Changelog for libQt5Bluetooth5-debuginfo-5.15.16+kde2-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Jan 28 2025 Update to version 5.15.16+kde2:
* QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluez: guard against malformed replies (CVE-2025-23050, boo#1236237)
* Mon Nov 25 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.16+kde1, rebased upstream:
* sdpscanner: fix format strings for (u)int64_t
* Bump version to 5.15.16
* Wed Sep 04 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.15+kde3, rebased upstream:
* [docs] QBluetoothAddress: fix a grammer mistake
* Bump version to 5.15.15
* Wed May 29 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.14+kde3, rebased upstream:
* Android-example: add missing properties in AndroidManifest.xml
* Bump version to 5.15.14
* Tue Mar 19 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.13+kde4, rebased upstream:
* Doc: Replace dead link to external neard page
* Bump version to 5.15.13
* Fri Dec 29 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.12+kde6, rebased upstream:
* Bump version to 5.15.12
* Fri Oct 06 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.11+kde6, rebased upstream:
* Fix bluetooth service discovery not finishing on Android
* Add a timeout guard for Android BT device discovery not starting
* Repair tst_QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent unit test on Android
* Thu Sep 28 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.10+kde6:
* Fix translation context of QBluetoothUuid::WeightScaleFeature
* QBluetoothUuid: remove default case labels and fix the fallout
* Tue Jun 13 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.10+kde4, rebased upstream:
* Update LGPL license header
* Replace deprecated bluetooth disable/enable methods on Android
* includemocs
* QLeAdvertizerBluez: add missing Q_OBJECT macro
* Rename qleadvertiser_p.h → qleadvertiser_bluez_p.h
* QtConnectivity: replace qSwap with std::swap/member-swap where possible
* Fix crash when service discovery agent (SDA) is stopped on Android
* QLowEnergyControllerPrivateAndroid: remove unused forward declaration
* Improve Android-12 bluetooth permission error reporting
* Update BT LE peripheral role OS support documentation
* Introduce Android 12 / SDK 31+ bluetooth permissions
* tst_qbluetoothservicediscovery: make auto-test less evil
* Remove QBluetoothSocket::connected double-emit on macOS
* Fix Android bluetooth server assert when disposed of quickly
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.8+kde34, rebased upstream:
* Close socket descriptor when QBluetoothSocketBluez is destroyed
* Fix Bluez BT LE battery reading
* Repair tst_QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent on Android
* Accommodate different bluez socket types in autotest [secFlags]
* Improve bluetooth service discovery on macOS Monterey
* Avoid multiple client sockets in pingpong bluetooth example
* IOBluetooth: tweak a couple of classes
* Fix missing MetaType registration
* Improve macOS classic bluetooth (server) SDP record creation
* IOBluetooth: fix SDP inquiry broken by Monterey
* Windows BT: reverse the latter UUID part to correct order
* Document the bluetooth socket data pausing on macOS Monterey
* Decrement the pending paired device counter only once per device
* Make Windows bluetooth to scan all found devices for services
* PingPong example: let the parent QObject do the cleanup
* Android: fix signal order during service discovery
* Store the serviceinfo in pingpong example
* tst_QBluetoothServiceInfo::tst_assignment - fix for Monterey
* IOBluetooth (device scan) - reduce the manual timeout
* Android BT LE Client thread protection improvement
* Windows QBluetoothSocket: fix crash at disconnecting
* Add Info.plists to autotests which require bluetooth usage key
* Windows QBluetoothSocket: remove unneeded variable from SocketWorker
* QLowEnergyController Windows: fix early disconnect crash on Win 11
* Thu Mar 16 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.8+kde8:
* SDP scanner: encode input URLs and escape XML-specific characters
* sdpscanner: fix URL processing
* sdpscanner: fix potential unwanted truncation for SDP_TEXT_STR{8,16,32}
* Mon Jan 09 2023 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.8+kde5, rebased upstream:
* QBluetoothSocket Windows: check that host info is available
* Thread protection for Android BT LE Server
* QBluetoothSocket Windows: fix localAddress and peerAddress
* QBluetoothSocket Windows: actually query remote port
* NFC: Fix PendingIntent creation for Android 12
* CoreBluetooth: fix warning message concatenation
* Windows: fix object destruction order when terminating helper threads
* Bluetooth (Darwin): bail out early, if Info.plist is missing
* Fix thread affinity for charListObtained slot
* Fix BT LE service addition timing issue on Android
* macOS specific Info.plist file for Bluetooth Examples
* IOBluetooth: avoid over-retaining Obj-C entity
* Thu Nov 03 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.7+kde5, rebased upstream:
* Refactor characteristics read for WinRT
* QLowEnergyControllerWinRT: refactor connection to device
* Move connecting to a LE device to background on Windows
* QLowEnergyController(WinRT): introduce timeout for connection
* winrt: Protect from late AdvertisementReceived callback
* IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry: manually interrupt Classic scan
* QtBluetooth (examples): add Info.plist for iOS
* CoreBluetooth: provide a description (in Info.plist) of BT usage
* Bluetooth docs: mention the Apple\'s specific requirements
* Heart-rate example: add a proper Info.plist
* Android: Call handleTargetLost directly on NFC TagLostException
* Mon Sep 26 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.6+kde5, rebased upstream:
* Doc: Fix typo
* QWinRTBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryWorker: Add error handling
* Improve detection of enabled location service on SDK<28
* Mon Jun 27 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.5+kde5, rebased upstream:
* Add QIODevice::canReadLine call to QBluetoothSocket
* Handle LE enhanced connection complete in Bluez peripheral
* Keep the bluetooth service name if the remote has provided it
* Use the service\'s socket protocol info on Bluez bluetooth socket
* Fix Linux bluetooth service discovery crash with multiple services
* Fix \"loop variable creates a copy\" warning
* Prefer QChar over QString that consists of a single QChar
* CoreBluetooth: add a workaround to enable using scan options
* Backport a fix from Qt 6 (stop using a deprecated API)
* Revert \"Update commercial license headers\"
* Fix bug: Let QBluetoothsocket::close emit disconnected only once
* Change tst_qlowenergycontroller to wait for disconnects
* Update commercial license headers- Drop 0001-Revert-Bump-version.patch, it\'s versioned correctly now
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 5.15.2+kde5:
* Always call setOpenMode before setSocketState
* Add server role to BlueZ service registration
* Fix error handling in BlueZ connectToServiceHelper
* Correct error handling in QLowEnergyControllerPrivateBluezDBUS