Changelog for
pound-2.7-6.11.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Mar 12 2015 Update to version 2.7
* added support for larger DH keys + compile-time parameter for DH bits (workaround for OpenSSL limitation)
* added support for elliptical curve encryption
* added protocol version in X-SSL-cipher
* added \"Disable PROTO\" directives (fix for Poodle vulnerability)
* added Cert, Disable and Cipher directives for HTTPS back-ends. The directive HTTPS \"cert\" no longer supported.
* added filtering of \"Expect: 100-continue\" headers
* Add support for PATCH HTTP method
* Anonymise configuration option - show last client address byte as 0
* SSLAllowClientRenegotiation
* SSLHonorCipherOrder
* Certificate alternate names support
* poundctl shows the length of the request queue
* fixed lh_retrieve warning
* fixed potential memory leak on client certificates
* fixed alt names problem
* removed debugging messages
* fixed address comparison for RewriteLocation (IPv4/IPv6 problem)
* re-patched the redirect patch (Frank Schmierler)
* fixed RPC handling
* sanitize URLs for redirection (prevent CSRF)
* SSL disable empty fragments + SSL disable compression (CRIME attack prevention)
* fixed bug in configuration of DISABLED directive
* changed the log level from WARNING to NOTICE if the thread arg is NULL
* fixed testing of gcc options- Add systemd support for openSUSE > 12.3
* Fri Apr 20 2012 upgrade to version 2.6
* Fri Feb 17 2012 license update: SUSE-GPL-3.0+-with-openssl-exception Use SUSE- proprietary prefix until SPDX upstream accepts the license
* Thu Apr 22 2010 fixed openssl 1.0 build with patch from redhat.
* Thu Aug 06 2009 update to version 2.4.5 (various bug fixes, enhancements in xHTTP 3 and 4 support)
* Tue Aug 19 2008 update to version 2.4.3 (various bug fixes, no new features)
* Wed Feb 13 2008 update to version 2.4 - now GPL v3 or later - new PARM session type - full IPv6 support - pountctl can show status as an XML file - shutdown grace period (Pound accepts requests for existing sessions for some time instead of doing a hard shutdown)
* Fri Nov 09 2007 split of doc package
* Fri Nov 09 2007 update to version 2.3.2- add missing PreREq fixes build in BETA- add missing init script short-description and remote_fs depss
* Thu Jun 21 2007 fix changelog entry order