Changelog for
gnome-usage-debugsource-46.0-lp160.1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Mar 20 2024 Dominique Leuenberger
- Update to version 46.0: + Usage now - uses ListViews in its performance tabs, - split the two performance views - and renovated the storage view\'s look, - displays indicators for applications running in background, - has an application dialogue instead of directly asking users to terminate a process, - classifies Android applications inside Waydroid and has an indicator for that - uses Adwaita\'s new adaptive dialogues instead of modal windows. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 45.1: + builds with GCC 14 and Clang 16, together with Vala 0.56.15, + avoids glitches in graphs on systems with no swap, due to a previous division by zero, + has better keyboard navigation with a different selection mode for boxes in the storage view, and + correctly classifies applications with a long path in its cmdline.
* Tue Jan 16 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Convert to source service for easier updating.
* Sun Sep 17 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 45.0: + Remove GNOME from the app\'s name. + Porting to GTK4 and the new Adwaita widgets with a completely rewritten graph view. + Normalising the load, so that 100 % now means all threads are in use. + Reducing the re-rendering by making the graphs not scroll continuously – at least by default. + Making sure Usage doesn\'t think we had no swap just because 0% is left. + Various bug and enhancement fixes. + Updated translations.- Dropped pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0), pkgconfig(libdazzle-1.0) and pkgconfig(libhandy-1), added pkgconfig(gee-0.8), pkgconfig(gtk4), pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) and pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) following upstreams port to gtk4 and libadwaita.
* Wed Sep 01 2021 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 3.38.1: + Flag GtkBuilder children as unowned. + Prevent reading beyond GTop\'s args. + Prevent navigation to the storage separator. + Prevent a double border in the performance sidebar. + List compatible form-factors.- Changes from version 3.38.0: + Port to Tracker 3. + Updated translations.- Replace pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-2.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-3.0): follow upstreams port to Tracker 3.
* Sat Sep 05 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version v3.37.1: + Add icons to the pages. + app-item: Add application ID based on .desktop file name. + app-item: Add application lookup based on cgroup information. + app-item: Add newline at end of file. + application: Don\'t access the header bar directly. + application: Load icon resources. + cpu-sub-view: Don\'t hardcode the width. + cpu-sub-view: Don\'t horizontally center. + header-bar: Make it a HdyHeaderBar. + header-bar: Replace the GtkStackSwitcher by a HdyViewSwitcherTitle. + header-bar: Wrap the search button in a revealer. + icons: Add the speedometer-symbolic icon. + memory-sub-view: Don\'t horizontally center. + performance-view: Make the search bar adaptive. + performance-view: Replace the GtkPaned by a HdyLeaflet. + performance-view: Set a minimum width to the content box. + performance-view: Use a HdyColumn. + process-row: Don\'t hardcode the width. + process: Add function to read cgroup information. + storage-view: Replace the GtkPaned by a HdyLeaflet. + window: Add a HdyViewSwitcherBar. + window: Add action_on_search(). + window: Drop get_header_bar(). + window: Inline the header into the window. + window: Reduce the hardcoded minimum size. + window: Specialize Hdy.ApplicationWindow. + window: Use a GtkBuilder template.- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: new dependency.
* Sat Jan 25 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
* Fri Sep 06 2019 Update to version None: + Add support for GameMode. + Support for correctly identfying Flatpaks (specifically Steam). + Add an EditorConfig file. + Introduce the new Storage panel. + Added/updated/fixed translations.
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Update to version 3.32.0: + Retire application menu. + Simplify the build scripts. + Drop RG and EGG libraries. + Use libdazzle. + Add filter processes option. + Support grouping system processes. + Add new application icon. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(libdazzle-1.0) BuildRequires: New dependency.
* Tue Sep 25 2018 Update to version 3.30.0: + Support Adwaita dark better. + Fix error message grammar/typos. + Fix compatibility with newer Vala. + Use proper POSIX API in quit-process-dialog. + Add scrolling animation to performance view. + Update screenshots. + Updated translations.
* Mon Mar 12 2018 Update to version 3.28.0: + Drop \"accountsservice\" dependency. + process-row: Consume AccountsService data over DBus. + Updated translations.- Drop pkgconfig(accountsservice) BuildRequires: No longer needed.
* Sun Mar 04 2018 Update to version 3.27.92: + Add categories to desktop file. + Fix flatpak manifest file URLs. + Updated translations.- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and no longer use suse_update_desktop_file macro, no longer needed.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Update to version 3.27.90: + Updated translations.- Following upstreams License changes, replace AGPL-3.0 with new upstream GPL-3.0 in spec.
* Mon Feb 05 2018 Update description.
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Update to version 0.4.5~20180114.6452220: + license: Add correct license file with GPLv3. + Updated translations.- Switch Licence tag ref upstreams correction.
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Update to version 0.4.5~20180103.65d5f93: + swap-speedometer: Initialize label to \"0%\". + Updated translations.
* Fri Dec 22 2017 Initial packaging for openSUSE.