Changelog for scanlogd-2.2.7-owl2.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jun 30 2014 (galaxyMaster) 2.2.7-owl2- Replaced the deprecated PreReq tag with Requires(post,preun).
* Wed Aug 15 2012 Solar Designer 2.2.7-owl1- Fixed an off-by-one bug in the safety check against SCAN_MAX_COUNT. Inproperly configured builds of scanlogd, SCAN_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD is such that it\'salways hit before SCAN_MAX_COUNT would be hit, so this bug did not matter forthose. However, other projects reusing this code could make these settingsruntime (mis)configurable, thereby exposing the bug. Luckily, in scanlogditself, if it is misconfigured like this, a port number written right beyondthe array limit would overwrite relatively unimportant data only (part of thesame struct), which could be directly provided/spoofed by the remote systemanyway. However, in other projects reusing code from scanlogd this could bedifferent. Thanks to Florian Westphal for reporting this bug.- Switched to heavily cut-down BSD license.
* Sun Mar 05 2006 Solar Designer 2.2.6-owl1- Use sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) instead of CLK_TCK when _SC_CLK_TCK is known to beavailable or CLK_TCK is not.
* Thu Jun 10 2004 Solar Designer 2.2.5-owl1- Dropped the cleanup() stuff because it was not async-signal-safe andto implement it properly would depend on pcap_breakloop() and on anon-existent(?) equivalent for it with libnids; this code was only usedwhen running as root which is something to not do anyway.
* Thu Jun 03 2004 Solar Designer 2.2.4-owl1- Detach from the tty by opening /dev/null on fd 0, 1, 2.
* Wed Jun 02 2004 Solar Designer 2.2.3-owl1- When built with libnids or direct libpcap support, use Pavel Kankovsky\'ssmart pcap expression, with a minor enhancement.- Explained \"any\" and \"all\" magic device names in a comment in params.h.- Dropped the rlog stuff; librlog was never released.- chroot to /var/empty.- Do register scanlogd with chkconfig, but don\'t enable it for any runlevelsby default.- Moved this spec file and the init script to under scanlogd/ to includethem in the non-Owl-specific distribution of scanlogd.
* Sun May 23 2004 Solar Designer 2.2.2-owl1- #include for exit(3) (apparently this is actually needed onFreeBSD).- Obfuscated e-mail addresses in the man page and sources.
* Wed May 08 2002 Solar Designer 2.2.1-owl1- Start after syslogd.- Don\'t abuse glibc-internal __feature macros.
* Wed Feb 06 2002 Solar Designer - Enforce our new spec file conventions.
* Thu Jul 12 2001 Solar Designer - Packaged scanlogd for Owl.