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Changelog for gap-digraphs-debugsource-1.9.0-lp160.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Sep 08 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.9.0 * Fix off by one error [#677] * Properly transfer the original vertices as labels of the vertices in the reduced graph in ``DigraphAllSimpleCircuits`` * Add hash function for digraphs [#675] * Add DomainForAction mock for actions on digraphs [#686] * Make Orb use digraph hashes [#687] * Added ``DigraphAllChordlessCycles`` [#679], ``SubdigraphsMonomorphisms`` [#690], ``AllUndirectedSimpleCircuits`` [#689] * Fix edge placement in ``HanoiGraph`` [#699] * Clarify homomorphisms finder with specified image [#700] * Tue Aug 27 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.8.0 * DigraphRemoveEdge now removes appropriate edge label * Implement IsOrderIdeal, DigraphCycleBasis, IsModularLatticeDigraph, DigraphContractEdge * cliques: some performance improvements * Refactored Floyd–Warshall C implementation * Added requested clique and independent attributes * Reduce memory usage * Mon Feb 19 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.7.1 * Unspecified changes related to forthcoming changes in the GAP core. * Wed Feb 14 2024 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.7.0 * Add immediate methods for connected and strongly connected graphs * kernel: fix mem leaks for permutations allocated but not freed. * Added EdgeWeightedDigraph, AbsorptionExpectedSteps, DigraphAbsorptionProbabilities * Fri Sep 15 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.6.3 * Standardise the way that UndirectedSpanningForest works in relation to mutability * Add immediate methods for connected and strongly connected digraphs * Wed Apr 05 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.6.2 * Janitorial changes * Tue Dec 20 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.6.1 * Change `CayleyDigraph` to use `AsSet` * Sat Nov 19 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 1.6.0 * The `ViewString` for immutable digraphs attempts to show more of the known information about the digraph. This will break tests that relied on the previous behaviour, that contained only the numbers of vertices and edges. * The behaviour of `QuotientDigraph` has been changed so that it no longer returns digraphs with multiple edges. * `IsEulerianDigraph` would previously return `true` for digraphs that are Eulerian when their isolated vertices were removed, which contradicted the documentation. `IsEulerianDigraph` now returns `false` for _all_ digraphs that are not strongly connected.- Delete 0001-Drop-bad-include-of-x86intrin.h.patch, digraphs-no-native.diff * Wed Nov 14 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 0.13 * The GraphViz engine used by `Splash` is now configurable * The properties `IsPartialOrderDigraph`, `IsPreorderDigraph`, and IsQuasiorderDigraph` were introduced, along with the following functions for visualising these kinds of digraphs: `DotPartialOrderDigraph`, `DotPreorderDigraph`, `DotQuasiorderDigraph`. * The following functions for transformations and permutations were added `IsDigraphHomomorphism`, `IsDigraphEpimorphism`, `IsDigraphMonomorphism`, `IsDigraphEndomorphism`, `IsDigraphEmbedding`, `IsDigraphIsomorphism`. * Fri Oct 19 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 0.12 * Fixed a bug in `ArticulationPoints` and `IsBiconnectedDigraph`. * Added the property `IsChainDigraph`. * Added the operation `IsDigraphAutomorphism`. * Fixed: `HomomorphismDigraphFinder` sometimes failed to find a homomorphism when one existsed. * Fixed: A segmentation fault could be caused when using Digraphs with NautyTracesInterface, in certain cases. * Fri Jan 26 2018 stefan.bruensAATTrwth-aachen.de- Remove all transient build artifacts (e.g. config.log) to make build reproducible- delete remaining sources and test assets * Fri Jan 26 2018 stefan.bruensAATTrwth-aachen.de- Add 0001-Drop-bad-include-of-x86intrin.h.patch Remove unnecessary include of x86intrin.h, breaks compilation on anything but x86. * Fri Jan 26 2018 guillaumeAATTopensuse.org- Add ExclusiveArch for x86 and x86_64 since it needs \'x86intrin.h\' * Sat Dec 23 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Update to new upstream release 0.11.0 * Support for computing automorphisms, canonical labellings, and isomorphisms of digraphs with \"nauty\". This functionality requires the gap-nautytracesinterface package for GAP. However, this is not a required package, and the default engine remains \"bliss\". It is possible to specify the engine that is used by Digraphs. * In particular, version 0.11.0 includes the following changes: * `BlissAutomorphismGroup` and `NautyAutomorphismGroup` are introduced. * `DigraphCanonicalLabelling` is replaced by `BlissCanonicalLabelling` and `NautyCanonicalLabelling`. * `BlissCanonicalDigraph` and `NautyCanonicalDigraph` are introduced * `DigraphsUseNauty` and `DigraphsUseBliss` are introduced. * The property `IsHamiltonianDigraph` and the attribute `HamiltonianPath` were added.- Add digraphs-no-native.diff * Fri Sep 08 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Update to new upstream release 0.10.1 * This release contains new features, bugfixes, and minor improvements to the documentation. There is a new method for `ChromaticNumber`, which has better performance than the previous method. * A bug in the code for calculating homomorphisms of digraphs, which could cause a crash, was resolved. * Vertex labelled digraphs can now be visualised in a way that displays vertex labels, by using the new operation `DotVertexLabelledDigraph`. * The attribute `CliqueNumber` is introduced. * The following new attributes for Cayley digraphs are introduced: `GroupOfCayleyDigraph`, `SemigroupOfCayleyDigraph`, `GeneratorsOfCayleyDigraph`. * New features introduced in 0.9.0: `ArticulationPoints` (and its synonym `CutVertices`), `IsBiconnectedDigraph` `IsCycleDigraph`, `IsMatching`, `IsPerfectMatching`, `IsMaximalMatching`. * New features introduced in 0.8.0: `DigraphClosure`, `BooleanAdjacencyMatrixMutableCopy`, `IsPartialOrderDigraph`, `IsMeetSemilatticeDigraph`, `IsJoinSemilatticeDigraph`, `IsLatticeDigraph`, `PartialOrderDigraphMeetOfVertices`, `PartialOrderDigraphJoinOfVertices`. * Sat Apr 29 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Update to new upstream release 0.7.1 * This release contains a new technique for encoding a vertex-coloured `multidigraph` as a vertex-coloured (undirected) graph while preserving the automorphism group, in order to calculate the automorphism group and canonical labelling using bliss. This enables the following functionality: * * the operations `AutomorphismGroup` and `DigraphCanonicalLabelling` for a digraph and a vertex-colouring now accept a multidigraph as their first argument; * * the operations `IsIsomorphicDigraph` and `IsomorphismDigraphs` now accept multidigraphs, and they also accept vertex-colourings as optional arguments. * This release add new functionality related to undirected spanning trees and undirected spanning forests: * * The property `IsUndirectedForest` is introduced; * * The attributes `UndirectedSpanningTree` and `UndirectedSpanningForest` are introduced; and * * The operations `IsUndirectedSpanningTree` and `IsUndirectedSpanningForest` are introduced. * Sun Oct 16 2016 jengelhAATTinai.de- Update to new upstream release 0.5.2 * Digraphs now works when it and GAP are built in 32-bit mode.- Update to new upstream release 0.5.1 * This release contains a new technique for encoding a vertex-coloured digraph as a vertex-coloured (undirected) graph while preserving the automorphism group, in order to calculate the automorphism group using bliss. * Sun Jun 19 2016 jengelhAATTinai.de- Update to new upstream release 0.5 * Unspecified bugfixes * Fri Mar 11 2016 jengelhAATTinai.de- Initial packages (version 0.4.2) for build.opensuse.org