Changelog for owl-startup-0.39-owl1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Dec 09 2010 Solar Designer 0.39-owl1- Dropped the \"-e /proc/lvm\" check from rc.sysinit. Rationale:http://www.openwall.com/lists/owl-users/2010/12/06/1- Pass --noclear to mingetty on tty1 (originally from cg-startup 0.29-cg2,change by Ralf Horstmann).- Save the system time to the hardware clock on shutdown (inspired by Ed Hein\'schange in cg-startup 0.29-cg7, but implemented differently).- Turn off swap after unmounting filesystems such that any data on tmpfsfilesystems does not have to be read from swap back into RAM just to bediscarded on unmount some moments later. * Thu Sep 02 2010 Solar Designer 0.38-owl1- Package /etc/rc.d/rc.modules (empty), which was already supported by ourrc.sysinit. * Thu Sep 02 2010 Solar Designer 0.37-owl1- Create /tmp/.private at bootup. * Tue Jul 27 2010 Solar Designer 0.36-owl1- Interpret more kinds of fsck exit codes to decide on whether to reboot or notand to print more specific messages.- Connect sulogin\'s stdout & stderr back to its controlling terminal totemporarily bypass logsave (fix suggested by Pavel Kankovsky).- Disable the console screensaver such that datacenter staff may see the lastconsole messages without connecting a keyboard or even if the system freezes(and would not respond to keystrokes).- Use \"depmod -A\" instead of \"depmod -a\", and don\'t invoke it at all on LiveCD.- Set \"vm.mmap_min_addr = 98304\" in sysctl.conf. * Fri Feb 19 2010 Solar Designer 0.35-owl1- Enhanced killproc() with support for the \"-d\" (delay) option, and killproc()and status() with support for the \"-p\" option (same as \"--pidfile\") for Red Hatcompatibility. * Thu Dec 25 2008 (GalaxyMaster) 0.34-owl1- Added /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin to PATH in functions.- Enhanced our \"which\" emulation to return more relevant results.- Enhanced daemon() in functions to dereference symlinks before tryingto execute the supplied binary or script. * Sat Jun 07 2008 (GalaxyMaster) 0.33-owl1- Enhanced ifup-routes to allow any white space character after theinterface name in static-routes. * Fri Jan 05 2007 (GalaxyMaster) 0.32-owl1- Added the default shell for the --user option of daemon() in/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions. * Sun Oct 29 2006 Dmitry V. Levin 0.31-owl1- Changed /etc/init.d/halt to call accton(8) with \"off\" argument. * Fri May 19 2006 (GalaxyMaster) 0.30-owl1- Added logging to rc.sysinit (the log file is /var/log/boot).- Adjusted the grep pattern used to determine whether /etc/fstab contains/proc to match the behavior of mount(8) more closely.- Added /var/log/boot as a %ghost to the file list. * Mon Jan 23 2006 Dmitry V. Levin 0.29-owl1- Changed rc.sysinit to treat /.Owl-CD-ROM the same way as /fastbootbut do not try to remove it. * Mon Jan 16 2006 Dmitry V. Levin 0.28-owl1- Added LVM support to rc.sysinit, patch from Jarno Huuskonen. * Sat Dec 31 2005 Dmitry V. Levin 0.27-owl1- Fixed a typo in rc.sysinit which prevented fsck from running in parallelmode when root filesystem is mounted read-write.- Quoted $NETWORKING to avoid syntax errors if this variable is notdefined. Thanks to Jarno Huuskonen for pointing it out. * Fri Oct 21 2005 Solar Designer 0.26-owl1- Optimized the \"service\" script to use \"exec\" on final executions ofinit scripts such that there\'s no second copy of a shell unnecessarilyoccupying memory during service startup/shutdown. * Thu Sep 22 2005 (GalaxyMaster) 0.25-owl2- Added a dependency on the mount package. * Wed Jul 27 2005 (GalaxyMaster) 0.25-owl1- Fixed killproc() argument parsing bug in /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions. * Tue May 24 2005 (GalaxyMaster) 0.24-owl1- Fixed a typo in /etc/rc.d/init.d/network which used to break the staticroutes logic. Thanks to DaNuk for pointing it out. * Mon Jan 10 2005 (GalaxyMaster) 0.23-owl2- Made use of %__cc and %__make macros.- Cleaned up the spec. * Sat Feb 07 2004 Solar Designer 0.23-owl1- Added a patch by Berend-Jan Wever to make ifup and ifdown scripts usedhclient instead of pump when BOOTPROTO=dhcp is requested; please note thatdhclient is not officially a part of Owl yet, this setting remainsunsupported, may be changed or removed without notice, and the networkingstartup scripts need to be re-worked entirely (at which point proper DHCPsupport might be added). * Sun Jan 18 2004 Solar Designer 0.22-owl1- Added /sbin/service script for Red Hat Linux compatibility.- Set net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0.- Use _mandir RPM macro. * Sun Apr 27 2003 Solar Designer 0.21-owl1- In rc.sysinit, use msulogin\'s exit codes to determine if it failed tostart a shell and not do the automatic reboot if so. * Thu Dec 12 2002 Solar Designer - Added more dummy functions for Red Hat Linux compatibility: echo_success,echo_failure, echo_passed, echo_warning, warning (thanks to Jarno Huuskonen). * Sun Dec 08 2002 Solar Designer - Also create /var/log/lastlog in rc.sysinit, not just on package install(thanks to Oleg Lukashin). * Sun Dec 01 2002 Solar Designer - Set net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1.- Documented the security risk of having SYN cookies enabled with certainpacket filter setups. * Thu Oct 24 2002 Solar Designer - Set net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1 to prevent the use of Owlboxes for \"smurf\" attacks even when proper packet filters aren\'t in place(suggested by Steve Olszewski). * Mon Sep 09 2002 Solar Designer - Don\'t export $HOME, $TMP, and $TMPDIR into daemons because they may beinvalid under another UID and the directories may be gone while a daemonis still running. * Thu Aug 22 2002 Solar Designer - Pass -p to the invocation of sulogin used in single user mode (ratherthan on emergency when root fs may not be mounted read/write) such thatit will produce a login shell (letting it process /etc/profile). * Mon May 20 2002 Solar Designer - Pass --localtime to hwclock(8) when UTC is explicitly set to \"false\"or \"no\", otherwise hwclock would default to whatever setting was lastused ignoring the current UTC setting (thanks to Sergey V. Kurokhtin fornoticing this).- Added /etc/sysctl.conf, with default settings to disable IPv4 packetforwarding and enable source validation by reversed path. * Mon Apr 01 2002 Solar Designer - Mount /proc early. We currently need this on Alpha, for glibc\'s I/Oport access routines to be able to determine system type (and thus theI/O base address) when used by hwclock(8) (yes, this is very hackish). * Wed Feb 13 2002 Solar Designer - Remove the old init that might be left from possible package upgrades.Please refer to the comments in rc.sysinit and in the pre-install scriptof SysVinit for details on why this approach is required. * Thu Feb 07 2002 Michail Litvak - Enforce our new spec file conventions. * Sun Dec 09 2001 Solar Designer - Support rc.modules, run depmod -a. * Thu Nov 22 2001 Solar Designer - /etc/init.d/halt will now call halt(8) as poweroff (which will fall backto plain halt if the kernel doesn\'t have power management support compiledin); thanks to Piotr Synowiec for reporting the problem and to Miquel vanSmoorenburg for explaining how this approach is in fact in accordance withthe documentation.- Support /fastboot and /forcefsck which shutdown(8) may create. * Mon Nov 05 2001 Solar Designer - /etc/init.d -> /etc/rc.d/init.d for consistency. * Fri Jul 27 2001 Solar Designer - Setup a RAM disk if we\'re booting from an Owl CD-ROM; this is done byrunning rc.ramdisk which is to be provided by the owl-cdrom package. * Wed May 30 2001 Solar Designer - Set umask to 077 in daemon() for the case when a service is startedmanually rather than from rc.sysinit. * Tue May 08 2001 Michail Litvak - added ignoring *.swp, *~, *, * Wed Apr 11 2001 Michail Litvak - removed echo about accounting stopping. * Wed Mar 28 2001 Solar Designer - Disable coredumps with the soft rlimit only. * Wed Dec 20 2000 Solar Designer - Provide wtmp and utmp as ghosts just so that they don\'t get removedwhen upgrading from Red Hat\'s \"initscripts\" package. * Thu Dec 07 2000 Solar Designer - Added --pidfile and --expect-user to daemon(), killproc(), and status().- Added single and symlinked it as rc1.d/S99single. * Mon Dec 04 2000 Solar Designer - Obsoletes: initscripts- Don\'t require console-tools for now.- Create wtmp, utmp and lastlog in %post.- Enable swapping into files.- Save dmesg on boot. * Sun Dec 03 2000 Solar Designer - No longer require glib for builds. * Fri Dec 01 2000 Solar Designer - Correctly report non-default signals in killproc().- %preun: only when last instance is uninstalled. * Wed Nov 29 2000 Solar Designer - Initial version, still uses a lot from RH initscripts.