Changelog for
webcamoid-devel-8.1.0-8.6.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Jul 08 2018 Added webcamoid-8.1.0-ffmpeg4.patch to support ffmpeg4 and changed requirements accordingly
* Fri May 04 2018 Use ffmpeg3 versions of pkgconfig(libav
* Wed Dec 13 2017 Added frei0r-plugins-opencv as runtime requirement to account for (boo#1068792)
* Tue Oct 10 2017 Update to version 8.1.0
* Improved startup time.
* Deadlock when audio recording is enabled my be solved now. Audio recording enabled by default again.
* Hopefully, fixed many segfaults in many platforms.- Dropped webcamoid-fix_man.patch (merged upstream)
* Sat Jun 17 2017 Update to version 8.0.0
* Added support for Mac and FreeBSD (virtual camera is not supported
* yet).
* Added new masks to the FaceDetect plugin.
* Now is possible to Switch between FFmpeg and GStreamer on runtime.
* Added support for ALSA, OSS, JACK and QAudio.
* Added support for libuvc.
* Now is possible to select the desired input and output device, and
* configure playback and capture formats.
* More translations updates.
* Added options for configuring plugins search paths and blacklist
* in GUI.
* Added options for configuring the desired frameworks and libraries.
* Added formats and codecs config in recording options.
* FFmpeg >= 3.1 required.
* Added support for MSVC2013 and MSVC2015 build.
* Added option for configure FPS in DesktopCapture plugin.
* Added updates options.
* AppImage support.- Added webcamoid-fix_man.patch to address build problem on Tumbleweed
* Fri May 12 2017 Update to version 7.2.1
* Added alternative root method (VirtualCamera). See ROOT_METHOD on project wiki.
* C++11 support enabled by default.
* Using new algorithm for Cartoon plugin. version 7.2.0:
* Fixed problems when recording.
* Added timer and flash when taking photos.
* Better virtual camera management.
* Added Virtual camera support for Windows.
* Added GIF recording support (FFmpeg only).
* Improved webcam format selection.
* UI improvements.
* Added play on start option.
* Added C++11 support for Clang build.- Renamed package to webcamoid
* Fri Apr 29 2016 Update to version 7.1.0
* Reworked audio system.
* Added support for compressed formats in webcams.
* No more lags in the UI when capturing from webcam.
* Added Windows installer. 7.0.0:
* Windows port finally working! EXPERIMENTAL!
* Reworked recording options. More user friendly.
* Removed unnecessary dependencies.
* Many effects reworked and bugfixed.
* Added GStreamer support, EXPERIMENTAL!
* Fixed SEGFAULT when switching the effects.
* Added virtual camera support (GNU/Linux only).
* Added command line options for controlling plugins search. 6.2.0:
* Reworked Cartoonify plugin.
* Some improvements in FaceDetect plugin.
* Added Canny mode for Edge detection plugin.
* Improved Blur and Denoise plugins.
* Fixed QDataStream missing header. 6.1.0:
* Removed OpenCV as dependency (yes, again).
* Fixed Denoise plugin SEGFAULT.
* Translations updated. 6.0.0:
* New Qml UI, more user friendly.
* Now, the effects can be customized.
* A lot of bug fixes. 5.1.0:
* From now on, Webcamoid will be developed using Qt5.
* Removed Frei0r from dependencies.
* Added OpenCV as dependency (Face detection).
* Removed plasmoid build since Qt5 plugins aren\'t compatible with Qt4/KDE4.
* Now, Webcamoid can be compiled using MinGW.
* Added webcam capture support through DirectShow.
* There are still some patches needed to make it fully work in Windows. 5.0.0:
* Modified the effects preview for reducing resources usage.
* Fixed stream flush on recording stop.
* Enhanced webm video recording. 5.0.0rc1:
* Release Candidate version.
* Ported to Qt5 (without the plasmoid).
* Removed KDElibs as dependency, but still required for Qt4 build.
* Removed QImageBlitz as dependency.
* Added more effects.
* Fixed video sync.
* Initial port to Windows (help needed).- Switched to Qt5- Switched to ffmpeg 3.0- Spec cleanup
* Tue Sep 22 2015 Use pkgconfig for ffmpeg BuildRequires
* Mon Feb 10 2014 Update to version 5.0.0b2
* Fri May 03 2013 spec for openSUSE build changes: + Installpath all lowercase (patch) + Install under kde4_appsdir + generate help file + refresh translations + actually register plasmoid inside kde4_servicesdir + fix categories for desktop file
* Sun Oct 14 2012 initial packaging