Changelog for
gegl-doc-0.2.0-16.23.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Feb 05 2017 Fix CVE-2012-4433 (bsc#789835): + Add gegl-0.2.0-CVE-2012-4433.patch: Fix buffer overflow in and add plausibility checks to ppm-load op.
* Sat Apr 16 2016 Use pkgconfig instead of libffmpeg-devel
* Tue Jan 26 2016 Add gegl-0.2.0-linker-flags.patch to add -lm to linker flags
* Sat Oct 25 2014 fix build for factory
* add patch: gegl-UF_long.patch
* newer suitesparse abandoned UF_long in favor for SuiteSparse_long- fix build for graphics repo
* ugly fix, multiple provides of gd by gd and gd-tools from libgd2
* Mon Feb 04 2013 update license to new format
* Fri May 18 2012 Add gegl-ruby19.patch: Fix build with ruby 1.9.- Add liberation-fonts: the documentation references bitstream vera sans font, so we need to provide it for the build.
* Tue Apr 03 2012 Update to version 0.2.0: + OpenCL support + Build improvements. + High level API to apply ops directly to buffers with arguments. + Final bits of translation infrastructure. + Invalidate regions when disconnecting input pads. + Operations: - New operation: global-matting - Allow transform core to do perspective transforms. - Added string based key/value pairs to operations. - Added arguments for dealing with scaled down preview rendering. + Added human interaction ranges and non-linear mapping to properties. + Buffer: - Removed broken lanczos sampler. - Add gegl_buffer_set_color and gegl_buffer_set_pattern - Added ability to drop cached tiles. - Added API for handling abyss policy (not implemented yet) - Avoid iterating global tile cache when flushing/destroying buffers that have no tiles in the cache.- Add intltool BuildRequires: new dependency upstream, for translations.- Add lensfun-devel BuildRequires to build with lensfun support.- Add libexiv2-devel BuildRequires to build with libexiv2 support.- Add libjasper-devel BuildRequires to build with Jasper support.- Add libspiro-devel BuildRequires to build with SPIRO support.- Add suitesparse-devel BuildRequires to build with UMFPACK support.- Uncomment ruby BuildRequires: it was commented out because a file was missing in a earlier tarball.- Rename subpackages from gegl-0_1/libgegl-0_1-0 to gegl-0_2/libgegl-0_2-0 following the upstream soname change.- Create a gegl-0_2-lang subpackage for new translations.
* Wed Jan 11 2012 Add gegl-lua52.patch: fix build with lua 5.2, while still being compatible with lua 5.1.
* Sun Nov 27 2011 Update to version 0.1.8: + New operations: spread, vignette, map-relative, noise-reduction, plasma, fractal-trace, exr-save, lens-correct, emboss, cubism, ripple, color-to-alpha, color-rotate, red-eye-removal, convolution-matrix, deinterlace, polar-coordinates, lens-distortion, pixelise. + Split GeglView GTK Widget into separate utility library + build/test improvements. + Buffer: - Added lohalo resampler, API and infrastructure for doing non affine resamplings.- Clean spec-file using spec-cleaner.- Drop docs-build-fix.diff: fixed upstream.
* Mon Jun 20 2011 update to 0.1.6 (see NEWS) • New operations: max-rgb, pixelise, motion blur. • Fixed a bugs in matting-levin that made GEGL halt due to errors detected by babl sanity code, this made 0.1.4 be unusable if you had all dependendency when building. • build/test improvements. • Buffer: Added API to use external tile backends, allowing to plug-in alien tilebackends, for GIMP/Krita/OSM or similar.- remove upstreamed patches bgo609706 bgo610680 (thanks, Vincent)
* Thu May 05 2011 BuildRequire graphviz-gd instead of graphviz: we do require png capabilities, which are split out of the main package. Theoretically, we should require graphviz-devel, but this package also does not drag in -gd.
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Add gegl-fix-overflow.patch to fix overflow found by gcc 4.5.
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Update to version 0.1.2: + GeglLookup, configurable floating point lookup tables for lazy computation. + Use GFileIOStream in GeglTileBackendFile. + Optimizations: in-place processing for point filters/composers, SIMD version of gegl:opacity, avoid making unneccesary sub-buffers, removed some manual instrumentation from critical paths, improved speed of samplers. + Added xml composition/reference image based regression tests. + Added performance tracking framework. + Syntactic sugar using varargs for constructing gegl graphs from C. + Build fixes on cygwin. + Gegl# fixes. + Initial, but unstable code towards multithreading. + Improvements to lua op in workshop. + Added new resamplers upsize, upsharp, upsmooth, downsize, downsharp and downsmooth. + Removed gegl:tonemap and gegl:normal ops.- Drop gegl-new-babl.patch: fixed upstream.- Add gegl-fix-build.patch: remove printf that breaks build because of missing include.- Rename package from gegl-0_0 and libgegl-0_0-0 to gegl-0_1 and libgegl-0_1-0 following soname bump.
* Thu Jan 28 2010 Add gegl-new-babl.patch to fix build with babl 0.1.2.
* Mon Jul 20 2009 Update to version 0.1.0: + Renamed gegl:load-buffer to gegl:buffer-source and gegl:save-buffer to gegl:buffer-sink (but the old names still work) + Represent colors using doubles instead of floats (this change is independent from internal processing) + Removed the GTK+ UI parts of the gegl binary and turned gegl into a pure command line tool (which can still visualize stuff with help help the SDL based display operation) + Consider {x=G_MININT/2, y=G_MININT/2, width=G_MAXINT, height=G_MAXINT} as the only valid region wichin processing may occur. Processing outside of this region is undefined behaviour. + Added support for storing allocation stack traces for GeglBuffers so that debuging buffer leaks becomes much easier + Made small changes and cleanups of the public API, e.g. - Removed gegl_node_adapt_child() - Made GeglConfig an explicit object - Removed most of the ifdeffed stuff to mask away internal structures - Added gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane() and gegl_rectangle_is_infinite_plane() + Added new sampler GeglSamplerSharp + Added format property go gegl:buffer-sink + Cleaned up and made gegl:introspect work again + Add a bunch of test cases using the automake test sytem (make check) and also port buffer tests to automake + General cleanups, bug fixes, increased robustness and improved documentation- Drop gegl-babl_api_change.patch: fixed upstream.- Temporarly remove ruby BuildRequires as the build is broken when it\'s there right now.
* Thu Jun 11 2009 Add gegl-babl_api_change.patch to make gegl build with babl 0.1.0. Patch taken from Fedora.- Remove autoreconf call.- Do not make gegl0_0 explicitly Requires libbabl-0_0-0.