Changelog for gnuplot-5.0.0-12.24.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Jul 28 2015 Add patch gnuplot-5.0.0-lua-5.3.1.dif to make it build with lua-5.3.1
* Fri Jul 24 2015 Require pkgconfig of libcerf at build time
* Fri May 22 2015 Make it build even with older Qt4 based systems
* Thu May 21 2015 Since QtCore is build with -reduce-relocations a -fPIC is required therefore add patch gnuplot-QtCore-PIC.dif
* Sun Mar 22 2015 Enable CACA output module- Build with wxWidgets 3. Add patch gnuplot-wx3.diff
* Sat Jan 31 2015 for versions greater than 13.1 we shall build against qt5
* cleaned up various rpmlint warning
* got rid of configure options obsoleted
* Wed Jan 21 2015 Update to 5.0.0
* NEW new command set {xyz}tics {timedate|geographic|numeric} sets axis->tictype
* NEW add the tictype keywords to set format {axis} {time|geographic|numeric}
* NEW format modifier \'t\' in timedate mode indicates a time rather than a date
* NEW grey out key entries when corresponding plot is toggled off
* NEW allow parenthesized expressions as call parameters
* NEW set margins , , ,
* NEW set trange [theta_min:theta_max] filters input data in polar plots
* NEW \"set mouse zoomfactors ,\"
* NEW New matrix keywords for text data: \"columnheaders\" and \"rowheaders\"
* NEW The dashtype property on any line can be seperately controlled
* NEW custom dashtypes
* NEW LFS support for datafiles
* NEW timecolumn(col,\"timeformat\') now requires 2nd parameter, the format
* NEW \'set view map {scale}\' allows resizing a 3D projection plot
* NEW \'nodraw\' keyword to suppress lines (e.g. in style linespoints)
* NEW bold/italic text markup in enhanced text mode
* NEW bit-shifing binary operators << and >>
* NEW stat calculates skewness, kurtosis, and standard errors
* NEW function plugins, e.g. \'import f(x) from \"\"\'
* NEW option to tabulate all input columns \"set table; plot ... with table\"
* NEW smoothing option \"mcsplines\" for piecewise monotonic cubic splines
* NEW \'history !N\' reexecutes the command at history entry N.
* NEW \'set history {size } {quiet|numbers} {full|trim} {default}\'
* NEW piecewise functions via separate sampling ranges for each plot element
* NEW function hsv2rgb(H,S,V) creates a 24-bit RGB value
* NEW plot title can be placed next to the plot line in the graph proper
* NEW inline data can be stored for reuse in named data blocks
* NEW \'set print|table $datablock\' to redirect output to a named data block
* NEW hypertext labels can be displayed on mouse-over
* NEW geographic (Degrees Minutes Seconds) data axes
* NEW set arrow from length angle
* NEW arrow style keywords \"noborder\" and \"fixed\"
* NEW the high bits of RGB colors are treated as an alpha channel
* NEW \'set surface explicit\' disables automatic generation of a surface mesh
* NEW \'set link [x2|y2]\' ties secondary axis range to the primary axis
* NEW \'set link x2 via f(x) inverse g(x)\' introduces generic nonlinear axes
* NEW linked axes can be used to place x2 and y2 labels on 3D plots in map mode
* NEW \'set key opaque\' works for 3D plots also
* NEW x11 terminal is aware of current and requested plot aspect ratio
* NEW x11 support for toggling plots on/off with left mouseclick on the key
* NEW post term can use /FlateDecode to reduce the size of embedded images
* NEW \'set fit quiet|results|brief|verbose\' changes fit\'s verbosity
* NEW fit optionally stores final covariances to user variables
* NEW fit command takes errors of independent variables into account
* NEW \'set multiplot next/previous\'
* NEW \'set contours; splot FOO with labels\' places labels on the contour lines
* NEW Additional levels of user-specified axis tics
* NEW complex math routines cerf, cdawson, erfi, faddeeva from libcerf if present
* NEW i/v/V hotkeys to toggle all plots on the screen on/off
* NEW \'set mrtics\' (minor tics on polar axis)
* NEW \'reset session\'
* NEW call argument convention ARGC, ARG0 ARG1 ... ARG
* NEW shell invocation gnuplot -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ARG3
* NEW format %h is like %g but uses LaTeX or enhanced markup for the exponent
* NEW LaTeX terminals use math mode for axis tic labels
* NEW Interrupt scripts or fits by pressing Ctrl-C in Windows console mode gnuplot or Ctrl-Break in wgnuplot.
* NEW optional faster windows terminal variant using GDI+
* NEW plot option to \"skip N\" lines at start of an ascii data file
* NEW interactive color character art terminal \"caca\"- Rediff gnuplot-4.6.0-fonts.diff, gnuplot-4.4.0-x11ovf.dif, gnuplot-4.6.0.dif and gnuplot-4.6.0-demo.diff.- Remove gnuplot-4.6.0-backtick.diff as to-be-patched file no longer exists.
* Tue Oct 28 2014 Update to 4.6.6
* NEW linetype keyword \"nodraw\" can be used to draw only the points in \"with lp\"
* NEW plot option to \"skip N\" lines at start of an ascii data file
* NEW \'set fit prescale\' normalized fit parameters before M-L refinement
* NEW update svg terminal to grey out the key entry when a plot is toggled off
* NEW allow keywords \"comma\" and \"tab\" for \"set datafile separator\"
* CHANGE Accept \"with image pixels\" as a synonym for \"with image failsafe\"
* CHANGE return NaN if a requested numerical data value finds a string instead
* CHANGE Consume only one space following the font name in an enhanced test string
* CHANGE respond to left mouse click on press rather than on release
* FIX Faster recovery from outboard server gnuplot_qt being killed
* FIX get rid of O(N^2) memory allocation for string data in long input lines
* FIX large integers in iteration spec could cause overflow in end condition check
* FIX object fillcolors should be consistent with the color of current linetypes
* FIX LFS support on 64bit platforms (not backported for 32bit platforms)
* FIX timecolumn() applied to non-axis data reports an error rather than faulting
* FIX clipping could fail on integer overflow
* FIX segfault resulting from strcol(N) applied to empty field in a
*.csv file
* FIX adjustment of key size to accommodate long key title
* FIX treat data value read as \"NaN\" the same as we would \"1/0\"
* FIX handling of events triggered by closing the qt plot window
* FIX iteration failure due to integer overflow
* FIX clip r axis tics to current plot boundary
* FIX logscale cb axis with volatile data
* FIX qt terminal timing problem with mouse click+release
* FIX qt terminal handle window close events
* FIX incorrect processing of certain loop [start:end:incr] combinations
* FIX Fix y extent and clipping of rectangles with y coord < 0 or inverted axes
* FIX handle columnheaders in input to fit
* FIX add sanity check in pdf.trm to avoid strcpy(fontname,fontname)
* Tue Feb 25 2014 Update to 4.6.5
* NEW monotonic cubic splines using \"smooth mcsplines\"
* NEW phase-jump removal filter \"smooth unwrap\"
* NEW allow \'+\' pseudofile to sample the T axis in 2D parametric plots
* NEW allow \'++\' pseudofile to sample the U/V axes in 3D parametric plots
* NEW \"sixel\" terminal driver
* NEW new object attribute clip/noclip
* CHANGE maximum number of using spec columns increased from 7 to 11
* CHANGE code in bitmap.c relicensed to remove restriction to noncommercial use
* FIX allow \'set pm3d\' interpolate and top/bottom options to coexist
* FIX revised handling of defined palettes with explicit maxcolors
* FIX continue as normal after an interactive session error from \"gnuplot -\"
* FIX empty first field in a tab-separated-values file was incorrectly ignored
* FIX several problems with color assignment to contour lines
* FIX qt terminal incorrectly changed linetype (dot/dash) to match line color
* FIX \"pause mouse\" worked only for right- or center- click, not left-click
* FIX emf terminal font initialization
* FIX wxt terminal vertical centering of enhanced text
* FIX win terminal filled polygon bugs
* FIX iteration over parametric function plots
* FIX autoscaling of polar mode plots
* FIX increase precision of xticlabel placement from (float) to (double)
* FIX allocation error affecting certain cvs files
* Tue Oct 29 2013 Update to 4.6.4
* CHANGE treat empty fields in a csv file as \"missing\" rather than \"bad\"
* CHANGE allow reference to more than one column header in \'using\' or \'title\'
* CHANGE if a polar plot is autoscaled, try to place the origin at the center
* FIX svg and canvas terminal mousing of inverted axis coordinates
* FIX emf failed to initialize font correctly on some systems
* FIX timedata columns can now be referred to via column(N) and column(\"HEAD\")
* FIX qt terminal toggling of enhanced text elements in plot with labels
* FIX color/pattern generated for key entries of columnstacked histograms
* FIX hitting ^C twice forces temination of wxt session hung by lost X-server
* FIX win terminal failed to properly adjust plot border after window resize
* FIX several conditions in which macros were not expanded during command input
* FIX promote a string containing only digits to INTGR rather than CMPLX
* FIX \'set grid front\' caused failure to initialize location of axis zero point
* FIX very poor precision in mouse coords reported by x11 in -persist mode
* FIX parsing of $# (the number of arguments in a \"call\"). It\'s not a comment!
* FIX memory leak of cropped images using pngcairo terminal
* FIX \"lc variable\" now iterates over linetype colors (not styles) as documented
* FIX rtics were sometimes drawn with length 0
* Thu Apr 25 2013 Update to 4.6.3
* FIX suppression of color in linetypes after \"set term ... mono\"
* FIX synchronization of graphics and text color in latex terminals
* Sun Mar 31 2013 Update to 4.6.2
* Bug fixes
* Allow the \"bind\" command to attach a user command to mouse button 1
* hidden3d can handle occlusion by pm3d surfaces
* -d option from command line skips ~/.gnuplot initialization file
* plot \'<&N\' plots from file descriptor N opened during shell invocation
* Tue Nov 06 2012 Update to 4.6.1
* Bug fixes.
* Support tabulation of variable color column.
* Support tabulation (set table) of pixel values from image plot styles- Remove now obsolete patches gnuplot-automake.diff and gnuplot-4.6.0-fix-format-errors.diff.
* Tue Oct 16 2012 buildrequire libpng, it compiles fine with it
* Mon Jul 23 2012 Resolve the former problem by using texlive-texinfo to enforce installing required fonts as well as required tools for TL 2012
* Sun Jul 22 2012 add more texlive 2012 requirements
* Tue Jul 10 2012 Make it build with latest TeXLive 2012 with new package layout
* Tue Jul 03 2012 Convert gnuplot.el to new backtick lisp scheme for emacs 24.1
* Wed May 30 2012 Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags- Add patch to delete no-longer supported constructs from
* Wed Apr 04 2012 Use new bcond_without h3d_gridbox to switch back to h3d-quadtree if h3d-gridbox will be disabled on the commandline of rpmbuild
* Mon Apr 02 2012 Avoid to stumble on bug in QtCore.pc on older distributions
* Mon Apr 02 2012 Refresh patches to see in which C function each change is in- Reenable bitmap terminals
* Thu Mar 15 2012 Update to gnuplot 4.6.0
* New syntax supporting multi-line blocks of code delimited by curly braces if () { ... } else { ... } do for [] { ... } while () { ... }
* Time formats can handle fractional seconds to microsecond precision.
* User-definable linetypes that can be used to establish a locally preferred default sequence of colors or dash/thickness/point styles.
* Statistical summary of the data to be plotted (new command \"stats\")
* New terminal drivers: qt context epscairo cairolatex
* The version for Windows received major improvements (GUI, help, native terminal and wxt, installer)
* Improved support for UTF-8, SJIS and other multi-byte encodings
* Mon Feb 13 2012 Make gnuplot build with newer LUA version.
* Mon Feb 13 2012 Fix version control of further help messages, fix done by Dieter Jurzitza (bnc#746299)
* Fri Feb 10 2012 Fix libdir x libexecdir clash (bnc#744835).- Use %configure macro.
* Tue Dec 13 2011 license update: SUSE-Gnuplot and GPL-2.0+ SPDX format (including SUSE prefix for licenses not yet accepted by SPDX upstream). This is not BSD-3-Clause. The Gnuplot license insists that modifications to source code be done by patch only. There are GPL-2.0+ components included as aggegation
* Thu Dec 01 2011 add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
* Tue Nov 29 2011 Update to gnuplot 4.4.4
* NEW boxxyerrors plot style now allows variable color
* NEW splot with pm3d now allows variable rgb color
* NEW \"nonuniform matrix\" indicates ascii data with explicit x, y
* CHANGE columnhead(N) is a string-valued function, not a keyword
* CHANGE Demarcate plots in svg output using ... <BR>* CHANGE xticlabels() works for binary data files as well as ascii <BR>* CHANGE \"set key maxrows\" now applies to 3D plots as well as 2D <BR>* CHANGE rewrite installation path rules for TeX files <BR>* FIX wxt terminal should now work on at least some flavors of OSX <BR>* FIX incorrect space allowed for outside left key box <BR>* FIX buffer overflow from enhanced text timefmt tic labels <BR>* FIX correction for offset in epochs when reading in time format \"%s\" <BR>* FIX discontinuity in defined palette limited by maxcolors <BR>* FIX initialization of svg pattern-fill definitions <BR>* FIX positioning of histogram bars when some data entries are missing <BR>* FIX emf terminal can handle UTF-8 encoding <BR>* FIX User-specified axis tick labels override auto labels in 3D just as in 2D <BR>* FIX `plot with labels` failed to skip labels with UNDEFINED coords <BR>* FIX NaN (not a number) implementation for Windows build <BR>* FIX work-around for poor scaling in pdfcairo pattern fill <BR>* FIX segfault if mismatch between palette sizes of successive terminals<BR>* Thu Apr 21 2011 Update to gnuplot 4.4.3 <BR>* NEW Implement pan and zoom via mouse wheel. <BR>* NEW set key maxcolumns N maxrows M <BR>* NEW value(\"varname\") returns the value of the named variable <BR>* NEW encoding cp1251 - 8-bit Cyrillic <BR>* CHANGE backport emf terminal driver from version 4.5 <BR>* FIX better estimation of latex string lengths <BR>* FIX colorbar representation of discrete color palettes is pixel accurate <BR>* FIX NaN initialization and tests working on more (all?) platforms <BR>* FIX configuration script tests for readline+ncurses <BR>* FIX prevent out-of-range boxes from creating degenerate ghosts on the border <BR>* FIX missing alpha channel flag for pdfcairo terminal <BR>* FIX font initialization in windows terminal<BR>* Wed Dec 29 2010 Compile with wxWidgets (STL variant).<BR>* Thu Sep 30 2010 Update to gnuplot 4.4.2 <BR>* Fixes a regression that caused color specification \"lc N\" to fail <BR>* Fixes a long-standing clipping error in plots with filled curves <BR>* Fixes a segfault if a \"refresh\" commands follows an interrupted replot Changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.4.1: <BR>* NEW Support the \"%s\" format specifier in strftime() <BR>* NEW Optional 6th data column in candlesticks style to specific box width <BR>* NEW If integer arithmetic i<BR>*j or i<BR>*<BR>*j would overflow, return value as a real <BR>* NEW \"set style circle radius <default-radius>\" <BR>* FIX autoconfiguration of readline support in OSX <BR>* FIX font problems in win terminal <BR>* FIX Protect against runaway recursion by limiting depth of nested functions <BR>* FIX metapost terminal: Fix inheritance of line thickness by text strings <BR>* FIX cairo terminals could segfault on certain enhanced text strings <BR>* FIX pdfcairo output to stdout now works <BR>* FIX font \",size\" in non-enhanced mode postscript terminals <BR>* FIX Do a better job of estimating the width of UTF-8 encoded strings <BR>* FIX baseline bug in canvas terminal rotation of enhanced text <BR>* FIX Allow \"with labels\" to work for binary input data <BR>* FIX update user GPVAL variables after plot in table mode <BR>* CHANGE depth-sorting of pm3d surfaces now applies jointly to all in the plot <BR>* CHANGE 3D impulses are now always drawn from z=0 <BR>* CHANGE Enable HIDDEN_QUADTREE by default <BR>* CHANGE Enable \"set fit errorvariables\" by default <BR>* CHANGE Regardless of current timefmt, read time from binary files as a binary <BR>* CHANGE do not limit 3D rotation to 0<rotx<180<BR>* Tue Sep 14 2010 Make doc package noarch<BR>* Tue Sep 14 2010 Update to gnuplot 4.4.0 <BR>* NEW Support the \"%s\" format specifier in strftime() <BR>* NEW Optional 6th data column in candlesticks style to specific box width <BR>* NEW If integer arithmetic i<BR>*j or i<BR>*<BR>*j would overflow, return value as a real <BR>* NEW \"set style circle radius <default-radius>\" <BR>* FIX autoconfiguration of readline support in OSX <BR>* FIX font problems in win terminal <BR>* FIX Protect against runaway recursion by limiting depth of nested functions <BR>* FIX metapost terminal: Fix inheritance of line thickness by text strings <BR>* FIX cairo terminals could segfault on certain enhanced text strings <BR>* FIX pdfcairo output to stdout now works <BR>* FIX font \",size\" in non-enhanced mode postscript terminals <BR>* FIX Do a better job of estimating the width of UTF-8 encoded strings <BR>* FIX baseline bug in canvas terminal rotation of enhanced text <BR>* FIX Allow \"with labels\" to work for binary input data <BR>* FIX update user GPVAL variables after plot in table mode <BR>* CHANGE depth-sorting of pm3d surfaces now applies jointly to all in the plot <BR>* CHANGE 3D impulses are now always drawn from z=0 <BR>* CHANGE Enable HIDDEN_QUADTREE by default <BR>* CHANGE Enable \"set fit errorvariables\" by default <BR>* CHANGE Regardless of current timefmt, read time from binary files as a binary <BR>* CHANGE do not limit 3D rotation to 0<rotx<180<BR>* Thu May 20 2010 Correct macro name in spec file<BR>* Tue May 18 2010 Fix format being written into plt files (add missing #)<BR>* Sat May 08 2010 Fix AppDefDir vs. XAPPLRESDIR inconsistency, increase default number of samples.<BR>* Wed Apr 07 2010 Update to gnuplot 4.4.0 <BR>* NEW linetype property \'pointinterval\' <BR>* NEW gnuplot.exe is a full-featured console mode gnuplot executable for Windows <BR>* NEW plot style \"with circles\" <BR>* NEW object types circle, ellipse, and polygon <BR>* NEW options front and back to \"set colorbox\" <BR>* NEW x11 can plot into a window opened and managed by an external application <BR>* NEW gd terminal can use fonts through fontconfig (libgd version > 2.0.35) <BR>* NEW optional 3 columns of data to generate histogram errorbars <BR>* NEW \'volatile\' data, including inline data, can be replotted without rereading <BR>* NEW \'refresh\' command replots without rereading data if possible <BR>* NEW rgbimage style now works in 2D and 3D for all terminals that support RGB <BR>* NEW plot style rgbalpha <BR>* NEW transparent fill styles <BR>* NEW iteration within a plot command; e.g. plot for [i=1:10] foo(i) <BR>* NEW iteration within set/unset commands <BR>* NEW operators \'=\' and \',\' in expression syntax <BR>* NEW terminal lua generates commands for interpretation by external lua script <BR>* NEW terminal tikz uses a lua script to generate output for latex TikZ package <BR>* NEW terminal canvas for HTML 5 canvas element <BR>* NEW terminal pdfcairo based on cairo and pango <BR>* NEW terminal pngcairo based on cairo and pango <BR>* NEW terminal dpu414 - Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer <BR>* NEW error status variables GPVAL_ERRNO and GPVAL_ERRMSG <BR>* NEW variables GPVAL_LAST_PLOT, GPVAL_{S}PLOT, GPVAL_MULTIPLOT <BR>* NEW variables GPVAL_VIEW_{MAP|ROT_X|ROT_Z|SCALE|ZSCALE}, GPVAL_TERMINALS <BR>* NEW variables GPVAL_PWD <BR>* NEW per-plot export of information needed for external mousing scripts <BR>* NEW support for dashed linetypes in additional terminals <BR>* NEW the \'bind\' command accepts non-keyboard triggers, e.g. \'close\' <BR>* NEW commands \'show bind\' and \'reset bind\' <BR>* NEW individual plots can be omitted from autoscaling of axis ranges <BR>* NEW more smoothing options: new kernels (for dgrid3d) and \'smooth cumulative\' <BR>* NEW command \'evaluate\' executes commands from a string variable <BR>* NEW z-axis tic labels can be colored by Z value <BR>* NEW command \'set view equal {xy|xyz}\' forces axes in a 3D plot to the same scale <BR>* NEW \'set pm3d interpolate m,n\' supports also non-positive m,n as nbs of points <BR>* FIX domain restrictions on ibeta() <BR>* FIX color assignment of contour lines when \"set increment user\" is in effect <BR>* FIX remove the limit of 64 characters read as string data from a data file <BR>* FIX remainder of command line is not lost after a \"load\" command <BR>* FIX more complete support for locale internationalization, UTF-8 encoding <BR>* FIX various font-handling problems in postscript terminal driver <BR>* FIX avoid infinite loop on resizing x11 plot window under ion, fluxbox <BR>* FIX handle addition plot styles in mode \'set table\' <BR>* FIX purge tick labels read from a datafile at the end of each plot <BR>* FIX 2nd colour in the colour box for negative palette in postscript <BR>* FIX interpolatation for pm3d surfaces given by both z and colour coordinates <BR>* FIX \'set datafile binary format=...\' was documented, but not implemented <BR>* FIX enhanced text mode treatment of UTF-8 characters <BR>* FIX emf terminal enhanced text mode now accepted by Windows programs <BR>* CHANGE A number that begins with a . must continue with a digit <BR>* CHANGE syntax of \'set datafile binary\' array= and record= options <BR>* CHANGE \'reset\' does not affect locale, encoding, decimalsign settings <BR>* CHANGE \'set key textcolor rgb variable\' will use plot colors for key entries <BR>* CHANGE Remove obsolete IRIS4D terminal type <BR>* CHANGE Remove obsolete atari terminal types (atariaes atarivdi multitos) <BR>* CHANGE Use empty/solid fill for candlesticks rather than empty/striped <BR>* CHANGE \'l\' and \'L\' hotkeys toggle colorbar logscale iff mouse is in colorbar<BR>* Thu Mar 04 2010 fix compilation with gcc 4.5- update to gnuplot 4.2.6 <BR>* NEW xterm tektronix emulation \'set term xterm\' <BR>* FIX \'set xtics mirror\' didn\'t work if xtics were previously unset <BR>* FIX off-by-one pixel bug in width of boxes with palette or rgb color <BR>* FIX center rotation of \'set view equal xyz\' mode at screen center <BR>* FIX sanity-check time ranges for axes with timeformat <BR>* FIX pslatex blacktext and broken format specifier <BR>* FIX PostScript code points for Lcaron, lcaron in encoding cp1250 <BR>* CHANGE If a 2D plot uses a Z-based palette, then autoscale cbrange <BR>* CHANGE aquaterm accepts \"size xx,yy\" with a comma <BR>* CHANGE Remove the EXPERIMENTAL flag from the wxt terminal <BR>* CHANGE Remove the EXPERIMENTAL flag from the x11 terminal binary polygon mode<BR>* Mon Jun 22 2009 Remove obsolate code for GNUPLOTDEMOPATH (bnc#515001)- Add emacs lisp files to file list (bnc#515001)<BR>* Mon Jun 15 2009 Make demos more flexible (hint from Add netpbm and xorg-x11 to build requires or jpg\'s are zero<BR>* Tue May 26 2009 Update changes file<BR>* Sat May 09 2009 update to gnuplot 4.2.5- put docs into gnuplot-doc sub-package<BR></DIV> </td> <td bgcolor="#F2F2F2"> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td height="10" bgcolor="#A00B0F" width="100%"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="759" height="10" alt=""></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr align="left" valign="top"> <td height="10" width="150"><img src="/images/index_30.jpg" width="130" height="47" alt=""> </td> <td align="left"><A HREF=""><img src="/images/logo_ICM_nazwa_EN_czarne.png" height="40" alt="ICM"></A> </td> <td width="30%" align="right"><FORM ACTION="/out.php3" METHOD="post" TARGET="_blank"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="station" VALUE="1"><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="/images/index_32.jpg" name="station" alt="Designed by station75" width="209" height="47" border="0"></FORM></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>