Changelog for miller-debugsource-5.3.0-lp150.1.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jan 07 2018 Update to version 5.3.0 (see for a changelog)- Added miller-5.3.0-gcc43.patch
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Updated license
* Thu Jul 20 2017 Update to 5.2.2
* This bugfix release delivers a fix for #147 where a memory allocation failed beyond 4GB.
* Tue Jun 20 2017 Update to version 5.2.1
* Fixes (gh#johnkerl/miller#142) build segfault on non-x86 architectures
* Tue Jun 13 2017 Update to version 5.2.0 This release contains mostly feature requests. Features:
* The stats1 verb now lets you use regular expressions to specify which field names to compute statistics on, and/or which to group by. Full details are here.
* The min and max DSL functions, and the min/max/percentile aggregators for the stats1 and merge-fields verbs, now support numeric as well as string field values. (For mixed string/numeric fields, numbers compare before strings.) This means in particular that order statistics -- min, max, and non-interpolated percentiles -- as well as mode, antimode, and count are now possible on string-only fields. (Of course, any operations requiring arithmetic on values, such as computing sums, averages, or interpolated percentiles, yield an error on string-valued input.)
* There is a new DSL function mapexcept which returns a copy of the argument with specified key(s), if any, unset. The motivating use-case is to split records to multiple filenames depending on particular field value, which is omitted from the output: mlr - -from f.dat put \'tee > \"/tmp/data-\".$a, mapexcept($
*, \"a\")\' Likewise, mapselect returns a copy of the argument with only specified key(s), if any, set. This resolves #137.
* A new -u option for count-distinct allows unlashed counts for multiple field names. For example, with -f a,b and without -u, count-distinct computes counts for distinct pairs of a and b field values. With -f a,b and with -u, it computes counts for distinct a field values and counts for distinct b field values separately.
* If you build from source, you can now do ./configure without first doing autoreconf -fiv. This resolves #131.
* The UTF-8 BOM sequence 0xef 0xbb 0xbf is now automatically ignored from the start of CSV files. (The same is already done for JSON files.) This resolves #138.
* For put and filter with -S, program literals such as the 6 in $x = 6 were being parsed as strings. This is not sensible, since the -S option for put and filter is intended to suppress numeric conversion of record data, not program literals. To get string 6 one may use $x = \"6\". Documentation:
* A new cookbook example shows how to compute differences between successive queries, e.g. to find out what changed in time-varying data when you run and rerun a SQL query.
* Another new cookbook example shows how to compute interquartile ranges.
* A third new cookbook example shows how to compute weighted means. Bugfixes:
* CRLF line-endings were not being correctly autodetected when I/O formats were specified using --c2j et al.
* Integer division by zero was causing a fatal runtime exception, rather than computing inf or nan as in the floating-point case.
* Sat Apr 15 2017 Update to 5.1.0 (see changelog at
* Sun Mar 12 2017 Update to version 5.0.1 Minor bugfixes:
* As described in #132, mlr nest was incorrectly splitting fields with multi-character separators.
* The XTAB-format reader, when using multi-character IPS, was incorrectly splitting key-value pairs, but only when reading from standard input (e.g. on a pipe or less-than redirect).
* Tue Feb 28 2017 Initial package (v5.0.0)