Changelog for
lam-extras-7.1-5.caos.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Sep 15 2004 Greg Kurtzer
- Built spec to allow for conditional subpackage building
* Sat Sep 11 2004 Jeff Squyres - Merge changes from Greg into the main LAM CAOS specfile.
* Thu Mar 25 2004 Greg Kurtzer - Created the -extras package (to remove some non-happy dep loops (ie. perl))
* Wed Mar 24 2004 Greg Kurtzer - Updated to lam-7.0.4
* Thu Jan 22 2004 Greg Kurtzer - me killed da EPOCH
* Mon Oct 27 2003 Jeff Squyres - Removed outdated sym link for mpi2c++/mpi++.h.
* Tue Oct 21 2003 Greg Kurtzer - Implemented LAM-7.0.2 source tree
* Thu Sep 25 2003 Jeff Squyres - Added explicit requires for gcc, gcc-c++, and gcc-g77 for the devel RPM.
* Thu Jul 31 2003 Jeff Squyres - Added spaces to all % foo descriptions in the % changelog so that rpm\'s silly parser won\'t interpret those as macros and try to expand them.- Re-add missing mans man page.- Manually remove the shell setup files and module file because newer versions of RPM complain about installed-but-not-packaged files.
* Thu Jul 24 2003 Jeff Squyres - First cAos specfile. Split into lam, and lam-devel RPMs with assistance from Greg Kurtzer- Added command-line overrideable % define\'s
* Mon Jul 21 2003 Jeff Squyres - Fix the default RPI to be usysv
* Fri May 30 2003 Jeff Squyres - Updated for LAM/MPI 7.0; added doc/
*.pdf; removed some other (outdated) % doc files- Ensure extracted LAM source directory is not world-writeable; otherwise it shows up in nightly security reports- Fixed references to get ROMIO docs
* Mon Nov 26 2001 Brian William Barrett - Fixed typo - C++ header file symlink was mpi++ instead of mpi++.h
* Wed Oct 31 2001 Jeff Squyres - Changed license to be BSD.
* Fri Jul 06 2001 Jeff Squyres - Modified slightly to be similar to the OSCAR spec file.- Removed use of hard-coded dirs, and replaced them with variables instead.- Removed redundant \"cp\" statements in % install section; automake takes care of installing man pages, and there is no $prefix/doc anymore.- Fixed to get the copyright properly.- Changed \"Copyright\" to \"License\" to be a bit more accurate.- Use \"makeinstall\" macro in % install section instead of \"make DESTDIR=... install\"- Acknowledge that because we build the LAM RPMs on RH 6.2 machines, the man pages and doc files will be in the \"wrong\" place on RH 7.x machines. There is not much that we can do about this -- we build the RPMs on 6.2 machines so that the binaries work on both 6.2 and 7.x machines (someday we won\'t care about about 6.2 machines anymore, but for the moment, we still do). The default location for man pages and doc files changed in RH 7.x (6.x:/usr/doc/lam-version, 7.x:/usr/share/lam-version, and 6.x:/usr/man, 7.x:/usr/share/man). By not overriding _mandir and _docdir in this .spec file, we\'re allowing for the possibility of rebuilding the source RPM on a 7.x machine and getting the doc files/man pages in the right location. Even more compelling, however, is the fact that RH 7.x machines will still find the man pages, even if they are in the \"wrong\" (i.e., old) location -- the location that this 6.2-built RPM will place them in.
* Sat Mar 17 2001 Brian William Barrett - Borrowed SPEC file from Trond at RedHat. Converted to be able to make RPMs for all RPIs