Changelog for
python2-qscintilla-qt5-2.10.4-lp150.1.13.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Remove source URL for now to work around SourceForge\'s unreliable mirroring
* Tue Apr 17 2018 Update to version 2.10.4
* Bug fixes.- Update to version 2.10.3
* Added accessibility support.
* Added the API file for Python v3.7.
* Fri Jan 26 2018 Update to version 2.10.2
* Added setScrollWidth() , scrollWidth, setScrollWidthTracking() and scrollWidthTracking() to QsciScintilla.
* Bug fixes. version v2.10.1
* Added previously internal lexer methods to the Python bindings.
* Thu May 25 2017 Fix python Requires, Provides, and Obsoletes. This pulls in proper dependencies and avoids conflicts.
* Wed Apr 19 2017 Add qt4 versions as subpackages.- Rename qt4 versions to use -qt4 suffix.
* Sat Apr 01 2017 force -std=c++11 to compile with Leap 42.1
* Sun Mar 12 2017 Implement single-spec version
* Wed Mar 01 2017 Update to 2.10 - Based on Scintilla v3.7.2. - Added the QsciLexerJSON class. - Added the QsciLexerMarkdown class. - Added replaceHorizontalScrollBar() and replaceVerticalScrollBar() to QsciScintillaBase. - Added bytes() and a corresponding text() overload to QsciScintilla. - Added EdgeMultipleLines to QsciScintilla::EdgeMode. - Added addEdgeColumn() and clearEdgeColumns() to QsciScintilla. - Added the marginRightClicked() signal to QsciScintilla. - Added SymbolMarginColor to QsciScintilla::MarginType. - Added setMarginBackgroundColor() and marginBackgroundColor() to QsciScintilla. - Added setMargins() and margins() to QsciScintilla. - Added TriangleIndicator and TriangleCharacterIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - Added WsVisibleOnlyInIndent to QsciScintilla::WhitespaceVisibility. - Added TabDrawMode, setTabDrawMode() and tabDrawMode() to QsciScintilla. - Added InstanceProperty to QsciLexerCoffeeScript. - Added EDGE_MULTILINE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added INDIC_POINT and INDIC_POINTCHARACTER to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_AC_FILLUP, SC_AC_DOUBLECLICK, SC_AC_TAB, SC_AC_NEWLINE and SC_AC_COMMAND to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_CASE_CAMEL to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_CHARSET_CYRILLIC and SC_CHARSET_OEM866 to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN, SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_STANDARD and SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_IDLESTYLING_NONE, SC_IDLESTYLING_TOVISIBLE, SC_IDLESTYLING_AFTERVISIBLE and SC_IDLESTYLING_ALL to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MARGIN_COLOUR to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_POPUP_NEVER, SC_POPUP_ALL and SC_POPUP_TEXT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_FOLDDISPLAYTEXTSETSTYLE and SCI_TOGGLEFOLDSHOWTEXT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETIDLESTYLING and SCI_SETIDLESTYLING to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETMARGINBACKN and SCI_SETMARGINBACKN to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETMARGINS and SCI_SETMARGINS to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETMOUSEWHEELCAPTURES and SCI_SETMOUSEWHEELCAPTURES to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETTABDRAWMODE and SCI_SETTABDRAWMODE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_ISRANGEWORD to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE and SCI_MULTIEDGECLEARALL to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_MULTIPLESELECTADDNEXT and SCI_MULTIPLESELECTADDEACH to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_TARGETWHOLEDOCUMENT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCLEX_JSON and SCLEX_EDIFACT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCTD_LONGARROW and SCTD_STRIKEOUT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCWS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added the SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED() signal to QsciScintillaBase. - Added the overloaded SCN_AUTOCSELECTION() and SCN_USERLISTSELECTION() signals to QsciScintillaBase. - Added the SCN_MARGINRIGHTCLICK() signal to QsciScintillaBase. - Renamed SCI_GETTARGETRANGE to SCI_GETTARGETTEXT in QsciScintillaBase. - Removed SCI_GETKEYSUNICODE and SCI_SETKEYSUNICODE to QsciScintillaBase. - The autoCompletionFillups(), autoCompletionWordSeparators(), blockEnd(), blockLookback(), blockStart(), blockStartKeyword(), braceStyle(), caseSensitive(), indentationGuideView() and defaultStyle() methods of QsciLexer are no longer marked as internal and are exposed to Python so that they may be used by QsciLexerCustom sub-classes. - The name of the library has been changed to include the major version number of the version of Qt it is built against (ie. 4 or 5).
* Tue Jan 03 2017 Update to 2.9.4 - Added the .api file for Python v3.6. - Bug fixes.
* Tue Jul 26 2016 Update to 2.9.3 - Bug fixes- Update to 2.9.2 - Added support for a PEP 484 stub file for the Python extension module.
* Fri Oct 30 2015 Update to 2.9.1 - This is primarily a bug-fix release.
* Fri Aug 14 2015 change required sip version to 4.16.9
* Sun Jul 19 2015 Update to 2.9 - Based on Scintilla v3.5.4. - Added UserLiteral, InactiveUserLiteral, TaskMarker, InactiveTaskMarker, EscapeSequence, InactiveEscapeSequence, setHighlightBackQuotedStrings(), highlightBackQuotedStrings(), setHighlightEscapeSequences(), highlightEscapeSequences(), setVerbatimStringEscapeSequencesAllowed() and verbatimStringEscapeSequencesAllowed() to QsciLexerCPP. - Added CommentKeyword, DeclareInputPort, DeclareOutputPort, DeclareInputOutputPort, PortConnection and the inactive versions of all styles to QsciLexerVerilog. - Added CommentBlock to QsciLexerVHDL. - Added AnnotationIndented to QsciScintilla::AnnotationDisplay. - Added FullBoxIndicator, ThickCompositionIndicator, ThinCompositionIndicator and TextColorIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - Added setIndicatorHoverForegroundColor() and setIndicatorHoverStyle() to QsciScintilla. - Added Bookmark to QsciScintilla::MarkerSymbol. - Added WrapWhitespace to QsciScintilla::WrapMode. - Added SCLEX_AS, SCLEX_BIBTEX, SCLEX_DMAP, SCLEX_DMIS, SCLEX_IHEX, SCLEX_REGISTRY, SCLEX_SREC and SCLEX_TEHEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CHANGEINSERTION to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CLEARTABSTOPS, SCI_ADDTABSTOP and SCI_GETNEXTTABSTOP to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_GETIMEINTERACTION, SCI_SETIMEINTERACTION, SC_IME_WINDOWED and SC_IME_INLINE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MARK_BOOKMARK to QsciScintillaBase. - Added INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN, INDIC_FULLBOX, INDIC_TEXTFORE, INDIC_IME, INDIC_IME_MAX, SC_INDICVALUEBIT, SC_INDICVALUEMASK, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEBEFORE, SCI_INDICSETHOVERSTYLE, SCI_INDICGETHOVERSTYLE, SCI_INDICSETHOVERFORE, SCI_INDICGETHOVERFORE, SCI_INDICSETFLAGS and SCI_INDICGETFLAGS to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETTARGETRANGE and SCI_GETTARGETRANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCFIND_CXX11REGEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_CALLTIPSETPOSSTART to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WRAP_WHITESPACE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_PHASES_ONE, SC_PHASES_TWO, SC_PHASES_MULTIPLE, SCI_GETPHASESDRAW and SCI_SETPHASESDRAW to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_STATUS_OK, SC_STATUS_FAILURE, SC_STATUS_BADALLOC, SC_STATUS_WARN_START and SC_STATUS_WARNREGEX to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MULTIAUTOC_ONCE, SC_MULTIAUTOC_EACH, SCI_AUTOCSETMULTI and SCI_AUTOCGETMULTI to QsciScintillaBase. - Added ANNOTATION_INDENTED to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_DROPSELECTIONN to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITERETAIN and SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITEDC to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_LINE_END_TYPE_DEFAULT, SC_LINE_END_TYPE_UNICODE, SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESSUPPORTED, SCI_SETLINEENDTYPESALLOWED, SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESALLOWED and SCI_GETLINEENDTYPESACTIVE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_ALLOCATESUBSTYLES, SCI_GETSUBSTYLESSTART, SCI_GETSUBSTYLESLENGTH, SCI_GETSTYLEFROMSUBSTYLE, SCI_GETPRIMARYSTYLEFROMSTYLE, SCI_FREESUBSTYLES, SCI_SETIDENTIFIERS, SCI_DISTANCETOSECONDARYSTYLES and SCI_GETSUBSTYLEBASES to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_MOD_INSERTCHECK and SC_MOD_CHANGETABSTOPS to QsciScintillaBase. - Qt v3 and PyQt v3 are no longer supported.
* Sat Oct 11 2014 build for Qt5
* Sat Oct 11 2014 Update to 2.8.4 - This is a minor functional release include the addition of some hotspot related functions to the high-level API. - run spec-cleaner
* Thu Jul 31 2014 Run spec file through spec-cleaner- Various spec file cleanups
* Thu Jul 31 2014 Update to v2.8.3 - Added the QsciLexerCoffeeScript class. - Font sizes are now handled as floating point values rather than integers. - Bug fixes.
* Thu May 29 2014 Update to v2.8.2 - Added the QsciLexerAVS class. - Added the QsciLexerPO class. - Added the --sysroot, --no-sip-files and --no-qsci-api options to the Python bindings\' - Cross-compilation (specifically to iOS and Android) is now supported. - has been refactored and relicensed so that it can be used as a template for wrapping other bindings. - Bug fixes.
* Sun Mar 23 2014 Update to v2.8.1 - Added support for iOS and Android. - Added support for retina displays. - A qscintilla2.prf file is installed so that application .pro files only need to add CONFIG += qscintilla2. - Updated the keywords recognised by the Octave lexer. - Bug fixes.- Rebase qscintilla.diff for the new release
* Thu Nov 14 2013 update to v2.8: - Based on Scintilla v3.3.6. - Added the SCN_FOCUSIN() and SCN_FOCUSOUT() signals to QsciScintillaBase. - Added PreProcessorCommentLineDoc and InactivePreProcessorCommentLineDoc to QsciLexerCPP. - Added SCLEX_LITERATEHASKELL, SCLEX_KVIRC, SCLEX_RUST and SCLEX_STTXT to QsciScintillaBase. - Added ThickCompositionIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - Added INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FOLDACTION_CONTRACT, SC_FOLDACTION_EXPAND and SC_FOLDACTION_TOGGLE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_FOLDLINE, SCI_FOLDCHILDREN, SCI_EXPANDCHILDREN and SCI_FOLDALL to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_SHOW, SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CLICK and SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CHANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETAUTOMATICFOLD and SCI_GETAUTOMATICFOLD to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_ORDER_PRESORTED, SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT and SC_ORDER_CUSTOM to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_AUTOCSETORDER and SCI_AUTOCGETORDER to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_POSITIONRELATIVE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_RELEASEALLEXTENDEDSTYLES and SCI_ALLOCATEEXTENDEDSTYLES to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SCROLLRANGE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS and SCI_GETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETMOUSESELECTIONRECTANGULARSWITCH and SCI_GETMOUSESELECTIONRECTANGULARSWITCH to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_SETREPRESENTATION, SCI_GETREPRESENTATION and SCI_CLEARREPRESENTATION to QsciScintillaBase. - Input methods are now properly supported.
* Wed Jun 19 2013 update to 2.7.2: - The build script for the Python bindings now has a --pyqt argument for specifying PyQt4 or PyQt5. - The default EOL mode on OS/X is now EolUnix. - Bug fixes.
* Fri Apr 12 2013 update to 2.7.1 - v2.7.1 1st March 2013 - Added support for the final release of Qt v5. - The build script for the Python bindings should now work with SIP v5. - Bug fixes. - v2.7 8th December 2012 - Based on Scintilla v3.23. - Added support for Qt v5-rc1. - Added HashQuotedString, InactiveHashQuotedString, PreProcessorComment, InactivePreProcessorComment, setHighlightHashQuotedStrings() and highlightHashQuotedStrings() to QsciLexerCpp. - Added Variable, setHSSLanguage(), HSSLanguage(), setLessLanguage(), LessLanguage(), setSCCSLanguage() and SCCSLanguage() to QsciLexerCSS. - Added setOverwriteMode() and overwriteMode() to QsciScintilla. - Added wordAtLineIndex() to QsciScintilla. - Added findFirstInSelection() to QsciScintilla. - Added CallTipsPosition, callTipsPosition() and setCallTipsPosition() to QsciScintilla. - Added WrapFlagInMargin to QsciScintilla::WrapVisualFlag. - Added SquigglePixmapIndicator to QsciScintilla::IndicatorStyle. - The weight of a font (rather than whether it is just bold or not) is now respected. - Added SCLEX_AVS, SCLEX_COFFEESCRIPT, SCLEX_ECL, SCLEX_OSCRIPT, SCLEX_TCMD and SCLEX_VISUALPROLOG to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR_IGNORECASE and SC_CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR_RESPECTCASE to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL, SC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD and SC_WEIGHT_BOLD to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN to QsciScintillaBase. - Added INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP to QsciScintillaBase. - Added SCI_AUTOCSETCASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR, SCI_AUTOCGETCASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR, SCI_CALLTIPSETPOSITION, SCI_COUNTCHARACTERS, SCI_CREATELOADER, SCI_DELETERANGE, SCI_FINDINDICATORFLASH, SCI_FINDINDICATORHIDE, SCI_FINDINDICATORSHOW, SCI_GETALLLINESVISIBLE, SCI_GETGAPPOSITION, SCI_GETPUNCTUATIONCHARS, SCI_GETRANGEPOINTER, SCI_GETSELECTIONEMPTY, SCI_GETTECHNOLOGY, SCI_GETWHITESPACECHARS, SCI_GETWORDCHARS, SCI_RGBAIMAGESETSCALE, SCI_SETPUNCTUATIONCHARS, SCI_SETTECHNOLOGY, SCI_STYLESETSIZEFRACTIONAL, SCI_STYLEGETSIZEFRACTIONAL, SCI_STYLESETWEIGHT and SCI_STYLEGETWEIGHT to QsciScintillaBase. - Removed SCI_GETUSEPALETTE and SCI_SETUSEPALETTE from QsciScintillaBase. - Bug fixes.
* Thu Jul 05 2012 link .changes files for python/3-qscintilla to qscintilla.changes- update to 2.6.2:
* Added support for Qt v5.
* QsciLexer::wordCharacters() is now part of the public API.
* Bug fixes.
* Mon Feb 27 2012 update to 2.6.1: - Mainly a bugfix release
* Sun Feb 05 2012 update to 2.6: - based on Scintilla v2.29. - improved support for rebinding keys to commands - native key bindings under OS/X.- remove Qt3 support (it does not compile with current Qt3 packages)
* Wed Nov 23 2011 build QScintilla plugin for QT4 Designer
* Mon Aug 15 2011 update to 2.5.1: - based on Scintilla v2.25
* Wed Sep 01 2010 update to 2.4.5: - A bug fix release. - Added the canInsertFromMimeData(), fromMimeData() and toMimeData() methods to QsciScintillaBase. - QsciScintilla::markerDefine() now allows existing markers to be redefined.
* Tue Apr 20 2010 fix build
* Sun Apr 11 2010 update to 2.4.3 release:
* Added clearFolds() to QsciScintilla.
* Updated Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.
* Fixed compilation problems with Qt v3 and Qt v4 prior to v4.5.
* Added the QsciLexerSpice and QsciLexerVerilog classes.
* Significant performance improvements when handling long lines.
* The Python bindings include automatically generated docstrings by default.
* Added an API file for Python v3.
* Tue Nov 03 2009 updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
* Fri Jul 10 2009 update build requires after python-sip package split
* Mon Jun 08 2009 update to 2.4 release:
* support for annotations, margin text
* ability to write new language lexers
* Tue May 26 2009 update to 2.4-snapshot-20090525: - Based on Scintilla v1.78. - Added the QsciLexerCustom, QsciStyle and QsciStyledText classes. - Added annotate(), annotation(), clearAnnotations(), setAnnotationDisplay() and annotationDisplay() to QsciScintilla. - Added setMarginText(), clearMarginText(), setMarginType() and marginType() to QsciScintilla. - Added QsciLexer::lexerId() so that container lexers can be implemented. - Added editor() and styleBitsNeeded() to QsciLexer. - Added setDollarsAllowed() and dollarsAllowed() to QsciLexerCPP. - Added setFoldScriptComments(), foldScriptComments(), setFoldScriptHeredocs() and foldScriptHeredocs() to QsciLexerHTML. - Added setSmartHighlighting() and smartHighlighting() to QsciLexerPascal. (Note that the Scintilla Pascal lexer has changed so that any saved colour and font settings will not be properly restored.) - Added setFoldPackages(), foldPackages(), setFoldPODBlocks() and foldPODBlocks() to QsciLexerPerl. - Added setV2UnicodeAllowed(), v2UnicodeAllowed(), setV3BinaryOctalAllowed(), v3BinaryOctalAllowed(), setV3BytesAllowed and v3BytesAllowed() to QsciLexerPython. - Added setScriptsStyled() and scriptsStyled() to QsciLexerXML. - Added Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.