Changelog for
lua53-5.3.4-lp151.3.25.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Jan 25 2019 bsc#1123043 CVE-2019-6706 add CVE-2019-6706-use-after-free-lua_upvaluejoin.patch Fix free-after-use bug in lua_upvaluejoin function of lapi.c Exploitability of the bug is a bit theoretical, because it requires access to the debug interface, which is inherently insecure.
* Tue Jul 25 2017 Provide symbol for pkgconfig
* Mon Jul 24 2017 Add INSTALL_LMOD and INSTALL_CMOD variables to lua53.pc: this is queried for example by rrdtool\'s buildsystem.
* Thu Jul 20 2017 Properly set includedir in the .pc file
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Require lua macros rather than bundling them with lua itself
* Fri Jul 07 2017 Add patch lua-build-system.patch for all the builsystem changes- Drop patches merged to the above:
* lua-5.3.3-prefix.patch
* lua-5.3.3-shared.patch- Drop not really needed lua-5.3.3-visible.patch- Version update to lua 5.3.4 containing various bugfixes- Rename to lua53
* Tue Jun 13 2017 Let package description adhere to guidelines: trim redundant or biased wording and strip future goals.
* Thu Jun 16 2016 update version 5.3.3
* bugfix release- changes in 5.3.2
* metatable may access its own deallocated field when it has a self reference in __newindex
* label between local definitions can mix-up their initializations
* gmatch iterator fails when called from a coroutine different from the one that created it- split lua-suse.diff to 3 reasonable patches
* add lua-5.3.3-prefix.patch
* add lua-5.3.3-shared.patch
* add lua-5.3.3-visible.patch
* Fri Jul 31 2015 Update RPM group classification
* Thu Jul 30 2015 Provide Lua(API) = 5.3, so that packages installing files to /usr/share/lua/5.3 can properly depend on the right lua branch.- Provide Lua(devel) = 5.3 by lua-devel and conflict with other packages providing Lua(devel) (e.g lua51-devel, lua52-devel...).
* Mon Jul 13 2015 macros.lua installs to lua-devel- build with LUA_COMPAT_MODULE to compatible w/ old module system
* Fri Jul 10 2015 update version 5.3.1
* integers (64-bit by default)
* official support for 32-bit numbers
* bitwise operators
* basic utf-8 support
* functions for packing and unpacking values
* see
* Sun Mar 15 2015 Update to 5.2.4
* Compiler can optimize away overflow check in table.unpack.
* Ephemeron table can wrongly collect entry with strong key.
* Chunk with too many lines may crash Lua.