Changelog for
scom-0.3.3b-1rh61.i386.rpm :
* Wed Jun 28 2000 Ryan Weaver
[scom-0.3.3b-1]- Still working on proper handling of archives with no dir-records. - A couple of cosmetic bugs when running in a quite large terminal window. [scom-0.3.2-1]- Begun work on FTP and fixing dirs in tar.gz archives- Accelerated startup in Linux seriously- Some cosmetic changes in monochrome support, now only active when you are actually running a monochrome console- Fixed some keyboard issues regarding the rxvt console- Several smaller cosmetic problems fixed - Fixed a bug which caused sc to crash sometime when running as root. [scom-0.3.1-1]- Fixed a bug in DOS-version which caused SC to skip 1 entry in each accessed directory. [scom-0.3.0-1]- Begun implementing TAB-completed dirsearch in tree. Check it out and tell what you think.- Enabled printing (linux only, so far), just copy files to the printer - Fixed a bug when deleting whole dirs including symlinks
* Tue May 16 2000 Ryan Weaver [scom-0.2.0-1]- fixed some archive related bugs- some more minor speed optimizations- Fixed a strange bug when pressing enter at [..] entry. Sometimes it didn\'t change to upper dir...- Reformatted Changelog and README to the look nicer when viewed from the System info dialog.- Debug log is now disabled, enable with parameter -d or --debug- Get info about commandline parameters with -h or --help- Huge speed improvements! - Worked on the usermenu has great features now, and more are coming!- Added wordwrapping in textfile viewer (key w) - Builtin ChangeLog and README-files- Fixed filesystem info- Now checking for available space at destination when copying/moving- I begun to make some kind on monochrome support, for consoles which do not support colors in any flavor (curses should work on just about anything, right?)- Fixed some bugs in the editor (quite a few actually ;-))- Tried to optimize screenwriting of files a bit...- Quick drivechange in DOS-version (ctrl-driveletter), what should these keys do in linux? Any suggestions?- Ending up in the last accessed directory now works in Linux!!! Please read the README-file for information on how to set it up.- Fixed a bug causing the tree to fail when accessed from the root- Targz and ZIP should now work, but I have noticed some unstability but have been unable to located the errors. Please report.- As always some minor fixes/changes. - Fixed a lot of smaller issues, like [..]-bugs in linux, gotolast dir in DOS (still working on linux...).- Added a \"tip of the day\"-function, now I just have to think of some tips... ;-) And fixed it afterwards...
* Tue Mar 21 2000 Ryan Weaver - Renamed rpm from sc to scom. sc is a SpreedSheat rpm still being distributed in the SUSE Distribution. (Thanks Frank Ball ) [scom-0.1.1a-1]- I am working on tar.gz and zip support... Please standby- Executing external programs fixed
* Sat Mar 18 2000 Ryan Weaver [sc-0.1.0-1]- Initial RPM Build.- Initial Release.