Changelog for
lxqt-panel-devel-0.11.0-3.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Sep 24 2016 Update to 0.11.0:
* Update Reflect changes introduced in 1c22479
* CMakeLists: Fail for unmet dependencies
* mainmenu: Remove setting base style in StyleChange
* mainmenu: Workaround transparent search
* mainmenu: Dispose old menu first when building new
* Add
* sensors: Add default bar scale
* sensors: Check for existence of the max value
* sensors: Add minor code optimization
* mainmenu: Handle QAction disposal correctly
* panel: Don\'t use autoFillBackground
* Plugin: Fix FTBFS for older Qt versions
* mainmenu: Fix show/hide actions after menu rebuild
* Statusnotifier: Remove setParent on StatusNotifierMenu.
* panel: Remove/deprecate plugin-screensaver (#363)
* Add and Update Arabic Translations for Desktop Files
* Fix updating panel geometry on screen size change
* panel: Fix screen number config change saving
* Separate a String for I18N Enhancement
* plugin: Force config dialog activation/raise
* plugin: Fix crossreferencing of config dialogs
* panel: Dispose unneeded menu
* panel: Destroy panel\'s config dialog
* showPopupMenu: Remove extraneous setParent() call (#359)
* statusnotifier: fix popup position on right click
* desktopswitch: Take layoutDirection into account
* taskbar: Remove orientation specific logic for DnD
* LXQtPanelLayout: Take layoutDirection into account
* taskbar: Remove forgotten debug
* taskbar: Consider layoutDirection for DnD
* panel: Optimize search a bit
* plugin-volume: Avoid an buffer overflow
* Respect the OnlyShowIn property for menu entries when using menu-cache (#351)
* kbindicator-plugin: fix linking with libxcb-1.12
* plugin-volume: Handle errors when trying to determine the next card
* Clean up CMakeLists.txt
* plugin/directorymenu: Removes no use code (#350)
* build: Forward translations parameters
* ts-files removal (#346)
* Fix memory leaks
* Use const references with the foreach iterator
* Small fix
* statusnotifier: Fix showing icons in menu
* kbindicator: (Re)Add .desktop translations
* Update desktopswitchconfiguration.ui
* panel: (Re)Add translations dir
* Revert unintended
*.desktop files removal
* Remove translations (can be pulled in build time)
* Use external translations
* Update lxqt-panel_it.ts
* Add documentation/comments for PanelPluginsModel.
* Fix segfault on plugin initialization (#338)
* translations: updated german translation (#323)
* plugin-mainmenu: update mainmenu_it.ts (#337)
* Russian translation update
* mainmenu: Use style sheet to override icon
* plugins: Change \"repolish\" logic
* mainmenu: Reduce delay of popup when using shortcut
* volume: Remove debug
* plugins: Don\'t unload -> avoid dangling resources
* Added new translated strings.
* Added missing context for lupdate.
* Updated german translation.
* Ask for confirmation when removing a panel
* panel: Add \"Lock Panel\" functionality
* fix updating panel geometry on screen changes
* Try find a free position when adding a new panel
* LXQtPanelApplication: Use D-Pointers
* Animate auto-hiding panels.
* Add QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER to the compile definitions
* tray: Fix SEGFAULT on stop
* mainmenu: Fix visual search problems
* mainmenu: Remove duplicates from search
* mainmenu: Add new configuration options for search
* mainmenu: Workadound QLineEdit\'s wakups(QTBUG-52021)
* mainmenu: Add configurable way of search
* taskbar: separate adding from changing windows
* plugins: Make buttons flat for cleaner look
* mainmenu: Fix search interacion
* mainmenu: Add search/hide possibility
* taskbar: Add show icon by WindowClass to config
* taskbar: Use icon from theme (based on windowClass)
* panellayout: Do not allow oversized plugins
* panellayout: Avoid plugin margins
* PluginSettings: Make settings object/class public
* Bump year Fix licenses: lxqt-panel is pure LGPL
* worldclock: Fix possible SEGFAULT
* Add comments for ILXQtPanel and LXQtPanel.
* plugin-taskbar: fix German translation of configuration dialogue
* panel: Correct PanelPluginsModel logic
* volume: Avoid infinite cycle in config dialog
* plugins: Use \"cleaner\" style logic
* mainmenu: Remove unneeded includes
* mainmenu: Fix freeze for some widget styles (e.g. breeze)
* tray: Fix \"BadDamage\" warning message
* tray: Postpone tray icon initialization
* PluginSettings: Emit settingsChanged only for owned keys
* taskbar: Fix (auto)hide after window menu is shown
* mainmenu: Use directory of current icon for search
* mainmenu: Fix showing icon path in configuration
* plugin-taskbar: avoid icon-only style for groups
* statusnotifier: fix position of context menus
* plugin-quicklaunch: remove preset applications
* plugin-tray: Fix native window sizes for high DPI devices
* taskbar: Refactor/improove window handling logic
* taskbar: Fix multiple groups when WindowClass changes
* plugin settings: Publish PluginSettings symbols
* Add support for nested groups in PluginSettings
* Add PluginSettings::{read,set}Array for atomicity
* Add PluginSettings for shared settings for plugins
* plugins config: remove a lot of redundant code
* LXQtPanelPluginConfigDialog: add ctor overload
* Update lxqt-panel_fr_FR.ts
* Create HR translations for panel and plugins
* lxqt-panel: Update/format and install man page
* plugin-kbindicator: remove ru_RU translations
* plugin-kbindicator: add russian translations
* Update Russian translations for the panel and plugins
* Italian translation update
* Updated german translation.
* Adds comments for lxqtpanelapplication.h.
* Correct some minor spelling mistakes.
* panel-config: Fix background opacity slider
* taskbar: Avoid \"noop\" button if window ID changes
* mainmenu: Fix URL assembly for Drag&Drop
* panel: Fill background
* mainmenu: Use configurable icon
* worldclock: Fix update interval
* panel: Add periodic hide checking
* clock: Fix content update if transform/autorotate
* quicklaunch: Fix panel hiding upon showing menu
* worldclock: Decrease (unnecessary) wake-ups
* panel: Remove periodic checking for hide
* Prevent panel hiding in case any (standalone) window shown
* plugins: Unify window popup-ing
* directorymenu: Fix indentation (spaces)
* panel: Use override for overriden virt func
* hu translations fixed
* plugin-sysstat: translations fix
* desktop-switch: Hightlight only windows in taskbar
* fix misspelled prefered- Add keyring- Remove xkbcommon-includes.patch: upstreamed- Remove: lxqt-panel-xcb-1.12.patch upstreamed- Remove: no-undefined.patch instead pass - DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=\"-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now\" to cmake to not have the --no-undefined which doesnt make sense here since the symbol is in the binary and not in a library.
* Wed Jun 01 2016 Add lxqt-panel-xcb-1.12.patch: Fix linking with libxcb-1.12: we use xcb symbols by ourselves, so we are also responsible to link libxcb.
* Tue May 24 2016 Use pkgconfig to require libxkbcommon-x11-devel- Require lxqt-mount to have mounter option working
* Wed Dec 23 2015 Use lxmenu-data to have a working panel menu (fonts etc).
* Mon Nov 09 2015 Added no-undefined.patch: include sources which export used functions- Added xkbcommon-includes.patch: explicitly add include path for xkbcommon headers, otherwise they are picked up accidentally- Enable mount and kbindicator plugins
* Fri Nov 06 2015 Upstream release 0.10.0 We have to compile it with -DKBINDICATOR_PLUGIN=No -DMOUNT_PLUGIN=No for now because we have problems otherwise. Deleted patches: - lxqt-panel-0.9.0_fix_lxqtmount_include.patch - lxqt-panel-0.9.0_add_libxcb_to_cmakelist.patch Not needed anymore
* Thu Jul 09 2015 Use correct name \"lxqt\" instead of \"lxde-qt\"
* Fri Feb 20 2015 Changed %build and %include to use cmake macros- Added Patches: + lxqt-panel-0.9.0_fix_lxqtmount_include.patch + lxqt-panel-0.9.0_add_libxcb_to_cmakelist.patch
* Mon Feb 09 2015 New upstream version 0.9.0- Added -lang subpackage- Dropped Patches: + lxqt-panel-0.8.0_fix_lxqt-mount_headers.patch + lxqt-panel-0.8.0_fix_undefined_reference.patch
* Mon Jan 26 2015 Added conditionals to enable Fedora Builds
* Wed Nov 19 2014 fixed license tag
* Thu Nov 13 2014 added lxmenu-data
* Sat Oct 25 2014 new upstream version 0.8.0
* Fri Oct 03 2014 Added:
* 0001-fix_plugin_mount.patch
* 0002-fix_plugin_volume.patch
* 0003-fix_plugin_worldclock.patch
* 0004-fix_plugin_kbindicator.patch
* 0005-fix_plugin_dom.patch
* Patches added to fix buildfailure caused by undefined references, and new default build flags in cmake (gh#lxde/lxde-qt#288)
* Tue May 13 2014 Build all plugins adding sensors and libstatgrab to buildrequires
* Tue May 13 2014 spec file clean up for factoy
* Tue May 13 2014 Specfile cleanup
* Mon May 12 2014 Removed fedora spec, split into subproject Del: lxqt-panel-Fedora_20.spec
* Sat May 10 2014 Ran spec-cleaner on openSUSE specfile
* Sat May 10 2014 Added specfile for Fedora_20 Add: lxqt-panel-Fedora_20.spec
* Fri May 09 2014 Added tarball for new stable release Add: lxqt-panel-0.7.0.tar.xz Del: _service
* Mon Apr 07 2014 Changed Requires: lxqt-globalkeys-devel to lxwt-globalkeys
* Wed Apr 02 2014 Initial Source Upload Add: _service Add: lxqt-panel.spec Add: lxqt-panel.changes