Changelog for copr-frontend-1.133-3.fc29.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.133-3- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro HronĨok - 1.133-2- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
* Tue Jun 19 2018 clime 1.133-1- separate version of the copr-frontend-flavor provide- ignore errors on \"condrestart\" foreign services- rename user_info flavor template file to user_meta- GDPR compliance- drop \'passwd\' dependency
* Fri May 18 2018 clime 1.132-1- add --with/--without rpmbuild options for build chroot- use \"$releasever\" in repo base URL for opensuse-leap and mageia chroots- openSUSE chroot support- fix #291 forks are incomplete- fix rpm download counters for group projects- #290 auto-rebuilds are being spawned on commits to some other projects- preparation for opensuse-leap-15.0-x86_64
* Mon Apr 30 2018 clime 1.131-1- fix build on pagure commit script to listen only to pagure fedmsgs- use rsplit for chroot splitting to get os, version, arch triplet
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek 1.130-1- add pending tasks to graphs- rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation- fix flash messages not disappearing after page reload- change flash messages for deleted/cancelled builds- remove dangling symlinks after 00b6073- unbundle static files- some javascript assets are not placed under component folder- remove redundatant stuff in complex tests- remove unneeded basenames- fix #269, #273, #221 and #268- fix #275 web-ui: last build name shows \"None\"- api /build_status/ to not require login- add status_icon for build_id- change login welcome message to success message- redirect to builds table after rebuild- custom method: move the script filter into form- fix graphics issues after adding xstatic-patternfly-common- give project names more space
* Wed Feb 28 2018 clime 1.129-1- several tweaks for graphs of utilization- fix copr_update after user and group routes merge- custom build: single-line textarea placeholder- vanish \'\\r\
\' in custom script- fix filter has no len() error- make the news box optional- fix group listing- remove workaround from copr_url macro- merge regular and group views
* Fri Feb 23 2018 clime 1.128-1- fix counting stat logic- use end_commit when building by copr-fedmsg-listener- update service file for copr-fedmsg-listener to use python3- add forked description- fix init_db- fix unittests (zlib.compress expects bytes, not str)- task queue info cleanup- fix initial build.source_status and chroot statuses for auto- rebuilds- remove some old python scripts- enable chroot for every project that follows branching- fix copr_url() template macro for custom method- remove Group tag
* Mon Feb 19 2018 clime 1.127-1- Shebangs cleanup- new custom source method- fix search page error due to missing graph data
* Sun Feb 18 2018 clime 1.126-1- add fetch_sources_only: True into build task defintion- add graphs of utilization- option to give COPR repository bigger priority (see #97)- grammar: s/duplicate a backend data/duplicate backend data/- Trailing \".git\" is ignored when matching clone URL, so is unnecessary.- fix frontend by disabling doc generation- Accept webhooks from Expand docs on how to find the correct Pagure hook setting.- fix typos- fixed status_to_order, order_to_status functions, added waiting icon- add indeces for faster build selection- add source_status field for Builds- implement the module buildorder logic- krb5: last iteritems()->items()- have .repo on the end of module repofile URL- set the gpg properties for module repo- Byecompile files in %{_datadir} with python3- pg#191 When auto-rebuilding from push event, use a head commit hash- move into, polish .spec a bit- fix run scripts under python3- frontend now presents the whole job queue state to backend- opt rename SRPM_STORAGE_DIR to STORAGE_DIR- new generic web-hook- when passing URL with path, expect it in result; see ad9c3b4cc- remove outdated tests, see 3f62873- add index to build module_id- copy only module builds into the repo directory- generate the module NSV rather than asking for it- fix condition that all module packages were successfully built- remove outdated modularity code- fix baseurl for module repofile- build modules in all enabled chroots- implement submitting modules via URL- set default values for optional modulemd params- change module version to bigint- always have a known state of a module- have unique module nsv per project- build a module without using MBS- require to specify project when building module- add build to module relation- limit spec to python3 deps and switch application and scripts to python3- pg#188 COPR webhook doesn\'t work with branches- python3 conversion
* Mon Dec 18 2017 Dominik Turecek 1.125-1- add support for src.fp.o in fix source type description- fix make-srpm anchor link- provide default for source_json_dict in scm migration- fix committish filter condition for auto-rebuilds- fix SCM migrations not to use models that might be newer than db- always use ref from the push/tag event for package auto-rebuild- rather suggest dnf-modularity-stable repo- update the info how to install a module- fix code block spacing- fix scm unification migrations for mock-scm- show most recent post from our blog
* Thu Nov 09 2017 clime 1.124-1- fix optimize check_for_anitya_version_updates- Bug 1508888 - Webhook triggered from GitHub does not start the build- allow to set use_bootstrap_container via API- fix job stucking provisionally- add PoC scripts for fedora-ci
* Wed Oct 18 2017 clime 1.123-1- also set srpm_url when --initial-pkgs is used when creating new project- for tag webhook events, rebuild the package on the specified tag- check for pagure hostname in pagure auto-rebuilding script- fix for fatal error when accessing old upload builds that do not contain \'url\' key in source_json- unify SCM source types- deprecate tito and mock-scm methods- add index on package(webhook_rebuild, source_type) and copr(copr_webhook_secret)- update docs for requests/flask interaction
* Wed Sep 27 2017 clime 1.122-1- remove unneeded yum dep
* Tue Sep 26 2017 clime 1.121-1- fix generate_repo_url method not to edit mock_chroot object attributes- spec cleanup in regard to python-flask-whooshee- fix rpm download stats collection- fix \'Repo Downloads\' counter
* Fri Sep 15 2017 clime 1.120-1- fix build stucking with srpm url/upload resubmitted builds- .spec cleanup- move DEFER_BUILD_SECONDS to config values and set default to 80- show backend log for srpm builds- fix url to import log- Bug 1431035 - coprs should check credentials before uploading source rpm
* Thu Sep 07 2017 clime 1.119-1- add dist_git_clone_url property of package and use it on /backend- #68 Building SRPMs on builder- append / to result_dir_url- #119 python-copr client_v2 BuildHandler limits builds to the 100 most recent builds- Fix tab vs spaces errors- [
*] Spelling fixes- Invalid escape sequence fixes- Bug 1471285 - Webhook triggers all changed specs even without new tito tag- api for obtaining queue information
* Fri Aug 11 2017 clime 1.118-1- fork all succeeded buildchroot in RawhideToRelease- follow Fedora branching project\'s option added- allow to modify copr chroots- syntax highlight in project description and instructions- fix 500 on /api/coprs/build/ for auto-rebuilds- Bug 1409894 - COPR invalidly renders markdown- basic rebuild all packages feature added
* Mon Jul 31 2017 clime 1.117-1- Bug 1473361 - New SCM 2 build does not recall the \'Subdirectory\' setting- Deprecation warnings on F25- hotfix for monitor page with jinja 2.9- bug 1460399 - Build breadcrumb incorrect for group project
* Wed Jul 19 2017 clime 1.116-1- in UI, rename Tito to SCM-1 and MockSCM to SCM-2- add support for SCM Subdirectory parameter
* Fri Jul 14 2017 clime 1.115-1- small updates
* Fri Jul 07 2017 clime 1.114-1- .spec build implemented- just return repo_url as it is in helpers.pre_process_repo_url
* Fri Jun 23 2017 clime 1.113-1- fix for a case when build task is pending for chroot no longer enabled in the project- address Bug 1455249 - github webhook fires unnecessary builds- Bug 1461371 - Counterintuitive user link
* Wed Jun 14 2017 clime 1.112-1- use_bootstrap_container frontend support
* Fri Jun 09 2017 clime 1.111-1- build_on_pagure_commit script refactoring- support for importing build task only once- modularity UI tweaks- #67 copr edit-package-tito nulls out fields not edited- fix Bug 1455249 - github webhook fires unnecessary builds- support for copr-rpmbuild- arbitrary dist-git branching
* Thu May 25 2017 clime 1.110-1- gitlab webhooks support- make pagure repo auto-rebuilding more error-prone
* Mon May 15 2017 clime 1.109-1- debugging infos in error handling in Bug 1448333 - Unable to edit someone\'s else project settings- do not require .git suffix in Git repo URL for webhook rebuilds of Tito and MockSCM packages- use MBS for building modules via UI- add class for communicating with MBS- add NSV property for modulemd generator- #55 Builds triggered by GitHub WebHook (tag event) do not enable Internet during build- use ModulemdGenerator for construnting the yaml file
* Wed Apr 19 2017 clime 1.108-1- use custom chroot for modules instead of F24- send the original filename to MBS- get rid of \'unknown key username\' warning- fix modularity unit test- validate uploaded yaml file- dont print how to use a module when it is not succeeded- move MBS_URL to config- allow to submit optional params to mbs- frontend act as a gateway between user and mbs- allow to create module and it\'s action separately- make new-lines work in blocks- Bug 1442047 - Regenerate action is not restricted to an owner of the project.- redirect output of update_indexes_quick in cron into /dev/null- validate fork name characters (RhBug: 1435123)- Bug 1433508 - Half-cancelled builds are not deleted correctly.- Add extra step for setting up GitHub Webhook- add \"buildroot\" repository into generated build-config- python3 compatibility fixes in frontend core- correctly set repo and ref to point to our dist-git- replace fedorahosted links- replace no-longer working fedorahosted links with the pagure ones
* Tue Feb 28 2017 clime 1.107-1- [frontend] fix for python-flask-whooshee-0.4.1-2
* Mon Feb 27 2017 clime 1.106-1- added alembic fedora revision to enable rawhide- rename add_debug_user command to add_user- show info about auto-createrepo only when disabled- only require python2-flask-whooshee on f25+, require python-flask- whooshee otherwise- proxyuser feature (RhBug: 1381574)- allow setting proxy/no-proxy when altering user- rewrite broken add_debug_user command- add boolean proxy column to user table- care only about packages in filter- specify module components buildorder- fill module rpm components
* Sat Jan 28 2017 clime 1.105-1- separate schema and data (fedora) migrations- update option descriptions in project settings page- always show \"Regenerate\" button for recreating backend repodata- ensure mock triplets are unique- show a quick guide how to install \'dnf module\' command- add info what to do with modulemd- allow to have multiple info lines per form field- print info when there are no packages in a module- suggest dnf to enable module- make repo filter support group coprs for copr:// scheme- move creation of copr-frontend-devel macro definition file from %check to %install- handle GitHub tag event webhooks- change dependency from python-flask-whooshee to python2-flask-whooshee- fix package icon for group projects (RhBug: 1403348)- return proper error when module not found- hide FAS groups for non-FAS deployments- provide functional API url to renew token- krb5 login- new replaceable welcome.html template- make FAS opt-out- fix traceback when forking
* Thu Dec 01 2016 clime 1.104-1- set default build timeout to 18 hours- allow hiding \"quick enable\" helper- login should not be required for viewing modules- (cli) inform user about build links- create backend_rawhide_to_release command- adding chroot repos implemented- group_add: make group in breadcrumb menu clickable - create status/order functions by \'create_db\'- modularize design files- spec: allow \'rpmbuild --without check\'- use \"Suggests\" tag only in Fedora- add api method for translating module NVR to DNF repo url- promptly generate mock profiles- added auto-prune project\'s option- Bug 1393361 - get_project_details returns incorrect yum_repos- Bug 1086139 - [RFE] provide UI to cancel a build- group support for modules- modularity 1.0.2 support- create proper module table- by pagure fedmsgs induced auto-rebuilds- Bug 1384923 - Ignore push events to other branches when one is selected- stripped down impl of building from dist-git- fix unit tests- Bug 1377854 - provide functional URL when asking to renew token- Bug 1382243 - Multiple rows were found for one()- add link to all BZs to footer- Bug 1335168 - Delete build(s) from CLI- Bug 1380810 - [RFE] Show original repo when forking- Bug 1368458 - Resubmit does not work on forked projects.- FAS groups need re-login, inform user- Bug 1381790 - rename Rawhide to F26 in Copr and create F27 when Fedora branches instead- use \'debug\' level for krb debug message- fix krb auth for services- fork only successful builds- check user permissions when building module- implement methods for querying multiple modules- Bug 1361641 - Status in build table shows wrong values- show html code for build badge- speed up querying for recent builds- modularity UI improvements- do not fork created_on from previous project- fix Bug 1376703 - Cannot cancel build and now explain
* Wed Sep 21 2016 clime 1.103-1- add migration to enable mageia chroots- fix Bug 1369763 - Cannot delete repo due to a canceled build- Fix a typo
* Mon Sep 19 2016 clime 1.102-1- support for mageia chroots- add a note about Copr not being supported by Fedora Infra- Bug 1374906 - Login redirection for raising legal flag doesn\'t work- Modularity integration- Bug 1370704 - Internal Server Error (too many values to unpack)
* Mon Sep 12 2016 clime 1.101-1- package query fix
* Wed Sep 07 2016 clime 1.100-1- alembic revision to enable F25 chroots- script to deactivate fedora-22-
* chroots- stream api call package/list- Add \'repo_gpgcheck=0\' to .repo file template- Add \'type=rpm-md\' to .repo file template- fixed the remaining unittest and reenabled tests during package build in .spec- fix for DetachedInstanceError in unittests- Bug 1369392 - package not listed in project page- Bug 1368259 - Deleting a build from a group project doesn\'t delete backend files
* Mon Aug 15 2016 clime 1.99-1- disable unittests during package builds
* Mon Aug 15 2016 clime 1.98-1- Bug 1365882 - on create group copr, gpg key is generated for user and not for group- Bug 1361344 - RFE: Allow denial of build deletion and resubmitting at project or group level- do not use _mock_chroots_error property- added unlisted_on_hp field into copr detail output- do not care about generation of gpg keys on frontend while forking, delegate work to backend- stream content of long pages- monitor memory/speed optimization- sort packages from a to z- batch search indexing- out of memory fixes- module_md.yaml uploading for a chroot- executable copr-frontend as symlink to fix incorrect build link from package tab when builder != owner (RhBug: 1354442)- Bug 1337171 - creating group projects doesn\'t work- fix multiple appearance of \'toggle all\' button in build forms- more error output from api entry-points- generate again -doc subpackage- Bug 1335237 - copr create command missing --disable_createrepo- introduced parallel distgit- simplified build and action task workflow