Changelog for
nagios-3.2.3-4.el3.test.i386.rpm :
* Thu Feb 17 2011 Christoph Maser
- 3.2.3-4- match selinux policy shipped in rhel5- move logs to /var/log/nagios- move command file and checkresults to /var/spool/nagios- move pid file to /var/log/nagios
* Fri Nov 19 2010 Christoph Maser - 3.2.3-3- adapt the extraction for nagios-imagepak-base from BSD
* Tue Nov 09 2010 Christoph Maser - 3.2.3-2- remove -p ${pidfile} from killproc in reload el4 killproc doesnot support -p
* Fri Nov 05 2010 Christoph Maser - 3.2.3-1- Updated to version 3.2.3.- Use orignial init script on el3
* Tue Oct 05 2010 Dag Wieers - 3.2.2-1- Updated to release 3.2.2.
* Sun Aug 29 2010 Christoph Maser - 3.2.1-6- remove \"-p pidfile\" from call to killproc in initscript to make it el4 compatible- ...- Changelog trimmed, see