Changelog for ghc-fedora-dists-doc-2.1.1-6.fc37.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Jul 30 2022 Jens Petersen - 1.1.2-6- build, install: count remaining builds- commit: add all if nothing staged; remove initial \"- \"- commit: default to changelog even if multiline- compare: check branch exists and only print package if log output- create-review: Fix for different username/fasid (AATTLyesSaadi, #34)- install: abort if installation failed- listReviewsAll: use bz api key- merge: do not error if target branch does not exist- parallel: create changelog for parallel package builds- parallel: now takes same merge opts as build (#30)- parallel: push parallel branches builds to Bodhi (#30)- parallel: timeIO layers and parallel packages- parallel: use branch to determine autoupdate or prompt for update edit- pull: switch to given branch, add --no-fetch, show header when several pkgs- request-branches: check user in access_users to avoid bad requests- scratch: add --stagger to stagger archs- scratch: only check pushed if release branch- scratch-x86_64, scratch-aarch64: new shortcut commands- waitrepo: --allow-dirty and --no-fetch- waitrepo: use timeIO to time the operation- Branches getRequestedBranches: exclude existing branches- Git gitMergeable: only check newer branch if local- Git gitMergeable: warn if branch ahead of newer branch- kojiWaitRepo: add quiet arg for many parallel builds- Package withPackagesByBranches: takes header & count args- use rpmbuild-order-0.4.8 (needs simple-cmd-0.2.3)-
* Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.1-5- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 17 2022 Jens Petersen - 1.1.1-4- rebuild
* Tue May 31 2022 Jens Petersen - 1.1.1-3- commit: fix getting log from additional changelog message- merge: --from to specify which branch to merge- Package getSources: install compression tool if missing- Package buildRPMs: use shellBool to send stderr also to tee- request-branches: print out url per branch- require rpm-nvr 0.1.2 for better NVR name validation- initial support for epel-next (#29)- Package builtRpms: no longer assume in cwd for dist-git- build: now possible to skip pushing an update at prompt with \'no\'- main help: add readme url- build: add --skip-fetch option- Git isPkgGitRepo: fix handling of forks (#33)- parallel: add --merge (#30)- fix -s/-S ambigious for build and parallel- parallel: unlock update after sidetag removal- parallel: waitrepo for sidetag before starting to build- parallel: get buildtag from koji to determine basetag for sidetag- parallel: allow branch options like --all-fedora/--all-epel
* Sat Apr 30 2022 Jens Petersen - 1.1-2-
* Mon Feb 21 2022 Jens Petersen - 1.0.0-1-
* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - Rebuilt for
* Sat Jan 08 2022 Miro HronĨok - Rebuilt for
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Sahana Prasad - Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
* Fri Aug 06 2021 Jens Petersen - rebuild
* Sun Aug 01 2021 Jens Petersen - getSources: fix mixup between sources and patches- \'reviews\': add --pattern to filter by package prefix
* Thu Jul 29 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.9.1-1- numerous bug fixes and small improvements: note \'local\' now creates .build-ver-rel.log
* Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9-2- Rebuilt for
* Mon May 31 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.9-1- numerous bug fixes and enhancements: new commands: \'waitrepo\' and \'graph\' using rpmbuild-order-0.4.5- merge checks now show unmergeable branches- \'parallel\' now uses native koji wait-task
* Thu Apr 08 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.8.0-1- major refactor of branch-package args handling together with branch options- \'request-repos\' can now take branch args and --mock option (#18)- \'parallel\': only override and waitrepo if more layers- extend dryrun to bodhiCreateOverride, putBugBuild, bodhiUpdate, kojiWaitRepo- drop the restriction of no packages inside a pkg dir (#19)- \'switch\': drop git clean requirement to prevent error when on branch- \'parallel\': use parallelBranches for single package arg- \'request-branch\': allow request for a closed pkg review- \'copr\': new --list-chroots option for project- \'command\': skip dead.package\'s- \'build\': clearer bodhi note prompt- \'install\': fix conflicting short options for --recurse and --reinstall
* Sat Mar 27 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.3-3- fix package branch header for withPackageByBranches
* Fri Mar 26 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.3-2- print package branch header with a branch option
* Fri Mar 26 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.3-1- changes/improvements to package header output- \'merge\',\'build\': query about diverging newer commits- \'merge\': add --no-prompt option- Build: refine the \"still in testing\" logic to check testing repo with prompt- Koji: offer to resubmit build on API error- \'scratch\': don\'t get sources for pushed git build- \'request-repos\' now prompts for branching and \'import\' skips offering branching if they exist- \'import\': add --mock option for checking branches (#18)- add \'not-installed\' command: lists packages not installed locally at all- Bugzilla: don\'t bother reprinting comment after posting it- \'rename-master\': renamed from \'master-rename\'- \'srpm\': add --force option- `local --force` (or --short): ignore existing built rpms- \'command\': option to hide package header if no output- \'create-review\': fix error for non-existent dir- \'parallel\': don\'t sleep for dryrun
* Sat Feb 27 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.2-1- \'install\': --recurse to install missing neighboring deps- \'request-repo\': offer to request branches too- \'override\': --dryrun- \'build\': no longer override the last of built packages- Bodhi overrides: error if failed; use 4 days- \'local\',\'install\': print package name when build fails- \'copr\': abort on failure- \'sort\': only switch branch for dist-git- \'review-package\': new experimental command- bunch of other tweaks and smaller fixes
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.1-2- add license files for internal libs
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Jens Petersen - 0.7.1-1- spec file generated by cabal-rpm-2.0.8