Changelog for noise-suppression-for-voice-debugsource-1.10+git0.9c4e5c2-lp160.1.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon May 20 2024 Update to version 1.10+git0.9c4e5c2:
* ci: Change windows-latest to windows-2019 due to internal compiler error
* rnnoise: Remove previous rnnoise version
* common: Switch to updated rnnoise v0.2
* external/rnnoise: Add CMakeLists.txt to build as a static lib
* external/rnnoise: Add generated weights
* git subrepo clone external/rnnoise
* build: Unique LV2URI
* JUCE/VST2: Prevent crash of effGetSpeakerArrangement with null in/out
* cmake: Add option to use external JUCE installation
* Add some `=` signs to the PipeWire config snippet
* Wed Aug 03 2022 Update to version 1.03+git1.226f03b:
* readme: Rename pulseeffects to easyeffects, add a small detail
* common: Fix VAD calculations
* readme: Add note about MinGW build failure
* fst: Use fixed size types to for fst typedefs
* fst: Handle EditIdle
* gui: Fix window having leftovers from past updates
* ci: Fix wrong name for macos archive
* ci: Disable parallel build on Ubuntu to prevent oom
* tests: Fix wrong comparison left after local tests
* readme: Small update for PulseAudio
* tests: Reduce time of \"All options\" test
* readme: Small update
* common: Do not wait for frames when receiving large input
* cmake: Enable lto for releases
* cmake: Support install target for Unix systems
* cmake: Add BUILD_VERSION as cmake parameter
* ci: Add workflow for releases
* git subrepo pull (merge) --branch=master --update external/JUCE
* subrepo/juce: Fixup parent commit for subrepo
* juce_plugin: Fix state restoring
* ci: Build \"Release\" build for Windows
* ci: Trigger full build on tag push
* readme: Update readme for new version
* ladspa: Change units from \"blocks\" to \"ms\" for parameters
* juce_plugin/gui: Improved paramemters naming and added headers
* common: Do not create excessive latency when changing retroactive VAD
* CI: Exclude .pdb from artifacts
* JUCE: Disable LTO for juceaide to save build time
* Use JUCE, new parameters, stereo, tests
* external: Add header-only catch2
* JUCE: Add LV2_COPY_DIR property
* JUCE: Remove splash screen
* JUCE: Use FST headers instead of VST2
* git subrepo clone --branch=juce7 external/JUCE
* git subrepo clone external/FST/
* Pipewire persistency
* URL fix
* Fri Jan 28 2022 Update to version 0.91+git8.6922453:
* Added hint for latency or crackling problems.
* Make instruction to copy VST sdk files more explicit
* Add link to for VST2 sdk
* Add a how-to for PipeWire
* common: do not dereference first element of zero-sized output buffer
* typo in readme
* Remove lib prefix from lv2 plugin binary.
* Also copy .ttl files for lv2 plugin and fix path
* Update documentation with adjustment to prevent loopback switching source/sink
* Add a link to the guide for EqualizerAPO
* Mon Jun 29 2020 Marcus Rueckert - initial package