Changelog for octave-forge-ltfat-2.6.0-lp160.1.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Oct 31 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Add ltfat-fix-jar-bin-path.patch: Fix path pointing to jar binary.- Drop an unnecessary hashbang. * Mon Oct 30 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update URL to point to \'https://gnu-octave.github.io/packages/\' * Thu Oct 19 2023 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 2.6.0: * NEW: gabreassignreal, comp_gabreassignreal, gabphasederivreal, demo_waveletfilters, lowdiscrepancy, thirdparty/im2double (Octave function), ltfatruntests (continuous integration and deployment functionality via github actions), fusionframe, arg_fusionframe * BUGFIX: comp_fblowpassfilters, audfilters, gabphasederiv, freqwavelet, ltfat_mex_template_helper, -ct/comp_filterbank (getting rid of octave buffer to reduce the number of warnings), test_all_ltfat, test_dft, test_dgt_alg, test_gabphasederiv, test_gabphasederivinterface, test_gabphasederivreal, test_idft, test_ptpfun * EXTENSIONS: filterbanktight and filterbankrealtight (force painless option), frame (wavelet, auditory, warped, and gabor filter bank), waveletfilters (help example) * ADJUSTMENTS: gabfilters and waveletfilters output format (to match that of the other filterbank generators) * DOCUMENTATION: comp_dgt_real, comp_sepdgtreal, comp_gabreassign, comp_transferfunction, demo_auditoryfilterbank, demo_filterbanks, filterbankconstphase, filterbankwin, framebounds * DEPRECATED: comp_gdgt, test_dgt_fac, test_dgts, test_dwilts, test_framemulappr, test_gabmul, test_gdgt, test_hermbasis, test_ola, test_pherm, test_wfac- Drop upstreamed ltfat-sourcetarget.patch. * Tue Nov 08 2022 Stefan Brüns - Update to version 2.5.0: * Improved precison of Daubechies wavelet filters for \'db1\'-\'db38\' * Added internal reset condition to \'multidgtrealmp\' * New filterbank-generating function \'waveletfilters\' * Extended filterbankdual and filterbankrealdual with an \'economize_filters\' option * Addition of \'comp_fblowpassfilters\' * Extended wavelet function generator (supported Morlet and several others) freqwavelet, determine_freqatheight, arg_freqwavelet, wpghi_findalpha, helper_waveletgeneratorfunc + New demo_dgt_parametrize * rms accepts now \'dim\' as an input * frana accepts now row vectors as input signals * expchirp optional fade-in and fade-out * Bug fixes and minor changes: + nsdgt + normalize, filterbankrealbounds, cqtfilters, firkaiser, gabwin, comp_frana_tensor * Deprecated: normalize - replaced by setnorm- Drop upstream patch: * ltfat-nsdgt_m-syntax-error.patch * Fri Apr 08 2022 Fridrich Strba - Added patch: * ltfat-sourcetarget.patch + build with java source and target levels 8 + fixes build in Factory * Sat Jan 09 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Add ltfat-nsdgt_m-syntax-error.patch: Fix syntax error in nsdgt.m to build against octave >= 6; patch taken from upstream git commit and rebased to apply with -p1 (gh#ltfat/ltfat#115). * Tue Feb 25 2020 Stefan Brüns - Update to version 2.4.0: * Added universal filterbank phase reconstruction function: + filterbankconstphase (Thanks to Nicki Holighaus) * Added time-frequency jigsaw puzzle tonal-transinet-residual separation: tfjigsawsep, plottfjigsawsep, demo_tfjigsawsep Thanks to Daniel Haider. * Added coiflet filters up to K=17. Thanks to KIMURA Masaru. * Added wavelet function generator (supported Cauchy, Morse) freqwavelet * Function cqtfilters now accepts windows from freqwin. * MEX files are now compatible with the new MATLAB 2018a API. * Deprecated cqt, icqt, erblett ierblett. Replacements: cqt: cqtfilters and filterbank icqt: filterbankdual and ifilterbank or ifilterbankiter erblett: audfilters with \'erb\' and filterbank ierblett: filterbankdual and ifilterbank or ifilterbankiter- Remove explicit blas build dependency, octave pulls in a BLAS implementation (blas or openblas, dependent on archictecture)- Delete the blockproc.jar included in the sources and regenerate it by running make before %octave_pkg_src.- Add RPM optflags to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS, otherwise these are not taken into account by the Makefiles. * Wed Jul 18 2018 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.3.1: * Two additional matching pursuit variants in multidgtrealmp- Use fdupes to clean up duplicate files. * Wed Jun 06 2018 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Update to version 2.3.0: * New function for computing matching pursuit in DGT: multidgtrealmp * Matching pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit for general frames (for small problems): franamp * ltfat_inferno is now the default colormap. * Sun Jan 01 2017 dmitry_rAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 2.2.0 * New Gabor window generating functions: ptpfun, ptpfundual, pebfun, pebfundual * Introduced Mulaclab, a GUI for editing time-frequency representations. * Included new colormaps: ltfat_inferno, ltfat_magma, ltfat_plasma, ltfat_viridis, ltfat_nicecolormap * Fri Jun 10 2016 dmitry_rAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 2.1.2 * Improved functions for DGT and DGTREAL phase reconstruction: constructphase, constructphasereal * Tue Oct 27 2015 dmitry_rAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 2.1.1 * New function for computing higher order phase derivatives: gabphasederiv * New function doing the adjustable reassignment: gabreassignadjust * New function for the Gabor transform phase reconstruction: constructphase, constructphasereal * New filterbank-generating function: audfilters * New generic quadratic TF distribution function: quadtfdist * New functions for reading and writing wav files: wavload, wavsave * Tue May 12 2015 dmitry_rAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 2.1.0 * New general filterbank generating routine: warpedfilters * New filterbank spectrogram reassignment function: filterbankreassign * New quadratic time-frequency distributions * Better alignment of wavelet filters. * Thu Feb 26 2015 dmitry_rAATTopensuse.org- Split from octave-forge package, version 2.0.1