Changelog for
bzflag-debugsource-2.4.26-bp156.2.7.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Nov 20 2022 Martin Hauke
- Update to version 2.4.26
* Audio pops should be fixed.
* Positional audio in observer mode now uses the camera direction
* Fixed a regression that caused some textures to render skewed.
* Fixed the Machine Gun firing continuously when the mouse wheel is used to fire.
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Dmitriy Perlow - BuildRequre sdl2 stuff via pkgconfig(
* Sat Mar 12 2022 Carsten Ziepke - Update to 2.4.24
* Don\'t crash when removing the BZFS Cron server-side player
* Announce who adjusted the countdown with /modcount
* Add support for Apple silicon builds
* Work around an SDL 2.0.20 event handling regression
* Do not explicitly link to X11 when using SDL- Run spec-cleaner- Fix encoding of rc.bzflagserver, changed to UTF8- Fix obsolete-suse-version-check warning
* Thu Aug 26 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified:
* bzflagserver.service
* Sun Feb 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to 2.4.22
* Fix many issues with SDL 2 window management.
* The playHistoryTracker plugin now tracks kills correctly.
* Local shotID was not being set in bz_eShotFiredEvent.
* Send active autopilot statuses to a joining player.
* Fix solo bots being kicked when rejoining to a server.
* Fix the backspace key not working on the bzadmin Curses menu.
* Tue Jun 23 2020 Mathias Homann - Update to 2.4.20
* Reorganization of the menus to improve usability - Scott Wichser
* Add bz_isWithinWorldBoundaries to API - Vladimir Jimenez
* Use teleporter names in /saveworld .obj exports - Vladimir Jimenez
* Add bz_getSpawnPointWithin to API - Vladimir Jimenez
* Fix NetHandler compiler errors on Alpine Linux - Jim Melton
* Significantly improve platform-dependent header imports - Jim Melton
* Only perform texture conversion to internal format once - Alfredo Tupone, Scott Wichser
* Removal of never used logic for expiring builds - Zehra
* Radar size and console height are controlled with BZDB variables - The Noah
* Add bz_getNearestFlagSafetyZone to the API - Vladimir Jimenez
* Don\'t allow hunt to be used when not connected to a server - Zehra
* Improve vsync settings with SDL2 - Joshua Bodine
* Ignore the -NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode YES option in Xcode - Joshua Bodine
* Add Slovak translation - Jose Riha, Scott Wichser
* Use a greyscale color scale based on relative height when colored radar shots are disabled - Alfredo Tupone
* Sort locally discovered servers to the top of the server list - Scott Wichser
* Add the Open Free For All mode to the Start Server menu - Scott Wichser
* Remove ineffective performance tests and just default to \"modern\" settings - Scott Wichser
* Change default settings to better suit first time players - Scott Wichser
* Standardize the rabbit game mode name to \"Rabbit Chase\" - Scott Wichser
* Do not scale NPOT textures when OpenGL supports them - Alfredo Tupone
* Generate mipmaps with OpenGL 1.4 extension - Alfredo Tupone
* Fixed SDL 1.2 builds on macOS - Joshua Bodine
* Force zbuffer for Experimental quality - Alfredo Tupone
* Use GLEW to detect GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp - Alfredo Tupone
* Add support for storing arbitrary data in API player records - Jeff Myers
* Fix API string utility functions sometimes losing values - Vladimir Jimenez
* Add new bz_ePlayerDeathFinalizedEvent API event - Vladimir Jimenez
* Display Time-per-Frame with 2 decimal digits and averaged over time - Alfredo Tupone
* Output correct error when loading a nonexistent bzfs plugin - Vladimir Jimenez
* Remove obsolete bzfs option from Start Server menu on Windows - Scott Wichser
* Sat May 18 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.4.16
* Send MsgFlagGrab before API event is called
* Correctly unmuted when paused and killed by server
* Format codebase to allman style
* Use GLEW for obtaining OpenGL entry points and checking for extensions
* Revert a80ab87 (truncation warning fix) as that generated broken replay file headers. Detect and work around that bad header.
* Use pkg-config, if available, to detect ncurses- Update to version 2.4.14
* Add new bz_eAllowServerShotFiredEvent to the API
* Fix antialiasing when starting the client windowed
* Update the Windows icon file to include larger icons
* Treat the number pad keys uniquely for key mapping with SDL2
* Better cpu selection for x86_64
* Fix build with enable-profile
* Add safety check when getting flags (bzfs)
* Add min/../max to drawTime - Alfredo Tupone
* Fix the -configdir option for the client
* Improve support for custom BZDB vars in plug-ins
* Fix truncation warnings
* Add new bz_ePermissionModificationEvent to the API
* Introduce new \'showMotto\' permission
* Fix gcc warnings and code formatting
* Remove old BitmapFont renderer
* Add new bz_eServerShotFiredEvent to the API
* Revamp the world weapon API entirely
* Add PLAYER-MOTTO output to logDetail plugin
* Display remaining ban time when a banned player connects
* Punitive messages no longer display admin callsigns
* Slash commands in the API now know destination channel
* Fix ability to bind a key with a modifier through menu
* Disallow -helpmsg from world files
* Mon Mar 25 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Add %systemd_ordering for %service_
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Replaced the sysv init script by a systemd unit file Due to the complexity of the init script, the script is still used to start/stop the server. Note that the init script and the systemd unit file are not part of upstream! [bsc#1115940, bzflagserver.service]
* Thu Dec 21 2017 Update to version 2.4.12
* See /usr/share/doc/packages/bzflag/ChangeLog for full details
* Added many new functions to API
* Added plugins:
* superUser
* bzfscron
* serverSidePlayerSample
* CustomZoneSample
* make build fully reproducible (boo#1047218)- Drop upstream bzflag-char-signedness.patch
* Thu Nov 23 2017 Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)