Changelog for
libqt5-qtbase-common-devel-5.6.2-6.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Jul 05 2017 Recommend libqt5-qttranslations in libQt5Core5 (boo#1027925)
* Sun Jul 02 2017 Fix typo in description (boo#1043338)
* Fri Jun 02 2017 Add upstream patch to fix various HiDPI-related issues:
* native-children-hidpi-offset.patch (QTBUG-59017, kde#363548, bsc#1042337)
* Thu Jun 01 2017 Add qdbusmenu-dont-leave-dangling-pointers.patch from upstream and rebase qdbusmenu-move-dbusmenu-and-dbustray-under-themes-genericunix.patch to fix a dangling pointer in QDBusMenu (bsc#1042063)
* Wed Apr 19 2017 Add 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch to fix a potential info leak due to race condition in QSaveFile (bsc#1034005).- Remove unneeded code from remotePrinterDiscoverySupport.diff.
* Fri Mar 31 2017 Add remotePrinterDiscoverySupport.diff to support remote print queues. This adds a delay the first time the print dialog is opened in order to search for print queues. If you don\'t have any network printer queue and you find the delay too annoying, it can be disabled by setting the QT_DISABLE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY environment variable to 1 (fate#322052, bsc#955432).
* Thu Mar 02 2017 Update to 5.6.2 (bsc#1028654)
* 5.6 bugfix release
* Remove upstreamed use-freetype-default.patch
* Remove upstreamed xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch
* Remove upstreamed xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch
* Remove upstreamed xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch
* Refresh tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch- Add upstream patches to support Application Menu Bar (boo#1026534)
* Make-QDBusConnectionPrivaterelaySignal-be-called-in-the-right-thread.patch - This function should only be called from the QDBusConnectionManager thread.
* Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch - Get rid of two Q_GLOBAL_STATIC in QtDBus.
* Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch - Fix QtDBus crashes during destruction.
* QMenuBar-Get-rid-of-QMenuBarPrivate-nativeMenuBar.patch - Check whether platformMenuBar exists instead of keep syncing platformMenuBar state.
* qdbusmenu-Add-native-support-for-DBus-global-menu.patch - Add native support for DBus global menu.
* qdbusmenu-Add-createMenu-method-QPlatformMenuBar.patch - Add createMethod method to QPlatformMenuBar.
* qdbusmenu-rely-on-module-include-paths-for-qpa-includes.patch - Make sure to use qpa includes in the module include path.
* libqt5-remove-stray-dbus-menu-dependency-from-xcb-plugin.patch - Was unused since 26a05fc09.
* qdbusmenu-move-dbusmenu-and-dbustray-under-themes-genericunix.patch - Move dbusmenu and dbustray under themes genericunix where it was only used.
* qdbusmenu-Map-showPopup-method-to-ItemActivationRequested.patch - Add the corresponding showPopup method to ItemActivationRequested.
* Fix-build-with-various-QT_NO_-defines.patch - Use proper QT_NO_
* defines in all places.
* Make-shortcuts-work-for-platform-menu-bars.patch - Make shortcuts can work for platform menu bars.
* Fri Oct 28 2016 Add Added Stop-unloading-plugins-in-QPluginLoader-and-QFactoryLoader.patch (boo#1001362)
* Fix bug while unloading plugins in QFactoryLoader which caused crashes.
* Mon Sep 26 2016 Add xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch (qtbug#47981)
* Fix dropping URLs from Firefox or Chrome, the contents does not decoded correctly.- Add xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch (qtbug#49947)
* Correcting the format when dropping URL from Firefox.- Add xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch (qtbug#53238)
* Fix the problem when dropping the data if format is \"text/uri-list\".- Add xcb-Dont-send-QtWindowNoState-event-when-hiding-minimized-window.patch (qtbug#55942)
* This prevents getting \"QWidget::showEvent()\" when hiding minimized widget on some WMs like Marco or Xfwm4.- Add XCB-Drop-from-external-app-fix-keyboard-modifier-state.patch (qtbug#49645, boo#1001071)
* Fix keyboard modifier state.- Add xcb-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch (qtbug#48795)
* Use the state of the key event to process it.
* Tue Jun 14 2016 Update to 5.6.1 (boo#984605)
* For more details please see: Dropped upstreamed patches: Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch- Refresh disable-rc4-ciphers-bnc865241.diff- Refresh tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch
* Fri Apr 08 2016 Update Qt to 5.6.0, a LTS release (fate#320330)- Added disable-rc4-ciphers-bnc865241.diff to disable RC4 based ciphers which are now considered insecure (bnc#865241)- Dropped more upstreamed patches that are already contained in 5.6.0: highdpi-0001-remove-QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO-support-from-xcb.patch highdpi-0002-enable-non-integer-device-pixel-ratio.patch highdpi-0003-introduce-cross-platform-high-dpi-scaling.patch highdpi-0004-X11-changes-for-highdpi.patch highdpi-0005-fix-highdpi-drag-n-drop-for-X11.patch highdpi-0006-turn-off-font-hinting-when-active-highdpi-scaling.patch highdpi-0007-compile-time-option-for-disabling-high-DPI-scaling.patch highdpi-0008-fix-QHighDPiScaling-initialization-issues.patch highdpi-0009-update-high-DPI-scaling-enablers.patch Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch xcb-notify-when-the-primary-screen-changes.patch xcb-add-proper-NOTIFY-to-the-primaryScreen-property.patch xcb-fix-DnD-for-separate-X-screens.patch xcb-avoid-triggering-OpenGL-initialization-for-RasterSurface.patch xcb-use-XShape-for-DnD-when-compositing-manager-is-not-running.patch xcb-fix-crash-on-screen-power-save.patch xcb-handle-screen-siblings-in-QXcbVirtualDesktop.patch xcb-process-_NET_WORKAREA-and-screen-geometry-change.patch xcb-fix-slow-widget-resizing.patch xcb-fix-touchscreen-input-capabilities.patch xcb-prevent-fp-division-by-zero.patch xcb-fix-windows-opened-from-keyboard-are-not-active.patch xcb-dont-assume-creating-window-will-result-in-ConfigureNotify-event.patch xcb-compare-to-previous-state-when-sending-geometry.patch xcb-dont-cache-the-screen-for-a-window.patch xcb-use-placeholder-QScreen-when-there-are-no-outputs.patch libqt5-fix-a-memory-leak-dirtyOnScreenWidgets.patch libqt5-support-mixing-native-child-widgets.patch libqt5-reduce-paint-events-for-QOpenGLWidget.patch libqt5-avoid-dynamic-switching-backingstore-composition-paths.patch libqt5-reduce-flushes-with-repaint-GL-composition.patch libqt5-clamp-dirty-region-to-window-size.patch libqt5-adding-plasma5-support-for-QKdeTheme.patch
* Fri Apr 08 2016 Update to 5.6.0
* For more details please see: and Added patches for various QtDBus issues: Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch, QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch and QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch- Added tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch: mark private and QPA API with symbols for only current patch release- Drop obsolete and/or upstreamed patches: xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch, xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch, qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch, protect-geometry-QTBUG-40584.patch, QMimeDatabase-follow-symlinks-when-checking-for-FIFO.patch, Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch, Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch, Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch and 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch
* Wed Mar 09 2016 Merge libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk2 back into libQt5Gui5 (bsc#969935)
* align with old libQt5Gui5 where has provided
* Wed Feb 03 2016 [ECO] Update Qt5 to version 5.5.1 (fate#319961, bnc#964864)
* Mon Dec 21 2015 Cherry-picked xcb, backing store fixes and multi-screen fixes to 5.5.1
* HighDPI Scaling patches, many new xcb fixes are rely on QHighDpiScaling, thus cherry-picked important HighDPI patches(with HighDPI fixes) here, it\'s good for add more cherry-pick fixes from 5.6 or later to 5.5.1 in the future
* highdpi-0001-remove-QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO-support-from-xcb.patch
* highdpi-0002-enable-non-integer-device-pixel-ratio.patch
* highdpi-0003-introduce-cross-platform-high-dpi-scaling.patch
* highdpi-0004-X11-changes-for-highdpi.patch
* highdpi-0005-fix-highdpi-drag-n-drop-for-X11.patch
* highdpi-0006-turn-off-font-hinting-when-active-highdpi-scaling.patch
* highdpi-0007-compile-time-option-for-disabling-high-DPI-scaling.patch
* highdpi-0008-fix-QHighDPiScaling-initialization-issues.patch
* highdpi-0009-update-high-DPI-scaling-enablers.patch
* Good xcb patches and the multi-screen fixes, boo#955381
* xcb-notify-when-the-primary-screen-changes.patch
* xcb-add-proper-NOTIFY-to-the-primaryScreen-property.patch
* xcb-fix-DnD-for-separate-X-screens.patch
* xcb-avoid-triggering-OpenGL-initialization-for-RasterSurface.patch
* xcb-use-XShape-for-DnD-when-compositing-manager-is-not-running.patch
* xcb-fix-crash-on-screen-power-save.patch
* xcb-handle-screen-siblings-in-QXcbVirtualDesktop.patch
* xcb-process-_NET_WORKAREA-and-screen-geometry-change.patch
* xcb-fix-slow-widget-resizing.patch
* xcb-fix-touchscreen-input-capabilities.patch
* xcb-prevent-fp-division-by-zero.patch
* xcb-fix-windows-opened-from-keyboard-are-not-active.patch
* xcb-dont-assume-creating-window-will-result-in-ConfigureNotify-event.patch
* xcb-compare-to-previous-state-when-sending-geometry.patch
* xcb-dont-cache-the-screen-for-a-window.patch
* xcb-use-placeholder-QScreen-when-there-are-no-outputs.patch
* Backingstore fixes against mixing child widgets and GL-based composition
* libqt5-fix-a-memory-leak-dirtyOnScreenWidgets.patch
* libqt5-support-mixing-native-child-widgets.patch
* libqt5-reduce-paint-events-for-QOpenGLWidget.patch
* libqt5-avoid-dynamic-switching-backingstore-composition-paths.patch
* libqt5-reduce-flushes-with-repaint-GL-composition.patch
* libqt5-clamp-dirty-region-to-window-size.patch
* libqt5-adding-plasma5-support-for-QKdeTheme.patch
* Wed Oct 28 2015 Added qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch (qtbug#48321)
* Fri Oct 16 2015 Update to 5.5.1
* For more details please see: Dropped patches merged upstream- Dropped upstreamed Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch
* Mon Oct 12 2015 Added xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch and xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch (kde#341497, qtbug#47385)
* Fri Oct 09 2015 Added QDate_QTime-fix-SiC-introduced-by-adding-new-non-explicit-ctors.patch
* Wed Oct 07 2015 When in SLE12, use the internal Harfbuzz version instead of the system one (which is too old for Qt\'s requirements)
* Sun Sep 27 2015 Fix-compile-error-on-big-endian.patch: Fix compile error on big endian
* Tue Aug 18 2015 Added patches from upstream: ignore-disabling-of-outputs-in-the-middle-of-the-mode-switch.patch (qtbug#44158, qtbug#46786, qtbug#46822) when-a-screen-comes-back-online-the-windows-need-to-be-told-about-it.patch (qtbug#47041)
* Sun Aug 16 2015 Update to 5.5.0
* For more details please see: and Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Speed-up-compose-file-parsing-in-the-X11-composition.patch, 0002-Speed-up-application-startup-on-X11.patch, Fix-regression-in-compose-table-parsing.patch, libqt5-libtool-nodate.diff and make-qdbusxml2cpp-output-reproducible.patch- Add patches from upstream: Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch- Added tslib-devel and libinput-devel (Build)Requires- Drop all openSUSE 13.1 conditionals, we won\'t build Qt >= 5.5 on that distro version anymore
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Update QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch to latest version
* Tue Jul 28 2015 Added QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch: reduces the number of syscalls greatly, by avoiding the timezone conversion every time; massively improves kbuildsycoca5 speed
* Sun Jul 26 2015 Fix the suse_version condition checks - treat Leap equally as 13.2 wrt which system libs shall be used
* Tue Jun 09 2015 Add patches from upstream: 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch 0002-xcb-Fix-getting-the-window-types-from-the-property-o.patch 0003-Fix-centering-dialogs.patch 0004-xcb-Set-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE-from-a-single-place.patch 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch 0006-xcb-set-SM_CLIENT_ID-property.patch
* Wed Jun 03 2015 Update to 5.4.2
* Important Behavior Changes: - EXIF orientation is no longer applied to JPEG images on read. EXIF orientation on JPEG was introduced in 5.4.0, but due to a bug the most common EXIF-format (big-endian) was not working until 5.4.1. 5.4.2 restores the behavior of 5.4.0 and earlier for most EXIF-tagged JPEGs. EXIF orientation will be an opt-in starting with Qt 5.5. - On x86 and x86-64 systems with ELF binaries (especially Linux), due to a new optimization in GCC 5.x in combination with a recent version of GNU binutils, compiling Qt applications with -fPIE is no longer enough with GCC 5.x. Applications now need to be compiled with the -fPIC option if Qt\'s option \"reduce relocations\" is active. For backward compatibility only, Qt accepts the use of -fPIE for GCC 4.x versions. Note that Clang is known to generate incompatible code even with -fPIC if the -flto option is active. Applications using qmake or cmake >= 2.8.12 as their build system will adapt automatically. Applications using an older release of cmake in combination with GCC 5.x need to change their CMakeLists.txt to add Qt5Core_EXECUTABLE_COMPILE_FLAGS to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. In particular, applications using cmake >= 2.8.9 and < 2.8.11 will continue to build with the - fPIE option and invoke the special compatibility mode if using GCC 4.x.
* Bugfix release, for more details please see: Drop patches merged upstream: Call-ofono-nm-Registered-delayed-in-constructor-othe.patch Fix-Meta-shortcuts-on-XCB.patch Fix-upload-corruptions-when-server-closes-connection.patch Fixed-a-deadlock-when-the-lock-file-is-corrupted.patch Handle-SelectionWindowDestroy-in-QXcbClipboard.patch Make-qglobal.h-complain-if-you-use-fPIE.patch Make-sure-theres-a-scene-before-using-it.patch QSystemTrayIcon-handle-submenus-correctly.patch Require-fPIC-instead-of-just-fPIE-for-reduce-relocations.patch Try-to-ensure-that-fPIC-is-used-in-CMake-builds.patch Update-mouse-buttons-from-MotionNotify-events.patch fix-a-division-by-zero-when-processing-malformed-BMP-files.patch- Added cmake (Build)Requires to get autoprovides for all Qt modules
* Wed May 20 2015 A bunch update to Qt5 5.3.2 for SLE12 SP1, bsc#931622
* Tue May 19 2015 Add libqt5-Fix-a-division-by-zero-processing-malformed-BMP.patch -- QTBUG-44547, bsc#921999(CVE-2015-0295)- Add libqt5-Fixes-crash-in-bmp-and-ico-image-decoding.patch -- bsc#927806(CVE-2015-1858), bsc#927807(CVE-2015-1859)- Add libqt5-Fixes-crash-in-gif-image-decoder.patch -- bsc#927808(CVE-2015-1860)
* Mon Jan 12 2015 Added Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch from upstream (qtbug#43623, boo#870151)
* Wed Sep 24 2014 Add libqt5-do-not-use-shm-if-display-name-doesnt-look-local.patch from Michal Srb, bnc#888858
* additional check the display name before use SHM, this patch is equivalent to what has been did in Qt4:
* Mon Sep 22 2014 Build without sse2 instructions by default for %ix86 architecture, and rebuild QtCore and QtuGui modules with sse2 (they are installed to %_libdir/sse2 (bnc#897758)
* Tue Sep 16 2014 Update to 5.3.2 final
* No changes since previous snapshot
* Use official tars
* Thu Sep 04 2014 Update to 5.3.2~git20140904 (r05670f5):
* Tip of the bugfix 5.3.2 branch:
* Recreate child windows when changing screens
* QCoreTextFontDatabase: Remove number type asserts.
* QGLXContext survives screen removal
* CoreWLan: terminate scan thread in QCoreWlanEngine destructor
* Also print the class name in the QObject::killTimer error msg
* Initialize textureId in platform backing store
* Doc: corrected autolink errors corelib io
* Avoid crash if querying device that has gone away
* Doc: corrected autolink errors Qjsonvalue
* Network: Fix NTLM (SSPI) with HTTP and HTTPS proxies
* remove always ask option.
* Fix handling QT_IM_MODULE=none
* xcb: use keyboard event source window to determine auto-repeat valuen
* Fix invalid memcpy(dst, src) calls where dst == src
* Fix several regressions in font selection
* Detect wrongly labelled wheel buttons
* Make QWindowContainer handle drag\'n\'drop
* Resize correctly on orientation change.
* Use correct size in fullscreen mode
* Properly null-terminate ifreq::irf_name
* fingerpaint example: be sensitive to pressure only when supported
* Fix a memory leak in QFseventsFileSystemWatcherEngine
* Do not set QMAKE_{INC,LIB}DIR_{OPENGL,X11} in the freebsd mkspecs.
* refactor disconnectFromFtp to remove cached entries when necessary
* Remove reference to gdb_dwarf_index from the freebsd-clang mkspec.
* Fix mistake in function extraTryFontsForFamily
* Fix rendering of fonts matched based on stretch
* Fix x86/32-bit build when using an old version of gcc
* Fix selection of fonts based on styleName
* QFusionStyle paints sliders outside of clip
* Set iMX device specific compiler flags to QMAKE_CFLAGS
* Fix QPainter::drawPolyline() painting errors with cosmetic pen
* Let QImage::mirrored() retain dots-per-meter settings
* Make sure we don\'t cache old file sizes prior to new writes
* Correct the SYNC hint for the release barrier
* Fix build with QT_NO_MDIAREA
* Show the correct cursor for QLineEdit\'s side buttons.
* Fix disconnect()ing from signals declared in a base class
* Fix rendering alpha-blended text which needs to be clipped at the top.
* Fix build due to missing include when using a minimal config.
* Fix build with QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP
* Font Database: Add support for private, system UI font families
* Apply upstream patch r1498 to our PCRE copy
* Apply upstream patch r1495 to our PCRE copy
* Initialize member.
* Document missing QLatin1String methods
* network tests: add manual test for auth / proxy auth
* Uncomment some tests which accidently got commented
* Both HiQualAA and normal AA should mean antialiasing in rasterengine.
* Check if Start/EndPage returns non-positive value when error checking
* GTK file dialog: pre-fill the filename if given to a Save dialog
* QFileDialog docs: remove misleading sentence about static functions
* Doc: Placed Qt OpenGL class convention in code block.
* Undo: Fix state entry bug for parallel state groups
* Do not add QOffscreenSurface windows to the global list
* tst_QHash: check which of several equal keys is inserted
* OpenGL: destroy QGLContext allocated by QGLContext::fromOpenGLContext
* tst_QSet: check which of several equal elements is inserted
* fix paths in installed qtmain.prl
* add /ENTRY:main only for target builds
* avoid that CROSS_COMPILE affects host builds
* Add missing power button keycode to keymap
* cocoa: Fix compiler warnings about unused functions.
* Propagate swapInterval to QGLFormat
* Fix double clicks in eglfs
* Work around ICC bug in local static symbols for Q_GLOBAL_STATIC
* QCoreTextFontDatabase: Fix font weight value when populating a family
* Don\'t convert signed to unsigned when we need all 32bit
* Fix compilation if EC is disabled in OpenSSL
* Fix warning message when re-setting text on tooltip
* Improve dbus cross compilation
* Fix buffer overrun error with some proxy servers
* QNAM: Fix CPU load for limited upload QIODevice
* qmake: Document the \"aux\" template type.
* Use the stateless UTF-8 encoder in QStringRef::toUtf8
* Doc: corrected autolink errors in qnamespace.qdoc
* QPixmap::fromImage() should detach when changing QImage format
* generate QGL header file from qgl.h
* Ensure transient parents are top level widgets.
* Added stream version into network cache file format
* make QtWidgets claim style plugins
* CMake: Don\'t check the existence of GL files in the Qt5Gui package.
* QSplitter: Exclude top level widgets from child event handling.
* Doc: Hide QTextInlineObject constructor from the documentation
* Work around ICC bug in brace initializations containing constexpr
* Doc: edited qtxml.qdocconf
* xcb: QTabletEvents and proximity events correctly identify the tool
* Fixed wrong function name in a file snippet
* XCB: Enable loading of the Qt::DragLinkCursor
* Fix fallbacks for adapted common script
* Fix fallbacks for adapted common script
* QSslCertificate: blacklist NIC certificates from India
* Doc: moved saxbookmarks example files
* tst_qdir: Move QFINDTESTDATA() from init() to constructor.
* Doc: moved streambookmarks example files
* Don\'t assert when HB-old is unable to deal with surrogates
* REG: Fix nbsp in QTextLayout
* Support getting test data from qrc
* Document QApplication::cursorFlashTime() can return -1
* Fix for code snippet in commandlineparser documentation
* Doc: removed from namespace in manual qdocconf file.
* Fix typo in QGraphicsView documentation.
* Fix QTimer with negative interval in QWidgetLineControl::setCursorBlinkPeriod
* Attempt to work with Visual Studio in -Za (strict ANSI) mode
* Improve QListWidget documentation.
* Fix debug output of QTouchEvent.
* Doc: fix a link in QAbstractOpenGLFunctions documentation
* Accessibility Linux: Fix crashes when accessing invalid functions
* move loading of testability driver from QApplication to QGuiApplication
* QPdf::addImage(): avoid a QImage detach when it\'s in an acceptable Format
* Make QDom/QXmlSimpleReader reentrant.
* Move QXmlReaderPrivate to private header.
* Mac: Don\'t register for Pan Gestures.
* Add opt-out environment variable for AATT2x images
* Listen to touch events on the master device instead of slave.
* add support for device linux-arm-hisilicon-hix5hd2-g++
* Make tst_QLocale::macDefaultLocale() more robust
* Fix some tst_qwidget test cases
* xcb: make sure to update window title when it is changed
* Skip unstable autotests in QtBase.
* Empty icons and Cocoa menu items.
* Address Book example: Fix QTableView column sorting
* QOpenGLTexture: fix the feature test for Buffer Textures
* qDebug: fix data race in qt_message_print
* [bcm97425] Fix parameter issue in platformDestroy hook
* Doc: Various \
ote fixes in Qt namespace documentation.
* Fix QFileInfoGatherer threading issue
* Doc: Fix typo in QScopedValueRollback
* Fix pixel noise in X11 systray icons that are not 22x22
* Don\'t compare the target methods for SlotObject connections
* qtoolbar: add missing header on OSX.
* Remove bogus nullptr check for reference
* Support MIPS atomic on pre-MIPS32 architectures
* Enable sparc detection.
* Remove -Wcast-align from QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.
* Create the 64 bits version strings for MIPS, SPARC and S390
* Add a comment stating QMutex::isRecursive should be made const in Qt6
* Fix QMutex documentation saying some function are static while they are not
* Delete qml_plugin_import.cpp file only during distclean
* WinRT: no read-only paths in QStandardpaths::writableLocation
* Fix compilation on Windows without precompiled headers
* QColorDialog: Do not update custom/standard color cells while picking.
* Fix -Werror compilation on big-endian
* CMake: Allow modules to specify the location of tests.
* Mark behavior of QFileInfo::absoluteFilePath as undefined in corner cases
* Translate Super/Hyper keys to MetaModifier
* Fix logging file location docs
* CMake: Report an error if unit tests are not found for a module.
* Fix QRingBuffer::readPointerAtPosition()
* Make the fetchAndAddRelaxed function a member template
* Doc: qInstallMessageHandler cannot return 0.
* GIF decoding: do not seek() if the image is loaded over the network
* network internals: do not try to cache a deleted entry
* Fix memory leaks in QFseventsFileSystemWatcherEngine
* Simplify mirroring code and add tests for non-aliged 1 bit images
* Add that the corner settings are saved/restored with the state
* Correct grammar of missing Q_OBJECT macro warning.
* Doc: Fix docs for QFontMetrics::height() to match code
* Fix installation of private headers generated by wayland-scanner
* add buildsystem/qmake changelog
* CMake: Load plugin files unconditionally if present.
* QIcon: Prefer high-quality images of Windows .ico files.
* tst_qicon: Resolve all files using QFINDTESTDATA().
* Move most of the QLibraryPrivate initialization to its constructor
* QComboBox: update focus policy when setting a new line edit
* QDBus: fix data race on isDebugging bool
* When filling the path it should use the painter\'s pen not the state\'s
* Fix data race on QLoggingCategory when using qDebug from multiple threads
* Remove the use of QT_STATIC_CONST in QtSql
* Fix compilation with /Zc:strictStrings
* Correct QImage::fill(uint) on RGBA8888 formats
* XCB: Fix leak with touch devices
* pass a pointer instead of a reference to initFrom()
* Properly check which OpenGL features are supported
* Do not overwrite existing event mask of root window
* Remove the widget from the stylesheet cache before polishing
* QDnsLookup: Fix build with uClibc
* Remove unused define XCB_USE_IBUS.
* Attempt to fix intel compiler build error.
* Use QModelIndex to get the data from underlying model
* QGuiApplication: Document -plugin command line argument.
* Fix compilation in under -no-c++11 mode
* Fix compilation with the Intel compiler on certain systems- Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Do-not-overwrite-existing-event-mask-of-root-window.patch, 0002-Properly-check-which-OpenGL-features-are-supported.patch, 0003-Fix-data-race-on-QLoggingCategory-when-using-qDebug-.patch, 0004-QDBus-fix-data-race-on-isDebugging-bool.patch, 0005-Translate-Super-Hyper-keys-to-MetaModifier.patch, libqt5-avoid-crash-during-querying-device.patch, libqt5-fix-leak-with-touch-devices-in-xcb.patch and libqt5-listen-to-touch-events-on-the-master-device.patch- Added protect-geometry-QTBUG-40584.patch, to workaround QTBUG-40584, so widget geometry is preserved- Reorder patches
* Fri Aug 29 2014 Added upstream patches for bnc#890168
* libqt5-fix-leak-with-touch-devices-in-xcb.patch, QTBUG-39596
* fixed a leak what did not free m_touchDevices.
* libqt5-listen-to-touch-events-on-the-master-device.patch, QTBUG-38625
* listen to touch events on the master device instead of slave, was also affects by fdo#78345
* libqt5-avoid-crash-during-querying-device.patch, QTBUG-40820
* avoid crashes if querying device that has gone away
* Thu Jul 03 2014 Added 00010-Replace-the-const-QString-global-static-with-a-QStri.patch, fixes segfaulting in global destructor, for more details see: Added 00011-Use-correct-signal-name-when-disconnecting.patch, fixes crash on QtDBus unload
* Wed Jun 25 2014 Update to 5.3.1
* Bugfix release, for more details please see: Drop libqt5-fix-the-modal-dialogs-can-go-behind.patch, merged upstream- Added patches from upstream: 0001-Do-not-overwrite-existing-event-mask-of-root-window.patch -- QTBUG-39648 0002-Properly-check-which-OpenGL-features-are-supported.patch -- QTBUG-39730 0003-Fix-data-race-on-QLoggingCategory-when-using-qDebug-.patch -- Fix data race on QLoggingCategory 0004-QDBus-fix-data-race-on-isDebugging-bool.patch -- fix data race on isDebugging bool 0005-Translate-Super-Hyper-keys-to-MetaModifier.patch -- QTBUG-38428
* Sun Jun 01 2014 Improve baselibs- Improve situation with rpmlints duplicates warnings- Make private headers noarch
* Tue May 27 2014 Build with pkgconfig(libudev), not pkgconfig(udev)
* Fri May 23 2014 Fix the modal dialogs can go behind other process windows (QTBUG-35302)
* libqt5-fix-the-modal-dialogs-can-go-behind.patch
* Thu May 22 2014 Fix broken Gujarati rendering (bnc#878292): libqt5-Fix-Gujarati-font.patch
* Wed May 21 2014 Only enable reducing relocations on x86 and x86_64 arches; fixes build for arm, ppc, etc (QTBUG-36129)
* Mon May 19 2014 Update to 5.3.0 final
* Minor bugfixes over previous RC
* Sat May 17 2014 Disable logging to journald for now, as it creates significant performance penalty- Don\'t pass /usr/include to qmake, not needed
* Thu May 08 2014 Update to 5.3.0 RC
* For more details, please see and Drop libqt5-add-better-support-for-keymap-update-handling.patch, libqt5-fix-build-failure-xcb.patch, libqt5-fix-regression-in-key-handling.patch, libqt5-improve-keymap-error-handling.patch and libqt5-update-bundled-libxkbcommon-version-to-041.patch; merged upstream
* Tue Apr 08 2014 Add support for byte swapping, bnc#866709
* Add libqt5-add-support-for-byte-swapping.patch
* Add libqt5-byte-order-byte-is-address0.patch- Fix keyboard remapping not applied on Qt5, bnc#866051
* Add backported libqt5-add-better-support-for-keymap-update-handling.patch
* Add backported libqt5-improve-keymap-error-handling.patch
* Add backported libqt5-fix-build-failure-xcb.patch
* Add backported libqt5-update-bundled-libxkbcommon-version-to-041.patch
* Add backported libqt5-fix-regression-in-key-handling.patch
* Fri Mar 28 2014 The no-neon switch no longer exists with 5.3, so drop it: fixes build on arm/aarch64
* Tue Mar 25 2014 Update to 5.3.0 beta
* New feature release, please see and Drop qtbase-qatomic-ppc.patch, merged upstream- Added f1ee10f81ac18789e9a7dc715b464415ba2bc2b8.patch: prefer QPA implementation in qsystemtrayicon_x11 if available- Added pkgconfig(libsystemd-journal) BuildRequires and activate journald support- Added pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11) BuildRequires with 13.2+: it\'s now needed for full xkb support, for lower version added xkeyboard-config BuildRequires- Ommit QMAKE_STRIP flags in mkspecs/common/linux.conf, otherwise no debuginfo is generated for packages which use qmake buildsystem- Droped passing of -javascript-jit, as per upstream changes- Rebase libqt5-libtool-nodate.diff for this release
* Thu Mar 20 2014 Added use-freetype-default.patch: allow using lcd-default filter regardless of how freetype2 library has been built (w/ & w/o subpixel)- Build examples (added examples subpackage)- Make sure that Qt5Gui devel package requires libdrm-devel, as it references it\'s includes in CMake config
* Sat Mar 01 2014 Fix wrong libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static requires: pkgconfig(GL) -> pkgconfig(gl)
* Thu Feb 27 2014 Enable jit only on supported archs
* Mon Feb 10 2014 Update LICENSE files to %doc
* Wed Feb 05 2014 Update to 5.2.1:
* For more details please see: Split out (private) devel packages for each library. Also added common-devel package, which contains mkspecs, and basic binaries (e.g. moc, qmake, rcc, syncqt and uic)- Only create qt5 symlinks for binaries which conflict with Qt4 version- Remove libtool archives from packages- Apply conditionals for %arm also for aarch64- Removed unneeded or upstreamed patches:
* 0001-Remove-the-GLES-2-dependency-for-eglfs-and-kms.patch
* 0002-Fix-configure-script-to-not-dictate-OpenGL-ES-2-when.patch
* 0003-EGL-convenience-deal-with-DefaultRenderableType-when.patch
* 0004-Do-not-disable-egl-on-desktop-gl-automatically.patch
* qt-never-strip.diff
* qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1-bigendian.patch- modified patches:
* qmake-add-usr-include.diff
* Fri Jan 03 2014 Explicitly (Build)Require pkgconfig(harfbuzz) for 13.1+- Explicitly activate system-harfbuzz, system-freetype and fontconfig options- Drop clucene-core-devel and giflib-devel Build(Requires): unused- Drop pkgconfig(atspi-2) (Build)Requires: external libatspi2 is not used during build time (see qtbase commit 4c1c820)
* Thu Dec 12 2013 Do not force -javascript-jit on ppc platforms that do not support it.
* Thu Dec 12 2013 Update to 5.2.0 final:
* For more details please see:
* Wed Dec 04 2013 Import patches from upstream which make possible to build EGL support without requiring GLES2: 0001-Remove-the-GLES-2-dependency-for-eglfs-and-kms.patch 0002-Fix-configure-script-to-not-dictate-OpenGL-ES-2-when.patch 0003-EGL-convenience-deal-with-DefaultRenderableType-when.patch 0004-Do-not-disable-egl-on-desktop-gl-automatically.patch- Enable EGL support by adding (Build)Requiring pkgconfig(egl)
* Fri Nov 29 2013 Update to 5.2 rc1
* New feature release, please see and Droped xcb_193.patch, included in this release- Drop gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel BuildRequires, nothing in qtbase uses gstreamer, and config tests where false positive before- Temporary disable qt-never-strip.diff, we can use configure flags for no-strip
* Wed Nov 27 2013 Added xcb_193.patch from upstream, for resolving SiC and BiC change in xcb 1.9.2/3 (fdo#71502,fdo#71507,qtbug#34748)
* Wed Nov 06 2013 Fix translations macro
* Thu Oct 24 2013 gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel are not required for devel subpackage, so remove the Requires
* Wed Oct 23 2013 Update to 5.2 beta1
* New feature release, please see and Change obsoletes of new library and sql plugins packages
* Fri Oct 18 2013 Added qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1-bigendian.patch, also needed for building on PowerPC, otherwise fromWordToBytes is left undeclared
* Fri Oct 18 2013 Added qtbase-qatomic-ppc.patch, fixes PowerPC build
* Wed Oct 16 2013 Further split libqt5-qtbase package to libQt5Concurrent5, libQt5Core5, libQt5DBus5, libQt5Network5, libQt5Xml5, libQt5PrintSupport5 and libQt5OpenGL5- Rename sql plugin subpackages for more consistent naming with the rest of libraries- Apply the same solution as with Qt4 with regards to rebuilds: don\'t use current build date, but rather last changes date
* Fri Oct 04 2013 Add convenient macros for packages building against Qt5: %_libqt5_qmake, %qmake5, %make_jobs and %qmake5_install
* Thu Sep 12 2013 Added missing pkgconfig(xkbcommon) BuildRequires- Drop checks for older openSUSE versions- Enable GL ES and kms only on arm for now
* Thu Sep 05 2013 enable support for opengl es2 and kms
* Thu Aug 29 2013 Update to version 5.1.1:
* Bugfix release, please see and for known issues- Small spec cleanup- Explicitly activate desktop openGL, and only BuildRequire pkgconfig(gl) so whole Mesa stack isn\'t pulled
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Adjust packaging naming conform Factory standards
* Sun Jul 07 2013 Allow co-existance of Qt5 and Qt4:
* Install headers in %_includedir/qt5
* Install binaries in %_libdir/qt5/bin, create symlinks with -qt5 suffixes in %_libdir/qt5/bin and %_bindir- Spec cleanup:
* Removed checks for obsolete opensuse versions- Add new macros.qt5, which should be utilized for other Qt5 modules- Added baselibs.conf
* Sun Jul 07 2013 update to Qt 5.1 release
* Tue Jun 18 2013 update to Qt 5.1 RC 1
* Mon May 20 2013 update to Qt 5.1 Beta 1
* Tue Apr 09 2013 update to Qt 5.1 Alpha 1
* Fri Mar 29 2013 update to Qt 5.0.2 RC1
* Wed Jan 30 2013 update to Qt 5.0.1
* Wed Dec 19 2012 update to Qt 5.0 release
* Thu Dec 13 2012 update to Qt 5.0 Release Candidate 2
* Thu Dec 06 2012 update to Qt 5.0 Release Candidate 1
* Thu Nov 15 2012 update to Qt 5.0 Beta 2
* Thu Aug 30 2012 update to Qt 5.0 Beta 1 release
* Thu May 24 2012 update to newer Alpha snapshot / Beta candidate
* Fri Apr 13 2012 rework package splitting for Qt 5 modularization
* Thu Apr 05 2012 Initial packaging (Qt 5.0 Alpha)