Changelog for
telepathy-qt5-debugsource- :
* Mon Jan 11 2016 Do not require libtelepathy-qt5-farstream if it does not build
* Sun Jan 10 2016 Partial revert the last commit, do not disable the farstream subpackage for ppc64le on all version, just disabled it on SLE12.
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Disable the farstream subpackage for ppc64le, since SLE12 doesn\'t have farstream packages in that architecture
* Sun Nov 29 2015 Update to version + Fixed illegal C++ statement in one of service interfaces.- Add telepathy-qt5-gst-1_6.patch: Fix build with gstreamer-1.6.
* Tue May 19 2015 Update to 0.9.6: - Enhancements:
* Added TP_QT_VERSION and TP_QT_VERSION_CHECK macros - Can be used like #if (TP_QT_VERSION == TP_QT_VERSION_CHECK(0, 9, 6)) - Absence of the TP_QT_VERSION macros indicates previous versions (might be useful for service bindings compatibility)
* Added client side support for conference calls
* Implemented numerous interfaces for service bindings - API changes:
* Refactored service-side bindings API - BaseConnection createChannel() and ensureChannel() methods now accept request map instead of several extracted values. - BaseChannel::create() arguments reordered in natural way. - Fixes:
* Fixed CallContent interfaces exposing (required for DTMF)
* fd0#86312: Fixed condition in adaptor methods generation- Drop patches merged upstream: Add-missing-QObject-include.patch and add-the-telepathy-qt-include.patch
* Sun Mar 29 2015 Add-missing-QObject-include.patch: fixed build with Qt 5.5
* Mon Dec 15 2014 Added add-the-telepathy-qt-include.patch
* Tue Sep 09 2014 Update to 0.9.5:
* Added more service side bindings
* Service bindings now enabled by default
* Bump Farstream version
* Allow subclass of Tp::ReceivedMessage
* Workaround invalid channelRequests when delegating, fdo#77986- Drop search-for-gstreamer1.0.diff and search-for-farstream0.2.diff, merged upstream- Provide telepathy-qt5-service-devel-static, due to newly enabled service library
* Thu Jul 31 2014 Move to gstreamer 1.0 API for Factory- Drop search-for-telepathy-farstream-0.4.diff (support for older openSUSE versions is dropped)- Adjust baselibs.conf for new subpackage- Update descriptions
* Mon Jun 16 2014 Update to 0.9.4 + Enhancements:
* fdo#63098: add method Account::createDbusTubeRoom + Fixes:
* fdo#46241: Fixed linking in farstream and farsight
* Require tp-glib 0.18 and fix 0.19-ism
* fdo#47647: Fixed storing avatars, so that they are not stored millions of times each.
* fdo#62711: Fixed stack overflow in SimpleObserver::create
* Fix compilation and running against release Qt5- Drop patches included in this release: 0012-Fix-warning-in-DBusTubeChannel.patch 0035-Fix-ChannelDispatcher.Messages-test.patch 0031-Update-to-spec-0.27.3.patch 0026-Fix-tests-build-for-Qt5-release.patch 0021-account-add-method-Account-createDbusTubeRoom.patch 0036-Fix-moc-command-for-Qt5.2.patch 0030-Fix-HandledChannelNotifier-for-Qt5.patch 0007-Link-telepathy-qt4-farsight-against-gobject.patch 0005-Start-0.9.4-development.patch 0039-Add-Q_UNUSED-as-Q_ASSERT-is-a-no-op-in-release-mode.patch 0025-Fix-build-for-Qt5-release.patch 0010-cmake-Require-tp-glib-0.18.patch 0006-farsight-Fix-linking.patch 0029-Fix-TestDBusProxyFactory-testDropRefs.patch 0009-glib-Disable-tp_tests_connection_run_until_contact_b.patch 0028-Fix-TestAccountSet-testFilters.patch 0038-Allow-compilation-when-only-qmake-qt4-is-in-the-path.patch 0023-Kill-the-last-bits-of-Farsight.patch 0027-Fix-TestKeyFile-sort-list-before-comparing.patch 0018-tests-sync-simple-channel-dispatch-operation.c-from-.patch 0040-Add-5-to-pkg-config-package-names-for-Qt5.patch 0037-Simplify-FindQt5.cmake.patch 0032-Update-changes-from-Channel_Dispatcher_Future.patch 0034-Add-Room-Subject-RoomConfig-interfaces-to-generation.patch 0015-Fix-stack-overflow-in-SimpleObserver-create.patch 0024-Fix-compilation-on-new-versions-of-cmake.patch 0017-Remove-references-to-deprecated-tp_channel_borrow_im.patch 0013-Fix-storing-avatars-so-that-they-are-not-stored-mill.patch 0019-Removing-old-Farsight-files.patch 0033-Update-test-library-to-match-spec-changes.patch- Simplify cmake usage during %build phase
* Mon Jun 02 2014 Add baselibs.conf
* Sun Apr 13 2014 Activate telepathy-qt5 package