Changelog for
ocaml-3.07-1.rh73.ccrma.i386.rpm :
* Wed Mar 31 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
3.07-1- disabled building debug packages
* Tue Mar 30 2004 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - imported from atrpms, previous Planet CCRMA packages were based on Mandrake source rpm. - dropped the epoch (don\'t know why it was there, not in the changelog)- added obsoletes for the old Planet CCRMA packages
* Tue Oct 14 2003 Axel Thimm - Updated to 3.07.
* Thu Apr 10 2003 Axel Thimm - Rebuilt for Red Hat 9.
* Tue Nov 26 2002 Axel Thimm - Added /usr/share/man/mano/
* entry