Changelog for i3-gaps-debugsource- :

* Thu Apr 12 2018 Fix build with asciidoctor (bsc#1075764): i3-asciidoc-fix.patch
* Thu Mar 15 2018 update to
* minor: fix version so it\'s recognized as a release version.
* Sun Mar 11 2018 update to 4.15
* i3-sensible-terminal: add “kitty”, “guake”, “tilda”
* i3-sensible-editor: add “gvim”
* dump-asy: add prerequisite checks
* dump-asy: fix warnings about empty container names
* i3-dump-log: enable shmlog on demand
* i3bar: add --release flag for bindsym in bar blocks
* i3bar: add relative coordinates in JSON for click events
* ipc: rename COMMAND to RUN_COMMAND for consistency
* ipc: implement tick event for less flaky tests
* ipc: add error reply to “focus
* ipc: send success response for nop
* introduce “assign [→] [workspace] [number]
* introduce “assign [→] output left|right|up|down|primary|
* introduce a “focus_wrapping” option (subsumes “force_focus_wrapping”)
* introduce percentage point resizing for floating containers: “resize set [px | ppt] [px | ppt]”
* introduce “resize set ppt ppt” for tiling windows
* rename “new_window” and “new_float” to “default_border” and “default_floating_border” (the old names keep working)
* output names (e.g. “DP2”) can now be used as synonyms for monitor names (e.g. “Dell UP2414Q”).
* the “swap” command now works with fullscreen windows
* raise floating windows to top when they are focused programmatically
* _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW: invalidate focus to force SetInputFocus call
* make focus handling consistent when changing focus between outputs
* round non-integer Xft.dpi values
* tiling resize: remove minimum size
* doc updates to ipc and userguide, some changes to default config
* i3bar: fix various memory leaks
* i3bar: fix crash when no status_command is provided
* fix incorrectly set up signal handling
* fix crash when specifying invalid con_id for “swap”
* fix crash upon restart with window marks
* fix crash when config file does not end in a newline
* fix crash in append_layout
* fix crash in layout toggle command
* fix crash when switching monitors
* fix use-after-free in randr_init error path
* fix move accidentally moving windows across outputs
* fix crash when floating window is tiled while being resized
* fix out-of-bounds memory read
* fix memory leak when config conversion fails
* fix layout toggle split, which didn’t work until enabling tabbed/stack mode once
* move XCB event handling into xcb_prepare_cb
* avert endless loop on unexpected EOF in ipc messages
* perform proper cleanup for signals with Term action
* don’t match containers in the scratchpad with criteria
* fix “workspace show” related issues
* fix config file conversion with long variable names
* fix config file conversion memory initialization
* prevent access of freed workspace in _workspace_show
* disable fullscreen when required when programmatically focusing windows
* free last_motion_notify
* don’t raise floating windows when focused because of focus_follows_mouse
* correctly set EWMH atoms when closing a workspace
* don’t raise floating windows when workspace is shown
* keep focus order when encapsulating workspaces
* validate layout files before loading- cleanup with spec-cleaner
* Fri Oct 27 2017 Have i3-gaps-devel conflict with i3-devel.
* Sat Oct 07 2017 Fix Leap 42.x build- Drop _service file- Drop dead code in .spec file- Properly set \"Conflict\" to other providers of i3
* Mon Sep 25 2017 bump to 4.14.1- Create _service file- Fix 32-bit ARM build
* Mon Sep 04 2017 Bump to 4.14- Reformat spec file to match i3