Changelog for python3-pymongo-debuginfo-3.0.3-7.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jul 13 2015 update to version 3.0.3:
* Error in changelog guidance for Python 3 (find timeout parameter)
* Unable to specify ssl_match_hostname option using URI style connection string
* Undocumented regression in Collection.find - projection tuple no longer allowed
* Mon May 25 2015 update to version 3.0.2:
* Auth can fail while connecting to replset with recovering members
* ReadPreference.NEAREST can route operations to arbiters in PyMongo 3.0
* ReadPreference instances aren\'t copyable
* Fri Apr 24 2015 update to version 3.0.1:
* OperationFailure iterating cursor with multiple mongoses
* GridFS.delete does not remove all chunks in PyMongo 3
* AssertionError: Result batch started from 101, expected 0
* Wed Apr 08 2015 update to version 3.0:
* A unified client class. MongoClient is the one and only client class for connecting to a standalone mongod, replica set, or sharded cluster. Migrating from a standalone, to a replica set, to a sharded cluster can be accomplished with only a simple URI change.
* MongoClient is much more responsive to configuration changes in your MongoDB deployment. All connected servers are monitored in a non-blocking manner. Slow to respond or down servers no longer block server discovery, reducing application startup time and time to respond to new or reconfigured servers and replica set failovers.
* A unified CRUD API. All official MongoDB drivers now implement a standard CRUD API allowing polyglot developers to move from language to language with ease.
* Single source support for Python 2.x and 3.x. PyMongo no longer relies on 2to3 to support Python 3.
* A rewritten pure Python BSON implementation, improving performance with pypy and cpython deployments without support for C extensions.
* Better support for greenlet based async frameworks including eventlet.
* Immutable client, database, and collection classes, avoiding a host of thread safety issues in client applications.
* Many more changes, see for details
* Sat Jan 31 2015 specfile:
* update copyright year
* remove ifdef for opensuse version < 1130- update to version 2.8:
* Version 2.8 is a major release that provides full support for MongoDB 3.0 and fixes a number of bugs.
* Support for the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism (new in MongoDB 3.0).
* JSON decoder support for the new $numberLong and $undefined types.
* JSON decoder support for the $date type as an ISO-8601 string.
* Support passing an index name to :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.hint`.
* The :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.count` method will use a hint if one has been provided through :meth:`~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.hint`.
* A new socketKeepAlive option for the connection pool.
* New generator based BSON decode functions, :func:`~bson.decode_iter` and :func:`~bson.decode_file_iter`.
* Internal changes to support alternative storage engines like wiredtiger.
* Thu Dec 11 2014 specfile: update copyright year- update to version 2.7.2:
* PyMongo 2.7 is a major release with a large number of new features and bug fixes. Highlights include: - Full support for MongoDB 2.6. - A new :doc:\"bulk write operations API \". - Support for server side query timeouts using :meth:\"~pymongo.cursor.Cursor.max_time_ms\". - Support for writing :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.aggregate\" output to a collection. - A new :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.parallel_scan\" helper. - :class:\"~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure\" and its subclasses now include a :attr:\"~pymongo.errors.OperationFailure.details\" attribute with complete error details from the server. - A new GridFS :meth:\"~gridfs.GridFS.find\" method that returns a :class:\"~gridfs.grid_file.GridOutCursor\". - Greatly improved :doc:\"support for mod_wsgi \" when using PyMongo\'s C extensions. Read \"Jesse\'s blog post \" for details. - Improved C extension support for ARM little endian.
* Breaking changes - Version 2.7 drops support for replica sets running MongoDB versions older than 1.6.2.
* Issues Resolved - See the \"PyMongo 2.7 release notes in JIRA\" for the list of resolved issues in this release.- changes from version 2.6.3:
* Version 2.6.3 fixes issues reported since the release of 2.6.2, most importantly a semaphore leak when a connection to the server fails.
* Issues Resolved - See the \"PyMongo 2.6.3 release notes in JIRA\" for the list of resolved issues in this release.- changes from version 2.6.2:
* Version 2.6.2 fixes a :exc:\"TypeError\" problem when max_pool_size=None is used in Python 3.
* Issues Resolved - See the \"PyMongo 2.6.2 release notes in JIRA\" for the list of resolved issues in this release.- changes from version 2.6.1:
* Version 2.6.1 fixes a reference leak in the :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.insert\" method.
* Issues Resolved - See the \"PyMongo 2.6.1 release notes in JIRA\" for the list of resolved issues in this release.- changes from version 2.6:
* Version 2.6 includes some frequently requested improvements and adds support for some early MongoDB 2.6 features. Special thanks go to Justin Patrin for his work on the connection pool in this release.
* Important new features: - The \"max_pool_size\" option for :class:\"~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient\" and :class:\"~pymongo.mongo_replica_set_client.MongoReplicaSetClient\" now actually caps the number of sockets the pool will open concurrently. Once the pool has reached :attr:\"~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_pool_size\" operations will block waiting for a socket to become available. If \"waitQueueTimeoutMS\" is set, an operation that blocks waiting for a socket will raise :exc:\"~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure\" after the timeout. By default \"waitQueueTimeoutMS\" is not set. See :ref:\"connection-pooling\" for more information. - The :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.insert\" method automatically splits large batches of documents into multiple insert messages based on :attr:\"~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient.max_message_size\" - Support for the exhaust cursor flag. See :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.find\" for details and caveats. - Support for the PLAIN and MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanisms. See :doc:\"the authentication docs \" for more information. - Support aggregation output as a :class:\"~pymongo.cursor.Cursor\". See :meth:\"~pymongo.collection.Collection.aggregate\" for details.
* warning: SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOR CHANGE in 2.6. Previously, \"max_pool_size\" would limit only the idle sockets the pool would hold onto, not the number of open sockets. The default has also changed, from 10 to 100. If you pass a value for \"max_pool_size\" make sure it is large enough for the expected load. (Sockets are only opened when needed, so there is no cost to having a \"max_pool_size\" larger than necessary. Err towards a larger value.) If your application accepts the default, continue to do so. See :ref:\"connection-pooling\" for more information.
* Issues Resolved - See the \"PyMongo 2.6 release notes in JIRA\" for the list of resolved issues in this release.
* Tue Jun 04 2013 Update to version 2.5.2
* Version 2.5.2 fixes a NULL pointer dereference issue when decoding an invalid :class:`~bson.dbref.DBRef`(bnc#822798, CVE-2013-2132). See release notes in JIRA: for details.
* Tue Jun 04 2013 Update to version 2.5.1
* Version 2.5.1 is a minor release that fixes issues discovered after the release of 2.5. Most importantly, this release addresses some race conditions in replica set monitoring. See release notes in JIRA: for details.
* Wed Apr 03 2013 Set Exclusive arch for LittleEndian machines. mongodb is not BigEndian compatible.
* Wed Mar 27 2013 Update to version 2.5
* for details
* Wed Dec 12 2012 Update to version 2.4.1
* See for details
* Wed Dec 12 2012 Update to version 2.4
* See for details
* Wed Sep 26 2012 change to use python3
* Mon Sep 24 2012 Update to version 2.3
* fixes see
* Support for expanded read preferences including directing reads to tagged servers - See Secondary Reads for more information.
* Support for mongos failover - See High Availability and mongos for more information.
* A new aggregate() method to support MongoDB’s new aggregation framework.
* Support for legacy Java and C# byte order when encoding and decoding UUIDs.
* Support for connecting directly to an arbiter.
* Tue Mar 27 2012 Change requires on mongodb to suggests, a weak dependency is better
* Tue Feb 28 2012 Update to version 2.1.1
* See for details- Require mongodb
* Sat Mar 26 2011 Initial package (1.9) for openSUSE.