Changelog for gigedit-debugsource-1.1.1-pm153.4.4.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Apr 22 2020 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 1.1.1
* Script Editor: Fixed some minor issues with vertical line number bar (which was editable, selectable and incorrectly displayed on new scripts).
* Translation Fix: MacroEditor.cpp and MacrosSetup.cpp were not under translation control.
* Spelling fixes (patch provided by Debian maintainer Jaromír Mikeš).
* Added new main menu item \"View\" -> \"Tooltips for Beginners\" which allows to disable tooltips intended for newbies only (default: on).
* Extended support for keyboard function keys up to F19.
* List assigned scripts as colored tooltip when hovering mouse over the \"Scripts\" column in the instruments list.
* Added global keyboard accelerator Shift + Backspace for dropping all script slots from an instrument.
* Added option to save as gig v4 file (File -> Properties).
* Fixed duplicate items in File -> Properties -> \"File Format\" combo box.
* GIG SOUND FORMAT EXTENSION: Added combo box \"Sustain Release Trigger\" which can be used to optionally play release trigger samples on sustain pedal up.
* GIG SOUND FORMAT EXTENSION: Added check box \"No note-off release trigger\" which allows to disable release trigger samples on regular MIDI note-off.
* Fixed compiler errors with Gtk 3.24.x (patch by Miroslav Šulc).
* Fixed some compiler warnings
* Avoid non-standard offsetof usage (to get rid of gcc warnings)
* Use GDK Seat API if available to grab pointer
* Improve version checks for pangomm
* Fix the instrument list tooltip handling so it doesn\'t generate GTK assertion error messages
* Use English quotation marks in tooltips instead of German
* Use multiple columns in controller value popups, as tall popup menus work really badly in some GTK environments
* Avoid deprecated sigc++ usage
* Fix build on old linux environments
* Enable \"silent rules\" in build
* Fix memory read access bug
* Refactor code: add common base class for Loader and Saver
* Fix resource leak: join loader and saver threads after use
* Use std::thread when building with newer glibmm, as Glib::Thread is deprecated
* Fix bug that left the main window in a greyed out state after opening a small gig file
* Set gtk settings a bit later to prevent warnings- Spec cleanup
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to version 1.1.0
* Tue Mar 28 2017 ExclusiveArch Intel
* Sun Feb 12 2017 Update to version 1.0.0
* Tue Feb 10 2015 Initial release