tarball.- Pass --disable-fatal-warnings to configure, and add fixme, needed now with unstable tarball.- Tweak fdupes macro usage, less rpmlint warnings.- Add missing Requires in devel subpackage.- Pass --disable-festival to configure, unmaintained and slated for removal upstream, currently causes rpmlint warnings (bgo#774508).- Add define ENABLE_OPENH264 and and conditional pkgconfig(openh264) BuildRequires, currently set to disabled (0). Build openh264 support. Using define so we can quickly enable it, should we be able to get openh264 into the distro.- Replace gstreamer-devel and gstreamer-plugins-base-devel with pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0) and pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0) BuildRequires: Align with what configure checks for.- Enable conditional pkgconfig(graphene-1.0) BuildRequires for openSUSE 1330 (TW) and newer.- Enable pkgconfig(libdc1394-2) BuildRequires: Plugin now ported to gst-1.0.- Drop pkgconfig(libtimidity) BuildRequires: No longer needed nor used.- Drop bcond_with divx4linux and divx4linux-devel BuildRequires: Plugin no longer available.- Drop several disabled BuildRequires and plugins, the non-ported plugins have been dropped from upstream source.- Add pkgconfig(fdk-aac) BuildRequires in ORIG: Build fdk-aac support.- Drop obsolete libgstvdp subpackage and conditionals in place for it (also from baselibs.conf).
* Thu Feb 23 2017 Update to version 1.10.4 (CVE-2017-5848): + Bugs fixed: bgo#776612, bgo#777841, bgo#777957, bgo#777979, bgo#778297, bgo#778434, bgo#778452, bgo#778828.- Drop gstreamer-plugins-bad-CVE-2017-5848.patch: Fixed upstream.- Drop pkgconfig(libtimidity) BuildRequires: Not needed as plugin is not ported to 1.0 branch, and even dropped entirely in upcomming 1.12.0 release.
* Sat Feb 04 2017 Fix CVE-2017-5847 (boo#1023259): + Add gstreamer-plugins-bad-CVE-2017-5848.patch: psdemux: Rewrite PSM parsing using GstByteReader. Avoid possible buffer overflows and ignore invalid PSM packets better by using GstByteReader (bgo#777957).
* Thu Feb 02 2017 Add gstreamer-plugins-bad Requires in devel subpackage.
* Mon Jan 30 2017 Update to version 1.10.3 (CVE-2017-5838): + Bugs fixed: bgo#740101, bgo#775072, bgo#775292, bgo#775970, bgo#776072, bgo#776244, bgo#776461, bgo#776591, bgo#776722, bgo#776726, bgo#777143, bgo#777144, bgo#777400, bgo#777503, bgo#777533, bgo#777742, bgo#777930.
* Fri Dec 09 2016 Wrap wayland support properly to fix builderrors in non-TW.
* Sat Dec 03 2016 Update to version 1.10.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#774624, bgo#774702, bgo#774851, bgo#774896, bgo#775048, bgo#775120, bgo#775127, bgo#775130.
* Sun Nov 27 2016 Update to version 1.10.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#773681, bgo#773313, bgo#774287, bgo#774328, bgo#774462.
* Wed Nov 02 2016 Update to version 1.10.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#758717, bgo#762717, bgo#769382, bgo#770528, bgo#770587, bgo#772330, bgo#772499, bgo#772503, bgo#772698, bgo#772699, bgo#772704, bgo#772706, bgo#772742, bgo#773026, bgo#773423, bgo#773540, bgo#773635, bgo#773720, bgo#772608. + Updated translations.- Rebase Package new plugins: musepack and timecode.- Replace disabled pkgconfig(slv2) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(lilv-0), and enabled it following upstream changes. Drop bcond_with lv2 and move built plugin to main package, all dependencies are now available in openSUSE.- Add disabled pkgconfig(graphene-1.0) BuildRequires, new optional dependency, not yet available in openSUSE.- Add pkgconfig(webrtc-audio-processing) BuildRequires: Build webrtcdsp plugin.- Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only.- Add pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-1.0), pkgconfig(libdrm) and pkgconfig(libkms) BuildRequires: Build new kmssink plugin, mainly targeted for embedded systems.
* Sat Oct 08 2016 Fix conditional for pkgconfig(tiger) to only apply for Tumbleweed.
* Sun Sep 18 2016 Enable pkgconfig(tiger) BuildRequires for Tumbleweed.
* Fri Sep 02 2016 Disable libbs2b support when building on SLE.
* Mon Aug 22 2016 Update to version 1.8.3 (boo#996937): + Bugs fixed: bgo#767492, bgo#769376, bgo#736227, bgo#768160, bgo#767553, bgo#761260, bgo#763044, bgo#763081, bgo#756866, bgo#768771, bgo#766662, bgo#766163, bgo#768146, bgo#766663, bgo#767792, bgo#767492, bgo#767635. + Updated translations.
* Fri Aug 12 2016 Move libbs2b-devel BuildRequires and corresponding plugin to main package. There is no need for this to be in the addon one.
* Mon Jul 11 2016 Really disable wayland support on SLE12.
* Mon Jun 20 2016 Disable zbar support when building on SLE.
* Wed Jun 15 2016 Enable zbar support (needed for a new key-signing tool): + Add pkgconfig(zbar) BuildRequires.
* Wed Jun 15 2016 Drop pkgconfig(libcdaudio) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used anymore.- Remove obsolete clean section and a no longer meaningful conditional.
* Tue Jun 14 2016 Update to version 1.8.2: + bgo#756948: directsoundsrc: Audio Device not found on Windows (string encoding not honored). + bgo#764758: vulkan didn\'t build out of tree due to vkconfig.h. + bgo#765324: compositor: crashes on NULL pointer in _aggregate_frames(). + bgo#765456: vtdec: Strange bug re-encoding video with GST 1.8.1 on Mac OS 10.10. + bgo#765926: mpegtsmux: Set PTS on aligned buffers. + bgo#766190: vtdec: corrupted rendering on OSX. + bgo#766213: openjpeg plugin needs to be ported to libopenjp2 v2.1. + bgo#766289: amc: cannot play some files on android. + bgo#766422: videoaggregator: rtspsrc ! compositor produces no output. + bgo#766441: OpenBSD does not use librt, but provides the needed functions in libc. + bgo#766520: gl: win32: race when handling window messages while creating the internal window. + bgo#766611: gl: buffer pool configuration error with caopengllayersink. + bgo#766638: ahc: fix possible NULL deref. + bgo#766732: openjpegenc: Doesn\'t manage MCT switch for RGB and YUV frames. + bgo#767298: amc: gst_object_unref on caps. + bgo#767302: ahcsrc: div by 0 warning.
* Thu Jun 02 2016 Make baselibs.conf consistent with spec file (boo#980893).
* Tue May 24 2016 Drop pkgconfig(libmusicbrainz): gstreamer does not depend on it directly.
* Thu May 19 2016 Update to GNOME 3.20.2 (Fate#318572)
* Thu Apr 21 2016 Update to version 1.8.1: + bgo#760473: OpenCV face detection does not work with OpenCV newer than 2.4.11. + bgo#747633: decklinkvideosrc: crash in ::VideoInputFrameArrived() callback with video_frame=NULL. + bgo#762924: interlace: negotiation fails unexpectedly. + bgo#763324: nvenc fails to compile with Nvidia video SDK 6.0. + bgo#763404: bad: video sink: Post un-handled keyboard/mouse events as message to application. + bgo#763862: mxfmux: Instead of releasing request pads on stop(), clear them only. + bgo#764148: gtkglsink doesn\'t fail to create on incompatible hardware. + bgo#764339: ahcsrc: g_object_class_install_property: assertion \'pspec- > flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE\' during initialization. + bgo#764363: videoaggregator: Does not take into account the best output format that is computed. + bgo#764404: hlsdemux: Assertion with AES encrypted stream. + bgo#764448: h264parse: constrained-baseline is a subset of baseline. + bgo#764523: -lole32 is missing for libgstdirectsoundsrc. + bgo#764545: Crash when trying to use vulkan sink. + bgo#765005: mpegtsmux: memory leak caused by pad_data- > language. + bgo#765194: caopengllayersink: renders blurry content on HiDPI screens because contentsScale is ignored. + bgo#765241: glimagesink: need to clean window_id when state change form READY to NULL. + bgo#765079: srtpdec request-key is not signaled if roc is missing.- Clean up spec file, properly escape disabled plugins and macros. Make rpmlint report readable again. Also remove an obsolete source repack comment, we do it via now.- No longer pass V=1 to make, stop littering buildlogs and debugging is done local anyway.- Add some missing post/postun handling.- Add pkgconfig(bluez), pkgconfig(x265) and libbs2b-devel BuildRequires and replace librtmp-devel for pkgconfig(librtmp): Build more supported plugins.- Disable a few BuildRequires that are not ported yet, no need to pull unused BuildRequires: SDL-devel, pkgconfig(daala), pkgconfig(flite), pkgconfig(libdc1394-2), libaudio-devel and libxvidcore-devel.- Split out a new libgstvdpau in an own sub-package, vdpau support is not needed for people not running nvidia binary driver.- Add fdupes BuildRequires and add macro to install section.- Stop passing --enable-experimental to configure, currently we are not building any experimental plugins, nor should we in the future.
* Wed Apr 13 2016 Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Remove gstreamer-plugins-bad-real.patch
* Sat Mar 26 2016 Update to version 1.8.0: + Hardware-accelerated zero-copy video decoding on Android + New video capture source for Android using the android.hardware.Camera API. + Windows Media reverse playback support (ASF/WMV/WMA). + New tracing system provides support for more sophisticated debugging tools. + New high-level GstPlayer playback convenience API. + Initial support for the new Vulkan API, see Matthew Waters\' blog post for more details. + Improved Opus audio codec support: Support for more than two channels; MPEG-TS demuxer/muxer can now handle Opus; sample-accurate encoding/decoding/transmuxing with Ogg, Matroska, ISOBMFF (Quicktime/MP4), and MPEG-TS as container; new codec utility functions for Opus header and caps handling in pbutils library. The Opus encoder/decoder elements were also moved to gst-plugins-base (from -bad), and the opus RTP depayloader/payloader to -good. + GStreamer VAAPI module now released and maintained as part of the GStreamer project. + Asset proxy support in the GStreamer Editing Services. + Bugs fixed: bgo#763756, bgo#763793, bgo#763877, bgo#763974, bgo#764066, bgo#763262.- Add pkgconfig(xcb) and pkgconfig(wayland-scanner) BuildRequires: New dependencies.- Add 2 new subpackages and handle them in post/un + libsgtbadaudio and libgstplayer.
* Wed Feb 17 2016 Add gstreamer-plugins-bad.appdata.xml so that the codecs can show up in a Software Center.
* Thu Jan 28 2016 Add libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 to baselibs.conf.
* Thu Jan 21 2016 Update to version 1.6.3: + Fix regression in GL library that made glimagesink unsable on Android. + Integer arithmetic overflow in queue2 element that could break buffering or cause crashes due to NULL pointer dereference. + Fix crash in AAC/ADTS typefinder caused by reading more memory than is available. + Stop ignoring encoder errors in the VP8/VP9 encoders. + Deprecate GstVideoEncoder GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLOW_DROPPED. It\'s redudant and was never actually implemented. + Ensure to store the correct video info in GstVideoBufferPool. + Fix caps in rtspsrc when doing SRTP over interleaved TCP. + Fix crash in pcap parser on 0-sized packets. + Clear EOS flag in appsrc to allow reuse after EOS and flushing. + Ignore flushing streams in streamsynchronizer during stream switches to fix problems caused by this in gst-editing-services. + Ignore tags and other metadata in WAV files after the \"data\" chunk in PUSH mode to prevent them from being interpreted as audio. + Correctly use colorimetry in v4l2 only for YUV color formats. + Set reserved bits in MPEG TS muxer to 1s. + Fix calculation of SBC frame lengths. + Fix output of the RTP JPEG2000 depayloader to have one frame per buffer and crash in the OpenJPEG decoder on incomplete frames. + Update ffmpeg snapshot in gst-libav to 2.8.5. + Memory leak fixes in scaletempo, the raw video RTP depayloader, and in playsink related to audio/video filters. + Fixes for error handling in the OSX audio plugin. + Various gobject-introspection annotation fixes and additions. + Compiler warning fixes for latest clang compiler.
* Wed Jan 06 2016 Update to version 1.6.2: + Crashes in gst-libav with sinks that did not provide a buffer pool but supported video metadata were fixed. This affected d3dvideosink and some 3rd party sinks. Also related fixes for crashes when a downstream buffer pool failed allocation. + Big GL performance improvement on iOS by a factor of 2 by using Apple\'s sync extension. + Deadlocks in the DirectSound elements on Windows, and the behaviour of its mute property were fixed. + The Direct3D video sink does not crash anymore when minimizing the window. + The library soname generation on Android >= 6.0 was fixed, which previously caused GStreamer to fail to load there. + File related elements have large-file (>2GB) support on Android now. + gst-libav was updated to ffmpeg 2.8.3. + Deserialization of custom events in the GDP depayloader was fixed. + Missing OpenGL context initialization in the Qt/QML video sink was fixed in certain situations. + Interoperability with some broken RTSP servers using HTTP tunnel was improved. + Various compilation fixes for Windows. + Various smaller memory leak and other fixes in different places. + Bugs fixed: bgo#734098, bgo#738292, bgo#741608, bgo#753823, bgo#755106, bgo#755222, bgo#755614, bgo#756028, bgo#756951, bgo#757155, bgo#757264, bgo#757453, bgo#757454, bgo#757732, bgo#757854, bgo#757873, bgo#757895, bgo#757924, bgo#757929, bgo#757935, bgo#758029, bgo#758151, bgo#758204, bgo#758205, bgo#758276, bgo#758285, bgo#758286, bgo#758337, bgo#758344, bgo#758512, bgo#758620, bgo#758861, bgo#758912, bgo#758913, bgo#758921, bgo#759019, bgo#759380.
* Mon Dec 28 2015 Fix build for Leap 42.1.
* Thu Dec 17 2015 Do not BuildRequires pkgconfig(wayland-egl) on SLE.
* Fri Nov 27 2015 Add pkgconfig(libssh2) BuildRequires: Build ssh support.- Add to BUILD_ORIG file list for openSUSE 13.1 only, as packman builds against Update where a new enough version is provided.
* Sat Oct 31 2015 Update to version 1.6.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#756567, bgo#752132, bgo#752230, bgo#754523, bgo#755108, bgo#755132, bgo#755134, bgo#755239, bgo#755623, bgo#755680, bgo#755738, bgo#755754, bgo#755759, bgo#755824, bgo#755840, bgo#755850, bgo#755852, bgo#755892, bgo#755969, bgo#755981, bgo#756001, bgo#756065, bgo#756070, bgo#756181, bgo#756186, bgo#756383, bgo#756563, bgo#756578, bgo#756592, bgo#756617, bgo#756653, bgo#756861, bgo#756876, bgo#757251.- Add gstreamer-revert-bogus-automake-version.patch, upstream bumped automake req to high.
* Fri Oct 02 2015 Update to version 1.6.0: + For changelog, see mainpackage changes, everything is condensed there.- Rebase, add new plugins.- Drop gstreamer-plugins-bad-real.patch: real plugin was dropped from gstreamer-bad package.- Add new sub-package libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 and handle it in %post/postun.
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Change from simple %defines to %bcond_with/without, as this allows to be set in prjconf without the need to patch the .spec files.- Create new subpackage libgstwayland-1_0-0.
* Tue Jan 13 2015 added BuildRequires: pkgconfig(nettle) to enable building hls plugin
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Update to version 1.4.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#722764, bgo#729768, bgo#739152, bgo#740191, bgo#740201, bgo#740451, bgo#740953, bgo#741321.- Remove obsolete FIXME entries about pkgconfig(wayland-client) BuildRequires, we have had this enabled for a while.
* Mon Dec 15 2014 Disable BuildRequires on libchromaprint, fluidsynth and openAL on SLE12.
* Sat Nov 15 2014 Enable pkgconfig(libchromaprint) BuildRequires, build chromaprint plugin.
* Fri Nov 14 2014 Update to version 1.4.4: + bgo#732239, bgo#733510, bgo#734156, bgo#736319, bgo#737186, bgo#737569, bgo#737658, bgo#737724, bgo#738067, bgo#738223, bgo#738230, bgo#738243, bgo#738291, bgo#738449, bgo#738519, bgo#738532, bgo#738674, bgo#738695, bgo#738696, bgo#739277, bgo#739348, bgo#739368, bgo#739374. + Updated translations.
* Mon Oct 27 2014 Add pkgconfig(fluidsynth), pkgconfig(gudev-1.0), pkgconfig(libusb-1.0), pkgconfig(libwebp), pkgconfig(libxml-2.0), pkgconfig(OpenEXR) and pkgconfig(sbc) BuildRequires, build more plugins.