Changelog for blivet-gui-runtime-2.1.10-2.fc30.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Dec 13 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.10-2- Fix return type of BlivetUtils.get_disks (#1658893) (vtrefny)
* Wed Dec 12 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.10-1- Use \'pycodestyle\' instead of \'pep8\' (vtrefny)- Enable name validity checks in AddDialog (#1649364) (vtrefny)- Fix suggesting names for btrfs subvolumes (#1648631) (vtrefny)- Do not show MD arrays in disks section (vtrefny)- Ignore PEP8 W504 warning (\"line break after binary operator\") (vtrefny)- Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.9-1- Add some extra parameters to the lsblk in log (vtrefny)- Fix crash when adding device with same min and max size (#1623189) (vtrefny)- Limit partition max size based on disklabel limits (#1623659) (vtrefny)- Ignore pylint \'no-value-for-parameter\' warning (vtrefny)- Fix \'assignment-from-no-return\' error discovered by pylint (vtrefny)- Removed copyright year (code)- Ignore pylint error for \"preexec_fn\" (vtrefny)- Ignore pylint false positives for Gtk.ListStore (vtrefny)- Set _supported_filesystems in BlivetGUIAnaconda init (awilliam)- Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.8-6- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro HronĨok - 2.1.8-5- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.8-4- Escape macros in %changelog
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.8-3- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jan 18 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.8-2- Set _supported_filesystems in BlivetGUIAnaconda init (awilliam)
* Mon Jan 15 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.8-1- Do not allow to format large devices to biosboot (#1532253) (vtrefny)- Remove unused \'socket\' module import (vtrefny)- Don\'t pass \'hostname\' kwarg to suggest_container_name (#1528103) (awilliam)- Sync spec file with downstream (vtrefny)- Use better message when blivet-gui is already running (vtrefny)- Use constants instead of strings for init errors communication (vtrefny)- Fix few pep8 violations found by pep8 on Debian (vtrefny)- Try to locate pep8 executable in pep8 target (vtrefny)- Do not use RPM to check if Zanata client is installed (vtrefny)- Use ansible for test dependencies installation (vtrefny)- Fix opening raw LUKS format (#1519049) (vtrefny)- Get supported filesystems in the \'backend\' process (vtrefny)- Fix ignored pylint directory (vtrefny)- Add pylint log files to .gitignore (vtrefny)- Bump required version for blivet to 3.0 (vtrefny)- Use new method for getting supported disklabels (vtrefny)- Use new method to configure blivet (vtrefny)- Use argparse module instead of deprecated optparse (vtrefny)- Update information about running tests in (vtrefny)- Add targetcli to test dependencies (vtrefny)
* Sun Jan 07 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 2.1.7-5- Remove obsolete scriptlets
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.7-4- Don\'t pass \'hostname\' kwarg to suggest_container_name (#1528103)- Remove unused \'socket\' module import
* Tue Dec 19 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.7-3- Fix python-setuptools dependency
* Mon Nov 27 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.7-2- Allow running with new Blivet 3.0
* Tue Sep 19 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.7-1- Allow changing partition table (disklabel) (vtrefny)- Do not use Gtk.Label.set_align it is deprecated (vtrefny)- Do not use Gtk.Widget.size_request() it is deprecated (vtrefny)- Do not use positional argument with Gtk initializers (vtrefny)- Do not use Gtk.Table it is deprecated (vtrefny)- Do not specify title and buttons in Gtk.Dialog initializer (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Fix displaying filesystem label entry (vtrefny)- Makefile: Add a separate targets for gui and utils tests (vtrefny)- Add a basic test suite for testing BlivetUtils class (vtrefny)- Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny)- Allow running BlivetUtils on only subset of disks (vtrefny)
* Fri Aug 18 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.6-1- Add a basic \"high level\" log for BlivetUtils (vtrefny)- Redirect stdout to stderr for blivet-gui-daemon (vtrefny)- Do not try to teardown luks devices before removing (#1466940) (vtrefny)- Fix displaying resize dialog for non-resizable devices (#1473350) (vtrefny)- Fix getting parents for loop devices (#1474483) (vtrefny)- Fix ABRT/libreport config for blivet-gui (vtrefny)- Update the upstream git URL for blivet-gui and blivet (vtrefny)- Split blivet-gui package into \"blivet-gui\" and \"blivet-gui-runtime\" (vtrefny)- Require \"PolicyKit-authentication-agent\" instead of \"polkit-gnome\" (vtrefny)- New version of help for blivet-gui (vtrefny)- Add more information to the README and a new readme for contributors (vtrefny)- Add make targets for building SRPM and RPM packages (vtrefny)
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.5-3- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 30 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.5-2- Split blivet-gui package into \"blivet-gui\" and \"blivet-gui-runtime\" (vtrefny)
* Tue Jun 20 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.5-1- Fix reusing LUKS devices in Anaconda (#1462071) (vtrefny)- Make the device toolbar look more \"toolbarish\" (#1456011) (vtrefny)- Use \"is_disk\" to check if device is disk (#1457163) (vtrefny)- Fix displaying encrypted logical partitions (vtrefny)- Run \"update_size_info\" for luks devices (vtrefny)- pylint: fix different keyword arguments for \"connect\" method (vtrefny)- Ignore pylint error \"not-context-manager\" for locks (vtrefny)
* Tue May 30 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.4-2- Run \"update_size_info\" for luks devices (vtrefny)- Fix displaying encrypted logical partitions (vtrefny)
* Fri May 05 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.4-1- Do not try to set both size request and auto-expand for Gtk.Scale (vtrefny)- Use Gtk.Menu.popup_at_pointer when showing context menu (vtrefny)- Allow keyboard shortcuts configuration from Anaconda (#1439608) (vtrefny)- Allow \"refreshing\" UI from Anaconda when spoke is visible (vtrefny)- Hide \'protected\' devices in installer mode (vtrefny)- Update Zanata branch name (vtrefny)
* Thu Apr 27 2017 Peter Robinson 2.1.3-2- Use python3-gobject not pygobject3
* Mon Apr 24 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.3-1- Merge pull request #57 from vojtechtrefny/master_partition-ordering (vtrefny)- Preserve ordering when adding partitions (#1439591) (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #55 from vojtechtrefny/master_test-day-fixes-3 (vtrefny)- Fix crash when there are no \"real\" actions to perform (vtrefny)- Fix displaying of non-existing encrypted devices (#1439576) (vtrefny)- Allow deleting parents when deleting VG/RAID/Btrfs volume (#1439661) (vtrefny)- SizeChooser: Change default and available size units (#1440369) (vtrefny)- Allow creating encrypted MD arrays (#1440392) (vtrefny)- Allow setting mountpoint for all mountable filesystems (#1440372) (vtrefny)- Allow creating encrypted LVs (#1439651) (vtrefny)
* Tue Apr 11 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.2-1- Merge pull request #52 from vojtechtrefny/master_test-day-fixes-2 (vtrefny)- Fix devices allowed to add to a PV on an mdarray (#1440804) (vtrefny)- Do not allow setting mountpoint for extended partitions (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #48 from vojtechtrefny/master_test-day-fixes (vtrefny)- Show previously selected mountpoint when editting a device (#1439525) (vtrefny)- Fix decorations of some dialogs in installer mode (vtrefny)- Add \'prepboot\' and \'biosboot\' to supported filesystems (#1439538) (vtrefny)- Add a config class for blivet-gui (#1439581) (vtrefny)- Allow changing format for MD arrays (#1439592) (vtrefny)- Do not use \'dim-label\' style for labels in dialogs (#1439529) (vtrefny)- Add tooltips for actions toolbar (#1439563) (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #47 from vojtechtrefny/master_fix-reuse-luks (vtrefny)- Do not try to check mountpoint for unmountable formats (#1439108) (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #46 from offthewoll/master (vtrefny)- Correct \"proccessing\" to \"processing\" (aviwoll)- Corrected \"proccessing\" to \"processing\" (aviwoll)- Merge pull request #44 from vojtechtrefny/master_installer-bugs (vtrefny)- Do not allow to set mountpoint for nonexisting LVM snapshots (vtrefny)- Fix error when creating LVM PV (vtrefny)
* Tue Mar 14 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.1-1- Merge pull request #43 from vojtechtrefny/master_fix-lvmsnapshot-free (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Use \'free_space\' instead of \'free\' for VGs free space (vtrefny)
* Mon Feb 27 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.0-1- Merge pull request #42 from vojtechtrefny/master_installer-mode4 (vtrefny)- Allow setting same mountpoint when editting a device (vtrefny)- Completely stop using PVs as parents when adding LVs (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Do not show advanced options for LVs (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #41 from vojtechtrefny/master_handle-user-change (vtrefny)- Add a special method for handling changes made by user (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #40 from vojtechtrefny/master_action-label-fix (vtrefny)- Use Gtk.Button for showing number of scheduled actions (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #39 from vojtechtrefny/master_raid-chooser (vtrefny)- Hotfix for maximum size of LVs (vtrefny)- Temporarily disable LVM RAID (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Use BTRFS._min_size instead 256 MiB (vtrefny)- Allow creating LVM/Btrfs only when selected free space is big enough (vtrefny)- Temporarily remove support for cache area (vtrefny)- Reworked SizeArea and size widgets for AddDialog (vtrefny)- Do not display a special raid chooser for LVs (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Create a standalone RaidChooser widget (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #37 from vojtechtrefny/master_installer-mode3 (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Change label for selecting parents (vtrefny)- Allow setting label when changing format of device (vtrefny)- AddDialog: add scrollbars if the dialog is too big (vtrefny)- Add adwaita-icon-theme to dependencies (vtrefny)- Fix some MagicMock related exceptions in tests (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Allow setting filesystem label for mdraid (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Remove separate option to put PV on an MD RAID (vtrefny)- Fix creating format for new md arrays (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Allow setting filesystem label for LVs (vtrefny)- Do not allow creating snapshots of non-existing LVs (vtrefny)- AddDialog: Change description for \'LVM Storage\' to \'LVM VG\' (vtrefny)- Use \'better\' icon for the edit menu (vtrefny)- Use accelerators in custom dialogs (vtrefny)- Allow running ShowActionsDialog without decoration in installer_mode (vtrefny)- Do not show number of pending actions in installer mode (vtrefny)- Allow \'reusing\' actions in installer mode (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #36 from vojtechtrefny/master_installer-mode2 (vtrefny)- Allow running ShowActionsDialog without decoration in installer_mode (vtrefny)- Do not show number of pending actions in installer mode (vtrefny)- Allow \'reusing\' actions in installer mode (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #35 from vojtechtrefny/master_edit-mountpoint (vtrefny)- Use Gtk.Window in AddDialogTest instead of Mock (vtrefny)- Add dialog for setting mountpoint in installer mode (vtrefny)- Allow setting mountpoint when formatting existing device (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #34 from vojtechtrefny/master_installer-mode (vtrefny)- Fix fs selection in AddDialog test (vtrefny)- Allow to run ResizeDialog and FormatDialog without decoration (vtrefny)- Prefix blivet-gui CSS styles to avoid name conflicts (vtrefny)- Move CSS styling to BlivetGUI class (vtrefny)- Allow to initialize blivet-gui during refresh in installer mode (vtrefny)- Do not create list of devices and actions in constructor (vtrefny)- Fix creating format with label and mountpoints (vtrefny)- Get list of currently used mountpoints when adding new device (vtrefny)- AddDialog: don\'t show decoration on message dialogs in installer mode (vtrefny)- AddDialog: center and don\'t show decorations in installer mode (vtrefny)- Add custom method to run dialogs (vtrefny)- Run message dialogs with lightbox in installer mode (vtrefny)- Allow showing message dialogs without decoration (vtrefny)- Use show_dialog methods instead of creating dialogs manually (vtrefny)- Change \'ActionsToolbar\' to a standalone widget (vtrefny)- Expand partitions list widget vertically (vtrefny)- Add some basic classes for running blivet-gui in Anaconda (vtrefny)- Stop predenting we need auth token for client-server communication (vtrefny)- Do not create client instance in BlivetGUI class (vtrefny)- Do not allow ignoring exceptions from BlivetGUIClient (vtrefny)- Raise custom exception in BlivetGUIClient for connection errors (vtrefny)- Remove kickstart mode from blivet-gui (vtrefny)- Merge branch \'f25-branch\' (vtrefny)- Merge pull request #33 from vojtechtrefny/f25-branch_ui-fixes (vtrefny)- Fix showing traceback in exception dialog (vtrefny)- Add glade temp files to gitignore (vtrefny)- Show scrollbars in visualization (vtrefny)- Fix position of main menu (vtrefny)- SizeChooser: Fix size of size SpinButton (vtrefny)- Unmount devices from the GUI (vtrefny)- Catch exceptions when calling methods on proxy objects (vtrefny)- Allow calling methods on proxy objects from client (vtrefny)- Merge branch \'f25-branch\' into f26-branch (vtrefny)- Bump zanata branch version (vtrefny)