Changelog for ruby2.2-debugsource-2.2.3-5.26.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Aug 19 2015 update to 2.2.3 (boo# 936032) - update rubygems to this version fixed CVE-2015-3900. - Fix document for Float::MIN and Float::EPSILON. - should match only char boundaries in wide character encodings. [ruby-core:70220] [Bug #11413] - Fixed bad performance in ruby >= 2.2 for Hash with many symbol keys - target encoding name can be empty now. [ruby-core:69841] [Bug #11324] - fix Float hash. rb_dbl_hash() returns a Fixnum, but not a long. [Bug #9381] - raise with messages in UTF-8 encoding. [ruby-core:67386] [Bug #10705] - handle O_TRUNC correctly [ruby-core:69779] [Bug #11319] - FTP close the TCPServer when sending the port fails. - (Net::HTTPResponse::Inflater#finish): fix a bug that empty gzipped response body causes Zlib::BufError. [ruby-core:68846] [Bug #11058] - (Net::HTTPResponse#inflater): fix TypeError. An exception object might be nil. [ruby-core:68846] [Bug #11058] - (module OpenSSL): raise a more helpful exception when verifying the peer connection and an anonymous cipher has been selected. [ruby-core:68330] [Bug #10910] - ruby itself (including numeric.c) is built with strict compile options including -std=iso9899:1999, but ext/date is not. By the way -std=iso9899:1999 is not only a warning option but also changes behavior like MACRO definitions for example INFINITY. [Bug #10906] - Fix LocalJumpErrors being raised in OpenSSL tests. [ruby-core:70020][Bug #11368] - make Timeout::ExitException an alias of Timeout::Error [ruby-dev:49179] [Bug #11344] - (HTTPResponseTest#test_read_body_content_encoding_deflate_uppercase): fix a failure without zlib. - copy the arguments to the machine stack before rewinding the control frame pointer and leaving the arguments outside valid region of the value stack. [ruby-core:69969] [Bug #11352] - CONTENT_ENCODING can be upper case. [ruby-core:69670] [Bug #11285] patched by Andy Chu - copy the arguments to the machine stack before rewinding the control frame pointer and leaving the arguments outside valid region of the value stack. [ruby-core:69969] [Bug #11352] - keep the arguments region inside the valid value stack. [ruby-core:69969] [Bug #11352] - reversed string is not a substring, and should not set coderange of the original string. [ruby-dev:49189] [Bug #11387] - pop cmdarg stack for lookahead token. [ruby-core:70067] [Bug [#11380]] - Support %s.%N. [ruby-core:68301] [Bug #10904] - fix transcoder loading race condition, by waiting in require. [ruby-dev:49106] [Bug #11277] - check if array size will exceed maximum size to get rid of buffer overflow. [ruby-dev:49043] [Bug #11235] - try opening file without gvl not to lock entire process. [Bug [#11060]] - split --libs if --libs-only-l option is not available. patch in [ruby-core:69428] by Hans Mackowiak. [ruby-core:69421] [Bug #11201] - out of range NTH_REF is always nil. - check overflow of NTH_REF and range. [ruby-core:69393] [Bug #11192] - make public and add length parameter. - resolve refined method entry to check if undefined. [ruby-core:69064] [Bug #11117] - undefined refined method is not callable unless using. [ruby-core:69064] [Bug #11117] - Fix require paths for released gem. [fix GH-929] Patch by AATTvoxik - Return empty JSON object when passed object is a special const, instead of SEGV. Based patch by Kohei Suzuki (eagletmt). [ruby-core:69692] [Bug #11291] - relax pattern because long_lived flag and marked flag can be false at major GC. [Bug #10852] - use RB_GC_GUARD instead of volatile [ruby-core:69419] [Feature [#11198]] - ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_traverse, ossl_asn1_decode, ossl_asn1_decode_all): use RB_GC_GUARD instead of volatile [ruby-core:69371] [Bug #11185] - seek to the file end only when writing (mode:a), not reading (mode:a+, read). - stop returning false negatives for filenames which are trailing substrings of file extensions. For example, \'b\', which a trailing substring of \".rb\" should not return false. [Bug [#11155]][ruby-core:69206] - register symbol names as strings first so that r_symlink always returns valid names. [ruby-core:68587] [Bug #10991] - bsock_recmvsg_internal needs GC guard for control buffer [Bug [#11123]] - test if covered for linear objects. [ruby-core:69052] [Bug #11113] - should work even if body-fld-dsp is omitted. [ruby-core:69093] [Bug [#11128]] - added documentation for character sequence \\\' with String#sub [Bug [#11132]][ruby-core:69121][fix GH-900][ci skip] Patch by AATTshishir127 - Added documentation for rational literal. [Bug #11075][fix GH-885][ci skip] Patch by AATTshishir127 - preserve errno before other library calls and use rb_syserr_fail. [ruby-core:68531] [Bug #10975] - check other events when RETURN is thrown. [Bug #10724] - fix memory leak of addrinfo. [ruby-dev:48923] [Bug #11051] - try magic number only if f_type is included. [ruby-dev:48913] [Bug [#11000]] - return filesystem name by statfs/statvfs. [ruby-core:68624] [Bug [#10998]] - Symbols are compared by the identities always. [ruby-core:68767] [Bug #11035] - use same hash values with Float#hash so that -0.0 and +0.0 will be identical. [ruby-core:68541] [Bug #10979] - prohibit from accessing internal objects. [ruby-core:68348] [Bug [#10918]] [ruby-core:58539] [Bug #9144] - search the target to break from a block with nested rescue, from the nested blocks. [ruby-core:67765] [Bug #10775] [Fix GH-820] - protect value stack from calling other methods during complex parameter setting process (splat, kw, and so on). [Bug #11027] - allow symbols to just instance_eval/exec, except for definition of singletons. [ruby-core:68961] [Bug #11086] - clear NOFREE flag at embedding as embedded strings no longer refer static strings. [ruby-core:68436] [Bug #10942] - use getattrlist() if fgetattrlist() is unavailable, on OSX 10.5. [ruby-core:68829] [Bug #11054] - replicate env from method object, and allocate the local variable area for the iseq local table. [ruby-core:68673] [Bug #11012] - make more realistic data. [ruby-core:68632] [[Bug #10999] - check if the receiver responds to the given method by respond_to_missing?. - create Method object for method_missing. [ruby-core:68564] [Bug [#10985]] - need to check the return value of GLOB_REALLOC(). - shouldn\'t create Ruby object before the object system is loaded. [ruby-core:68430] [Bug #10941] - Check class equality. (Resolv::DNS::Name#initialize): Normalize labels as Resolv::DNS::Label::Str objects. - check source type, must be an IO or a String. [ruby-core:69219] [Bug #11159] - make dsym_fstrs a hash compared by identity as the keys are unique fstrings, to get rid of running hash and compare methods and causing new object allocation during garbage collection phase. [ruby-dev:48891] [Bug #10933] - push and reset cmdarg_stack in lambda body. [ruby-core:69017] [Bug [#11107]] - check if a different libruby is loaded by the extension library, and then bail out to get rid of very frequent reported stale bug reports. - show the exact target path in the error message instead of the destination parent directory name. [ruby-core:68706]. [Bug #11021] - keep sp safe zone to get rid of crash by -fstack-check. [ruby-core:68740] [Bug #11030] - check also procstat_getvmmap, which is not available on FreeBSD 9. [ruby-core:68468] [Bug #10954] - use kinfo_getvmmap instead if procstat_getvmmap is not available.
* Fri Jun 19 2015 fix provided rake and rdoc version- remove generic rubygem-rake provides
* Thu Apr 16 2015 update to 2.2.2 (bsc# 926974) - stricter hostname verification following RFC 6125. with the patch provided by Tony Arcieri and Hiroshi Nakamura [ruby-core:61545] [Bug #9644] CVE-2015-1855 - fix segfault by null caused by syntax error. [ruby-core:68851] [Bug #10957] - parse.y (primary): empty parentheses at cmdarg can be null. [ruby-core:68477] [Bug #10957] - ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_nread): wrap return value with INT2FIX Thanks to Yura Sokolov [ruby-core:68369] [Bug#10923] - test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (test_nread_buffered): fix broken test - vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): search next super class from the original class, to get rid of infinite recursion with prepending. a patch by Seiei Higa at [ruby-core:68434]. [ruby-core:68093] [Bug #10847] - class.c (rb_prepend_module): need a WB for klass -> origin. - ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: needs --enable-shared when linked to libruby or since --with-static-linked-ext does no longer link extensions to ruby program with --enable-shared, the only combination needs --enable-static is --disable-shared and --with-static-linked-ext. [ruby-dev:48901] [Bug #10960] - ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: make PIC objects if it will be linked as a shared object eventually. [ruby-core:67128] - spec/default.mspec: use default configuration file name. - spec/default.mspec: remove specific version number. - use ruby organization for rubyspec. For all the changes see /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.2/ChangeLog
* Wed Mar 11 2015 while merging the changes with the 2.1 package i noticed 2 problems: - we still rewrote the she bang lines to ruby 2.1. - the macro files weren\'t marked as config.
* Wed Mar 11 2015 Remove the support to have the shared files from ruby-common intree again.
* Wed Mar 11 2015 update to 2.2.1 This release includes the fix for ffi build failure and memory leak issue on Symbol GC (See Bug #10686). For more details see /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.2/ChangeLog- match the version number in the rubygems provides to what is actually shipped with ruby 2.2
* Wed Feb 11 2015 port make-gem-build-reproducible.patch from ruby 2.1
* Mon Feb 09 2015 remove upstreamed drop_content_size_check_in_xmlrpc.patch- add unapplied patches as sources for now to pass source validator, we might have use for them later
* Thu Dec 25 2014 tk seems to work now with newer tk versions- convert the conditional for tk to bcond_with(out)- buildrequire tk-devel only if we want to build with tk. otherwise we get tk built and packaged even if we dont expect it. this leads to the rubyX.y-stdlib pulling tk.
* Thu Dec 25 2014 sync spec file with 2.1 branch
* Thu Dec 25 2014 update to 2.2.0 final: - Notable Changes since 2.1 - Incremental GC (YARV Maniacs No.12) - Symbol GC (presentation at RubyKaigi 2014) - configure –with-jemalloc Feature #9113 - core libraries: - Support Unicode 7.0 #9092 - New methods: - Enumerable#slice_after #9071, Enumerable#slice_when #9826 - Float#next_float, Float#prev_float #9834 - File.birthtime, File#birthtime #9647 - String#unicode_normalize #10084 - bundled libraries: - Update Psych 2.0.8 - Update Rake 10.4.2 - Update RDoc 4.2.0 - Update RubyGems 2.4.5 - Update test-unit 3.0.8 (removed from repository but bundled in tarball) - Update minitest 5.4.3 (removed from repository but bundled in tarball) - Deprecate mathn - C API - Remove deprecated APIs See for details. With those changes, 1557 files changed, 125039 insertions(+), 74376 deletions(-) from v2.1.0!
* Wed Sep 24 2014 also make the ghost files match what we generate in the rubygem based packages
* Wed Sep 24 2014 also provide the %{_bindir}/$bin%{rb_binary_suffix} symlinks via u-a to be consistent with what gem based packages do.
* Mon Sep 22 2014 update to ruby-2.2.0-r47678- drop buildroot patches! finally all upstream: ruby2.2.x_rbinstall_gem_buildroot.patch rubygems-1.5.0_buildroot.patch
* Mon Sep 22 2014 instead of touch for the files in /etc/alternatives. use the symlink pointing to itself.
* Fri Sep 19 2014 conflict with our own ruby abi
* Wed Sep 17 2014 only provide the rdoc and ri symlink on newer than sle11
* Wed Sep 17 2014 BR: xz
* Mon Sep 15 2014 the ruby(abi) = $interpreter:$abiversion was not a good idea. rpm treats the $interpreter part as epoch. instead we use now: $interpreter(abi) = $abiversion For MRI it means we are basically back to ruby(abi). Examples for alternative ruby interpreters are rubinius(abi) and jruby(abi) (bnc#896658)
* Wed Sep 03 2014 also in the awk generated provides we should add the intererpreter part to the provides. also remove the old package name based provides there.
* Wed Sep 03 2014 fix typo in macro
* Wed Sep 03 2014 update the ruby abi part in the macros
* Wed Sep 03 2014 use the new ruby abi syntax
* Wed Jul 16 2014 added ruby2.2.macros: ruby 2.2 specific macros for the macro based expansion- added ruby2.2-default.macros: if ruby 2.2 is default this file will be installed and sets the rb_default
* variables and rb_build_versions accordingly.- no longer conflict with the other versioned ruby packages
* Tue Jul 15 2014 now we can configure the default ruby version in the project config. if the package\'s rb_soname matches the rb_default_ruby_suffix, the package is default and we create the hardlinks for the important binaries and the symlink.
* Tue Jul 15 2014 require ruby-common already in the main package, not every package we build requires ruby-devel- update the rubygems provides to the actual version
* Wed Jun 25 2014 added ruby2.2.x_rbinstall_gem_buildroot.patch: we need to pass the destdir to the Gem.install call inside the ruby build process
* Wed Jun 25 2014 first snapshot of 2.2
* Wed Jun 18 2014 %ix86 architectures are x86 for rubygems
* Wed Jun 18 2014 also package the extensions documentation dir
* Wed Jun 18 2014 no longer share the rb_binary_suffix between the library usage and the binary usage. for the library usage we have now rb_soname.- change rb_binary_suffix to .ruby2.1
* Wed Jun 18 2014 also provide again: too much broken code relies on the existence of it
* Wed Jun 18 2014 also package the extensions dir so we have an owner
* Tue Jun 17 2014 no longer provide the ruby macros
* Sun Jun 15 2014 remove ruby19-export_init_prelude.patch
* Sun Jun 15 2014 dont build ruby-common in here anymore
* Fri May 16 2014 Update to 2.1.2 - fix for a regression of Hash#reject in Ruby 2.1.1 - support for build with Readline-6.3 (see Bug #9578) - updated bundled version of libyaml with psych - some bug fixes.
* Sun Mar 02 2014 make api_version explicit in spec- adapt versions of embedded gems
* Fri Feb 28 2014 use api version 2.1.0 again to avoid dependency breakages
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Update to 2.1.1 Speedup and bugfixes (upstream bug ids): - rubygems 2.2.2 (#9489) - fix segfault at unpacking modified String (#9478) - Struct#send(:setter=, rhs) does not return rhs (#9470) - Array#uniq behavior change (#9470) - Timeout behavior change (#9470) - Hash lookup with #hash and #eql broken (#9470) - bigdecimal division issue (#9470) - SizedQueue not working (#9470) - BidDecimal division (#9316) - fix \'gem install --ignore-dependencies\' for remote gems (#9282) - Array#to_h should not ignore badly formed elements (#9270) - Method#arity for keyword arguments (#8072)
* Sat Feb 15 2014 add internal.h to ruby-devel-extra
* Mon Feb 10 2014 Don\'t require rpm-with-ruby-provide-hook on SLE11. It\'s not a runtime requirement but a build-time requirement for rubygems in SLE11. Buildservice will take care of that.
* Fri Feb 07 2014 reintroduce update-alternatives for rake, rdoc and ri as those can come from more uptodate gems
* Sat Feb 01 2014 readd old macros - for now at least
* Fri Jan 31 2014 generate provides for embedded rubygems
* Thu Jan 30 2014 merged ruby-common
* Sun Jan 19 2014 new package split - only single Ruby version installable ruby - binary libruby2_1-2_0 - ruby runtime library ruby-stdlib - ruby standard library ruby-doc - ruby documentation ruby-devel - ruby development
* Sun Jan 19 2014 revert the ruby split (ruby - ruby21) rename ruby21 to ruby, integrate \'ruby\' and \'ruby-common\'
* Thu Jan 09 2014 remove part of rubygems1.5 patch that modify mkmf which is already fixed upstream
* Wed Jan 08 2014 fix rb_arch in spec: append -gnu- fix native gem builds: create gem native extensions dir
* Mon Jan 06 2014 initial version for ruby 2.1.0 - changes to Ruby 2.0: VM (method cache) RGenGC (See ko1’s RubyKaigi presentation and RubyConf 2013 presentation) refinements #8481 #8571 syntax changes Rational/Complex Literal #8430 def’s return value #3753 Bignum use GMP #8796 String#scrub #8414 Socket.getifaddrs #8368 RDoc 4.1.0 and RubyGems 2.2.0 “literal”.freeze is now optimized #9042 add Exception#cause #8257 update libraries like BigDecimal, JSON, NKF, Rake, RubyGems, and RDoc remove curses #8584- initial patches: drop_content_size_check_in_xmlrpc.patch ruby-1.9.2p290_tcl_no_stupid_rpaths.patch ruby19-export_init_prelude.patch rubygems-1.5.0_buildroot.patch