Changelog for
pidgin-libnotify-0.14-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Jul 14 2009 Dag Wieers
- 0.14-1 - 5816+/dries- Updated to release 0.14.
* Sun Jul 01 2007 Heiko Adams - 0.13-1- Updated to 0.13 and rebuild for CentOS
* Tue May 29 2007 Stu Tomlinson - 0.12-7.1- Add gtk2-devel BuildRequires to work around missing requires in libnotify-devel in FC6
* Fri May 18 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.12-7- Make Provides/Obsoletes tags use macros for the Version/Release of the upgrade.
* Fri May 18 2007 Peter Gordon - 0.12-6- Package renamed to pidgin-libnotify.- Reword earlier %changelog entry.
* Fri May 18 2007 Warren Togami - 0.12-5- buildreq gettext (#240604)- ...- Changelog trimmed, see