Changelog for
glm-devel- :
* Thu Mar 10 2022 Lubos Kocman
- Add back dropped reference for bsc#1135667
* Sat Jun 19 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version Features:
* Added GLM_EXT_vector_intX
* and GLM_EXT_vector_uintX
* extensions
* Added GLM_EXT_matrix_intX
* and GLM_EXT_matrix_uintX
* extensions Improvements:
* Added clamp, repeat, mirrorClamp and mirrorRepeat function to GLM_EXT_scalar_commond and GLM_EXT_vector_commond extensions with tests Fixes:
* Fixed unnecessary warnings from matrix_projection.inl
* Fixed quaternion slerp overload which interpolates with extra spins
* Fixed for glm::length using arch64
* Fixed singularity check for quatLookAt version Improvements:
* Improved Neon support with more functions optimized
* Added CMake GLM interface
* Added fma implementation based on std::fma
* Added missing quat constexpr
* Added GLM_FORCE_QUAT_DATA_WXYZ to store quat data as w,x,y,z instead of x,y,z,w Fixes:
* Fixed equal ULP variation when using negative sign
* Fixed for intersection ray/plane and added related tests
* Fixed ARM 64bit detection
* Fixed GLM_EXT_matrix_clip_space warnings
* Fixed Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warnings with clang 10+
* Fixed EXT_matrix_clip_space perspectiveFov version Features:
* Added Neon support to glm
* Added SYCL support
* Added EXT_scalar_integer extension with power of two and multiple scalar functions
* Added EXT_vector_integer extension with power of two and multiple vector functions Improvements:
* Added missing genType check for bitCount and bitfieldReverse Fixes:
* Fixed for g++6 where -std=c++1z sets __cplusplus to 201500 instead of 201402
* Fixed hash hashes qua instead of tquat
* Fixed .natvis as structs renamed
* Fixed ldexp and frexp declaration
* Fixed missing const to quaternion conversion operators
* Fixed EXT_scalar_ulp and EXT_vector_ulp API coding style
* Fixed quaternion componant order: w, {x, y, z}
* Fixed GLM_HAS_CXX11_STL broken on Clang with Linux
* Fixed Clang or GCC build due to wrong GLM_HAS_IF_CONSTEXPR definition
* Fixed CUDA 9 build- Drop glm-cmake-config.patch (no longer applies)- Add glm- (courtesy of Fedora), glm- and glm-
* Mon May 20 2019 Luigi Baldoni - Added glm-pkgconfig.patch to create glm.pc file (fixes bsc#1135667)
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Manfred Hollstein - Ensure glmConfig.cmake gets installed:
* glm-cmake-config.patch
* Sun Apr 14 2019 Sagi - Update to version See for the full changelog
* Fixed build errors when defining GLM_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL #884 [#883]
* Fixed \'if constexpr\' warning #887
* Fixed missing declarations for frexp and ldexp #886 changelog can also be found at /usr/share/doc/packages/%{name}-doc/
* Wed Mar 27 2019 Martin Hauke - Fix typo in patch glm-cmake-config.patch- Correct License
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Martin Hauke - Reenable disabled tests (fixed by upstream)
* core_func_exponential
* gtc_packing
* gtc_integer
* gtx_common
* Mon Mar 25 2019 Martin Hauke - Upstream does not package a dedicated LICENSE file. Make a note the license terms are included in Use %fdupes macro also for docs/api/
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version See for the changelog- Update patch:
* glm-cmake-config.patch- Run spec-cleaner
* Wed Jun 29 2016 Update to
* Added Visual C++ Clang toolset detection
* Fixed uaddCarry warning #497
* Fixed roundPowerOfTwo and floorPowerOfTwo #503
* Fixed Visual C++ SIMD instruction set automatic detection in 64 bits
* Fixed to_string when used with GLM_FORCE_INLINE #506
* Fixed GLM_FORCE_INLINE with binary vec4 operators
* Mon Mar 21 2016 Update to version Fix cmake config location
* glm-cmake-config.patch- Drop obsolete
* glm- Drop aliasing.patch, use -fno-strict-aliasing