Changelog for
openssl-perl-0.9.7m-owl5.i686.rpm :
* Sat Feb 26 2011 Vasiliy Kulikov
0.9.7m-owl5- Backported fixes for CVE-2009-0590 and CVE-2010-4180.
* Sat Feb 20 2010 Solar Designer 0.9.7m-owl4- Corrected the addition of -Wa,--noexecstack to gcc options actually usedduring OpenSSL build.
* Thu Jan 08 2009 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7m-owl3- Backported upstream fixes of incorrect checks for malformed signatures(CVE-2008-5077).
* Sat Oct 13 2007 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7m-owl2- Backported upstream fix for off-by-one bug in theSSL_get_shared_ciphers function (CVE-2007-5135).
* Sun Feb 25 2007 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7m-owl1- Updated to 0.9.7m.
* Fri Sep 29 2006 Solar Designer 0.9.7l-owl1- Updated to 0.9.7l.
* Thu Sep 07 2006 (GalaxyMaster) 0.9.7g-owl7- Added glibc-utils to BuildRequires.
* Wed Sep 06 2006 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7g-owl6- Applied upstream patch to avoid RSA signature forgery (CVE-2006-4339).
* Sun Apr 30 2006 (GalaxyMaster) 0.9.7g-owl5- Introduced the openssl-perl sub-package and moved Perl scripts there.
* Thu Mar 30 2006 (GalaxyMaster) 0.9.7g-owl4- Replaced make with %__make.- Added the %openssldir to the main filelist.- Added /bin/awk to BuildRequires (perhaps, we need to adjust our gawk toprovide \'awk\'?)
* Fri Feb 03 2006 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7g-owl3- Compressed ssleay.txt and CHANGES
* files.
* Tue Oct 11 2005 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7g-owl2- Applied upstream fix for potential SSL 2.0 rollback during SSLhandshake (CAN-2005-2969).
* Fri Jun 24 2005 Dmitry V. Levin 0.9.7g-owl1- Updated to 0.9.7g.- Imported a bunch of patches from RH\'s openssl-0.9.7f-7 and ALT\'sopenssl-0.9.7g-alt1 packages, including new constant time/memory accessmod_exp implementation for private key operations, to mitigate timingattack (CAN-2005-0109).- Changed soname to match RH\'s soname convention.- Packaged soname symlinks along with shared libraries.- Removed documentation in .pod format.
* Tue Nov 02 2004 Solar Designer 0.9.7d-owl2- Do package; we were packaging and anyway, and wehad a dependency on Perl anyway (possibly something to be resolved later).- Remove \"Modes of DES.7\" man page name which confuses brp-compress.
* Thu Mar 18 2004 Michail Litvak 0.9.7d-owl1- 0.9.7d
* Thu Mar 18 2004 Solar Designer 0.9.7c-owl3- Spec file cleanups for issues introduced with the update to 0.9.7+.
* Thu Mar 04 2004 Michail Litvak 0.9.7c-owl2- Apply RH\'s soname convention.- Move libs to /lib and place symlinks to /usr/lib.
* Tue Mar 02 2004 Michail Litvak 0.9.7c-owl1- 0.9.7c- Removed patches included by upstream.- Patch to fix man-pages generation.- Add /usr/lib/pkgconfig/openssl.pc to the development section.- Set openssl dir to datadir not to /var.- Don\'t install perl scripts (RH install it into openssl-perl package).
* Fri Jan 16 2004 Michail Litvak 0.9.6l-owl2- Make /usr/include/openssl directory owned by this package.
* Thu Nov 06 2003 Solar Designer 0.9.6l-owl1- Updated to 0.9.6l.
* Wed Oct 01 2003 Solar Designer 0.9.6k-owl1- Updated to 0.9.6k.
* Sat Apr 12 2003 Solar Designer 0.9.6j-owl1- Updated to 0.9.6j.
* Thu Feb 20 2003 Solar Designer 0.9.6i-owl1- Updated to 0.9.6i.
* Thu Dec 12 2002 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6h.- Dropped clean-shared for the \"all\" target (invoked by \"tests\" and\"install\"), it resulted in re-linking of shared libraries at best.
* Fri Nov 15 2002 Solar Designer - Dropped the patch removing -Wl,-Bsymbolic which is no longer needed with0.9.6g and/or after dropping the explicit \"make build-shared\".- Dropped RSAref stuff.
* Wed Sep 25 2002 Solar Designer - Don\'t do an explicit \"make build-shared\", it\'s not needed and could onlycause harm (link libssl against libcrypto statically), but luckily didn\'t;pointed out by Dmitry V. Levin of ALT Linux.
* Mon Aug 12 2002 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6g dropping two patches.
* Sat Aug 03 2002 Solar Designer - Added two post-0.9.6e changes from the CVS which correct the recent ASN.1parsing vulnerability fixes.
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6e, dropping the shared-on-SPARC and the official securitypatches (both are now included).
* Tue Jul 30 2002 Solar Designer - Applied the official patch with 4 security fixes to problems discoveredby Ben Laurie and others of A.L. Digital Ltd and The Bunker under DARPA\'sCHATS program, by consultants at Neohapsis, and by Adi Stav and James Yonan.The patch has been prepared by Ben Laurie and Dr. Stephen Henson, with oneof the fixes partly based on a version by Adi Stav.- Renamed the err.3 man page to avoid conflict with the new man-pagespackage which documents the BSD-derived libc function under that name.
* Wed May 29 2002 Solar Designer - Made shared library builds work on SPARC (again).- Moved the .so symlinks to devel subpackage.
* Sun May 12 2002 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6d.- Added a patch by Ben Laurie for \"openssl dgst\" to behave on read errors.- Dropped the incorrect (or no longer correct?) RH-derived configurationfile path patch to ca(1).- Properly restrict the instruction set in assembly code when building fori386 (don\'t use bswapl).
* Wed Feb 06 2002 Michail Litvak - Enforce our new spec file conventions.
* Wed Dec 26 2001 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6c.
* Wed Jul 11 2001 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6b.
* Fri Jul 06 2001 Solar Designer - Applied patches provided by the OpenSSL team to correct a PRNGweakness which under unusual circumstances could allow an attacker todetermine internal state of the PRNG and thus to predict future PRNGoutput. This problem has been discovered and reported to the OpenSSLteam by Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen. No applications are known to beaffected at this time.
* Sun Apr 22 2001 Solar Designer - Updated to 0.9.6a which contains a number of security fixes (but breaksbinary compatibility).- Updated shared libraries building to match the new Makefile conventions.- Use glibc\'s __libc_enable_secure for the new OPENSSL_issetugid().- Various other changes to the spec file.
* Sat Apr 14 2001 Solar Designer - Support Alpha targets.- Use the ix86 macro.
* Mon Nov 13 2000 Solar Designer - Support SPARC targets (32-bit only at this time).
* Sun Oct 29 2000 Solar Designer - Don\'t require bc (disable one of the tests if bc isn\'t available).
* Mon Oct 02 2000 Solar Designer - Rename the passwd and rand man pages differently (this is still a hack).
* Sun Jul 09 2000 Solar Designer - Imported Damien Miller\'s spec file.- Added two patches from Trustix and, more importantly, a patch to avoidexporting crypt() as a symbol (which used to override the weak alias forcrypt(3), while applications generally want the libcrypt version). cryptdefined here is now a #define, so is only available when the appropriateOpenSSL header is included.