Changelog for etcdctl-3.1.0-3.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Apr 13 2017 Fix etcd build. We are generating 2 binaries, etcd and etcdctl. They need to be built separately
* Thu Feb 23 2017 Ensure /var/lib/etcd is controlled by etcd:etcd
* Tue Jan 24 2017 exclude i586. We don\'t expect this package to be built on i586.
* Mon Jan 23 2017 remove sysconfig.etcd: this file is not being used
* Mon Jan 23 2017 Update to version 3.1.0:
* raft: add node should reset the pendingConf state
* v3rpc: don\'t close watcher if client closes send
* e2e: add test for v3 watch over grpc gateway
* mvcc: remove unused restore method
* integration: don\'t expect recv to stop on CloseSend in waitResponse
* Documentation: add grpc gateway watch example
* version: bump up v3.1.0-rc.1+git
* discovery: warn on scheme mismatch
* grpcproxy: fix deadlock on watch broadcasts stop
* etcdmain: add \'/metrics\' HTTP/1 path to grpc-proxy
* etcd-tester: do not resolve localhost
* raftexample: confState should be saved after apply
* raft: test case to check the duplicate add node propose
* raft: fix test case, should wait config propose applied
* raft: fix test case for data race
* raft: use the channel instead of sleep to make test case reliable
* raft: fix TestNodeProposeAddDuplicateNode
* etcdmain: handle TLS in grpc-proxy listener
* etcd-tester:limit max retry backoff delay
* functional-tester: add withBlock() to grpc dial
* op-guide: add notes about Prometheus data source in Grafana
* clientv3: return copy of endpoints, not pointer
* auth: add a timeout mechanism to simple token
* client: update README about health monitoring
* grpcproxy: fix race between watch ranges delete() and broadcasts empty()
* lease: Use monotonic time in lease
* integration: use Range to wait for reboot in quota tests
* grpcproxy: fix race between coalesce and bcast on nextrev
* etcd-tester: refactor lease checker
* store: check sorted order in TestStoreGetSorted
* vendor: bump go-systemd to v14 to avoid build error
* integration: cancel Watch when TestV3WatchWithPrevKV exits
* grpcproxy: add richer metrics for watch
* grpcproxy: add cache related metrics
* raft: Fix election \"logs converge\" test
* raft: Export Progress.IsPaused
* benchmark: add rate limit
* etcdctl: remove GetUser check before mutable commands
* grpcproxy: lock store when getting size
* Documentation: link added to with a new v2 Scala Client
* grpcproxy: fix deadlock in watchbroadcast
* etcdserver: time out when readStateC is blocking
* store: fix store_test.go comments
* vendor: update ugorji/go
* client: update generated ugorji codec
* doc: initial faq
* clientv3/integration: test lease keepalive works following quorum loss
* integration: use RequireLeader for TestV3LeaseFailover
* v3rpc, etcdserver, leasehttp: ctxize Renew with request timeout
* Documentation: add blox and chain as users
* etcdserver: do not send v2 sync if ttl keys do not exist
* ROADMAP: update for 3.2
* Documentation: add more FAQ questions
* grpcproxy: fix minor typo
* vendor: use versions when possible in glide.yaml
* scripts: use glide update if repo exists in glide.lock
* github: make bug reporting link non-relative
* github: make contribution link non-relative
* Documentation: update get examples to be clearer about ranges
* etcdserver, embed, v2http: move pprof setup to embed
* doc: add faq about apply warning logging
* test: exclude \'_home\' for gosimple, unused
* auth: fix gosimple errors
* integration: simplify boolean comparison in resp.Created
* raft: simplify boolean comparison, remove unused
* tools: simplify boolean comparison, remove unused
* e2e: remove unused \'ctlV3GetFailPerm\'
* v3rpc: remove unused \'splitMethodName\' function
* grpcproxy: remove unused field \'wbs
* doc: add faq about missing heartbeat
* etcdctl: \"fields\" output formats
* build: remove dir use -r flag
* etcd-tester: add \'enable-pprof\' option
* etcd-tester: cancel lease stream; fix OOM panic
* doc: add hardware section
* auth: improve \'removeSubsetRangePerms\' to O(n)
* Documentation: use port 2379 in local cluster guide The port in endpoints should be 2379, instead of 12379.
* op-guide/clustering: fix typo
* embed: deep copy user handlers
* Documentation: add more FAQs (follower, leader, sys-require)
* clientv3: close Lease on client Close
* netutil: ctx-ize URLStringsEqual
* etcdserver: retry for 30s on advertise url check
* membership: retry for 30s on advertise url check
* clientv3: return error from KeepAlive if corresponding loop exits
* clientv3: add test for keep alive loop exit case
* auth, etcdserver: protect membership change operations with auth
* e2e: test cases of protecting membership change with auth
* clientv3: better error message for keep alive loop halt
* Documentation: FAQ entry for cluster ID mismatches
* dev-guide: add
* Documentation: minor fix nodes -> node
* etcdctl: warn when backend takes too long to open on migrate
* docs: explicitly set ETCDCTL_API=3 in
* v3api, rpctypes: add ErrTimeoutDueToConnectionLost
* clientv3/integration: test lease grant/keepalive with/without failures
* clientv3: don\'t reset keepalive stream on grant failure
* etcdctl: tighten up output, reorganize
* Documentation: add FAQs on membership operation
* Documentation: add \'\'
* embed: only override default advertised client URL if the client listen URL is
* raft: make memory storage set method thread safe
* raft: resume paused followers on receipt of MsgHeartbeatResp
* etcd-tester: fix typo, add endpoint in logs
* lease: force leader to apply its pending committed index for lease operations
* leasehttp: buffer error channel to prevent goroutine leak
* raft: fix pre-vote tests
* etcdserver: rework update committed index logic
* etcd-tester: remove unused err var from maxRev
* e2e: check etcdctl endpoint health is healthy if denied permission to key
* benchmark: a new option for configuring dial timeout
* ctlv3: consider permission denied error to be healthy for endpoints
* etcdmain: add --metrics flag for exposing histogram metrics
* e2e: test cluster-health
* v2http: submit QGET in health endpoint if no progress
* test: bump grpcproxy pass timeout to 15m
* lease: use atomics for accessing lease expiry
* e2e: poll \'/version\' in release upgrade tests
* e2e: unset ETCDCTL_API env var before running u2e tests
* etcdserver: consistent naming in raftReadyHandler
* coverage: rework code coverage for unit and integration tests
* testutil: whitelist thread created by go cover
* rafthttp: bump up timeout in pipeline test
* grpcproxy, etcdmain, integration: return done channel with WatchServer
* integration: defer clus.Terminate in watch tests
* raftexample: load snapshot when opening WAL
* etcd-runner: make command compliant
* raft: use status to test node stop
* etcdserver: expose ErrNotEnoughStartedMembers
* etcdserver: resume compactor only if leader
* benchmark: enable grpc error logging on stderr
* etcd-runner:add flags in watcher for hardcoded values
* docs: fix recovery example in
* auth: use quorum get for GetUser/GetRole for mutable operations
* grpcproxy: tear down watch when client context is done
* integration: use only digits in unix ports
* e2e: dump stack on ctlTest timeout
* expect: EXPECT_DEBUG environment variable
* why: add origin of the term etcd
* testutil: increase size of buffer for stack dump
* raft: fix test case for #7042
* vendor: update ugorji/go
* integration: add grpc auth testing
* auth: reject empty user name when checking op permissions
* etcdctl: create root role on auth enable if it does not yet exist
* raft: add RawNode test case for #6866
* pkg/report: support 99.9-percentile, change column name
* documentation: display in github browser
* benchmark: option to rate limit range benchmark
* etcdserver, clientv3: handle a case of expired auth token
* tools: Add etcd 3.0 load test tool refernece
* transport: warn on user-provided CA
* NEWS: add v3.1.0, v3.0.16 + minor fixes
* clienv3: fix balancer test logic
* clientv3: don\'t reset stream on keepaliveonce or revoke failure
* grpcproxy: use ccache for key cache
* vendor: remove groupcache, add ccache
* pkg/report: add \'Stats\' to expose report raw data
* travis: use Go 1.7.4, drop old env var
* ctlv3: print cluster info after adding new member
* Documentation: document upgrading to v3.1
* pkg/report: add nil checking for getTimeSeries
* etcdserver: use ReqTimeout for linearized read
* grpcproxy, etcdmain, integration: add close channel to kv proxy
* glide: update \'\'
* vendor: update \'\'
* Documentation: update experimental_apis for v3.1 release
* NEWS: fix date for v3.1 release
* Documentation: fix typo s/endpoint-health/endpoint health/
* clientv3/concurrency: fix rev comparison on concurrent key deletion
* integration: test STM apply on concurrent deletion
* pkg/flags: fixed prefix checking of the env variables
* etcdctlv3: snapshot restore works with lease key
* test: passed the test script arguments as the test function parameters
* documentation: update build documentation
* version: bump to v3.1.0
* Thu Jan 12 2017 Update to version 3.1.0rc.1:
* grpcproxy: watch next revision should be start revision when not 0
* grpcproxy: copy range request before storing in cache
* raft: return empty status if node is stopped
* mvcc: store.restore taking too long triggering snapshot cycle fix
* mvcc: TestStoreRestore fix
* mvcc : Added benchmark for store.resotre
* pkg/netutil: get default interface for tc commands
* version: bump up v3.1.0-rc.1
* Wed Sep 14 2016 opensuse-packagingAATTopensuse.orgUpdated to version 3.0.8- Bug fixes - GH6325: etcdctl: fix quotes in txn and watch - GH6344: etcdctl/ctlv3: don\'t crash when we should prompt for pw - GH6365: embed: reject domain names before binding - GH6370: etcdctl: restore should create a snapshot - GH6381: wal: fsync directory after wal file rename - GH6253: discovery: reject IP address records in SRVGetCluster - GH6267: wal: fix CRC corruption on writes following write tears - GH6269: wal: On non-Windows OS, hold file lock while renaming WAL directory - GH6284: clientv3/concurrency: fix unintended deadlock on key prefixes - GH6309: etcdserver: allow zero kv index for cluster upgrade - GH6310: wal: use page buffered writer for writing records - GH6098: recover lessor before recovering mvcc store and transactionally revoke leases - GH6175: rafthttp: fix race between streamReader.stop() and connection closer - GH6226: vendor: update grpc/grpc-go for clientconn patch (grpc/grpc-go#842) - GH5845: clientv3: respect up/down notifications from grpc - GH6077: v2http: use guest access in non-TLS mode - GH6136: clientv3: close watcher stream once all watchers detach - GH6142: clientv3: handle watchGrpcStream shutdown if prior to goroutine start - GH6152: mvcc: fix count - GH6166: clientv3: support non-blocking New() - GH6222: integration: NewClusterV3() should launch cluster before creating clients- Security changes - GH6084: etcdctl: set TLS servername on discovery- Other changes - GH6218: vendor: boltdb/bolt v1.3.0 for Go 1.7
* Mon Aug 08 2016 Update to version 3.0.4: + etcdmain: correctly check return values from SdNotify() + etcdserverpb: add missing deleterange annotation + update grpc-gateway +
*: regenerate proto + Documentation: fix links in upgrades + etcdserver, api, membership: don\'t race on setting version + Dockerfile-release: add \'/var/lib/etcd/\' + scripts/genproto: use latest grpc-gateway c8ec92d0 +
*: regenerate proto files for grpc-gateway + version: bump to v3.0.4
* Tue Jul 26 2016 Fixed the path on systemd\'s environment file
* Wed Jul 13 2016 spec-cleaner clean ups- change PreReq: %fillup_prereq to Requires(post)- Require systemd-rpm-macros instead of the entire systemd- call %service_add_pre after instead of before creating the user and group
* Thu Jul 07 2016 Dropped rpmlintrc- Refactoring of the spec based on golang-packaging
* Tue Jul 05 2016 Update to version 3.0.1:
* version: bump to v3.0.0+git
* release: fix Dockerfile etcd binary paths
* etcdserver: exit on missing backend only if semver is >= 3.0.0
* Documentation: fix typo in
*: test, docs with go1.6+
* version: bump to v3.0.1
* Tue Jul 05 2016 Update to version 3.0.0:
* mvcc: do not hash consistent index
* benchmark: fix Compact request
* clientv3: only use closeErr on watch when donec is closed
* ctlv3: make flags, commands formats consistent
* Doc: fix typo in
* hack: add tls-setup example generated certs to gitignore
* hack: install goreman in tls-setup example
*: remove beta from docs
* version: bump to v3.0.0
* Wed Jun 22 2016 Update to version 2.3.7: + etcdsever: fix the leaky snashot routine issue + etcdserver: stop raft after stopping apply scheduler + etcdserver: wait for snapshots before closing raft + version: bump to v2.3.5 + version: bump to v2.3.5+git + etcd: fix refresh feature + version: bump to v2.3.6 + version: bump to v2.3.6+git + store: copy old value when refresh + cas + version: bump to v2.3.7
* Mon May 30 2016 Update to version 2.3.6: + raft: do not panic when removing all the nodes from cluster + Documentation/v2: fix bug + Documentation/v2: fix typo for updating a member + etcdsever: fix the leaky snashot routine issue + etcdserver: stop raft after stopping apply scheduler + etcdserver: wait for snapshots before closing raft + version: bump to v2.3.5 + version: bump to v2.3.5+git + etcd: fix refresh feature + version: bump to v2.3.6
* Wed May 18 2016 Update to version 2.3.4: +
*: bump to v2.3.2 +
*: bump to v2.3.2+git + etcdserver/auth: check empty password in merge +
*: bump to v2.3.3 +
*: bump to v2.3.3+git + httpproxy: fix race on getting close notifier channel + etcdctl/ctlv2: total-timeout for Sync + etcdctl: Add --wal-dir and --backup-wal-dir options to backup command. + README: add known bugs + version: bump to v2.3.4
* Tue Apr 26 2016 Update to version 2.3.2: + client: return original ctx error + etcdmain: start on unsupported arch when ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH is set + etcdctl: print grant/revoke error instead of scanning roles for changes + e2e: test etcdctl v2 double user grant + client: accept roles in response for ListUser + e2e: test etcdtl user list on root user + etcdserver: close response body when getting cluster information
* Fri Apr 15 2016 to complete previous update
* remove etcd_add_bolt_ppc64.patch
* add shadow as BuildRequires
* Fri Mar 18 2016 Update to version 2.3.0:
* Strict runtime reconfiguration check
* Runtime profiling
* Refreshing TTL keys
* Experimental v3 support- Cleanup configuration handling
* Wed Feb 17 2016 new etcd_add_bolt_ppc64.patch
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Remove obsolete ports from firewall configuration
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Remove useless build warnings and errors- Fix building
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Remove obsolete files- Fix systemd\'s unit to take into consideration the sysconfig environment file
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Fix typo inside of spec file, remove reference to docker
* Tue Dec 22 2015 Update to version 2.2.2:
* fix health check result in etcdctl cluster-health
* generate v5 ugorji/go/codec unmarshal code in client package
* fix unset SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER when etcd is logging to the journal
* improve logging when discovery procedure fails
* fix various data races detected by race detector
* fix rejecting to modify pre-defined guest role- Changes introduced by version 2.2.1:
* support Nodes type in client package for sorting
* improve panic logging output when starting etcd with corrupted data dir
* fix non-customizable request timeout in etcdctl
* improve output when missing initial flags
* improve output when retrying unavailable endpoint in proxy
* etcd no longer hangs forever when fails to finish discovery
* fix Content-Type header for version API
* improve logging output when systemd notify fails
* support literal IPv6 address with zone in URL flags
* update dependency for bug fix and restorable dependency list
* fix mk command in etcdctl
* Fri Feb 06 2015 Update to version 2.0.0:
* Internal etcd protocol improvements to guard against accidental misconfiguration
* etcdctl backup was added to make recovering from cluster failure easier
* etcdctl member list/add/remove commands for easily managing a cluster
* On-disk datastore safety improvements with CRC checksums and append-only behavior
* An improved Raft consensus implementation already used in other projects like CockroachDB
* More rigorous and faster running tests of the underlying Raft implementation, covering all state machine and cases explained in the original Raft white paper in 1.5 seconds
* Additional administrator focused documentation explaining common scenarios
* Official IANA assigned ports for etcd TCP 2379/2380
* Mon Oct 20 2014 Updated default configuration file
* Mon Oct 20 2014 Fixed permissions of etcd binary
* Mon Oct 20 2014 Created initial version 0.4.6