Changelog for
madwifi-0.9.2-2.el2.rf.i386.rpm :
* Tue Oct 10 2006 Matthias Saou
0.9.2-2 - 4810/thias- Add the rpm release to the dkms module version, to make updating the module to a fixed same version work (--rpm_safe_upgrade doesn\'t work as advertised).- Force modules install so that the same version can be overwritten instead of uninstalled by the old package\'s %preun when updating.- Add build time quiet flag for the scriplets. Undefine to do verbose testing.
* Mon Oct 09 2006 Matthias Saou
0.9.2-1.1- Add dkms-madwifi provides.- Use %{dkms_name} macro for the usr/src directory name.
* Fri Oct 06 2006 Matthias Saou
0.9.2-1- Initial RPM release.