Changelog for
ruby2.1-rubygem-json-doc-2.1.0-1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Apr 19 2017 updated to version 2.1.0 see installed [#]# 2017-04-18 (2.1.0)
* Allow passing of `decimal_class` option to specify a class as which to parse JSON float numbers.
* Wed Apr 12 2017 updated to version 2.0.4 see installed [#]# 2017-03-23 (2.0.4)
* Raise exception for incomplete unicode surrogates/character escape sequences. This problem was reported by Daniel Gollahon (dgollahon).
* Fix arbitrary heap exposure problem. This problem was reported by Ahmad Sherif (ahmadsherif).
* Sat Jan 14 2017 updated to version 2.0.3 see installed [#]# 2017-01-12 (2.0.3)
* Set `required_ruby_version` to 1.9
* Some small fixes
* Wed Jul 27 2016 updated to version 2.0.2 see installed [#]# 2016-07-26 (2.0.2)
* Specify `required_ruby_version` for json\\_pure.
* Fix issue #295 failure when parsing frozen strings.
* Sat Jul 02 2016 updated to version 2.0.1 CHANGES removed upstream
* Wed Jun 03 2015 updated to version 1.8.3 see installed CHANGES 2015-06-01 (1.8.3)
* Fix potential memory leak, thx to nobu.
* Wed Feb 04 2015 rename rpmlintrc and add it as source
* Wed Feb 04 2015 update to 1.8.2
* Some performance improvements by Vipul A M
* Fix by Jason R. Clark to avoid mutation of JSON.dump_default_options.
* More tests by Michael Mac-Vicar and fixing space_before accessor in generator.
* Performance on Jruby improvemed by Ben Browning .
* Some fixes to be compatible with the new Ruby 2.2 by Zachary Scott and SHIBATA Hiroshi .
* Tue Sep 30 2014 update to new packaging scheme and add gem2rpm.yml- disable documentation to disable a loop between rdoc and json
* Thu Feb 06 2014 use new macros
* Sun Oct 20 2013 updated to version 1.8.1
* Remove Rubinius exception since transcoding should be working now.
* Mon May 13 2013 updated to version 1.8.0
* Fix reported by Marc-Andre Lafortune . Thanks!
* Applied patches by Yui NARUSE to suppress warning with - Wchar-subscripts and better validate UTF-8 strings.
* Applied patch by ginrikiAATTgithub to remove unnecessary if.
* Add load/dump interface to JSON::GenericObject to make serialize :some_attribute, JSON::GenericObject work in Rails active models for convenient access to serialised JSON data.
* Tue Feb 12 2013 updated to version 1.7.7
* Security fix for JSON create_additions default value and JSON::GenericObject. It should not be possible to create additions unless explicitely requested by setting the create_additions argument to true or using the JSON.load/dump interface. If JSON::GenericObject is supposed to be automatically deserialised, this has to be explicitely enabled by setting JSON::GenericObject.json_createble = true as well.
* Remove useless assert in fbuffer implementation.
* Apply patch attached to provided by John Shahid , Thx!
* Add license information to rubygems spec data, reported by Jordi Massaguer Pla .
* Improve documentation, thx to Zachary Scott .
* Wed Jan 02 2013 updated to version 1.7.6
* Add GeneratorState#merge alias for JRuby, fix state accessor methods. Thx to jvshahidAATTgithub.
* Increase hash likeness of state objects.
* Sun Aug 26 2012 updated to version 1.7.5
* Fix compilation of extension on older rubies.
* Sat Jul 28 2012 update to 1.7.4
* Fix compilation problem on AIX, see
* Fri Jul 06 2012 update to 1.7.3
* Work around Rubinius encoding issues using iconv for conversion instead.
* Fix some encoding issues, that cause problems for the pure and the extension variant in jruby 1.9 mode.
* Tue May 08 2012 update to 1.7.1
* Some small fixes for building
* Sun May 06 2012 update to 1.7.0
* Add JSON::GenericObject for method access to objects transmitted via JSON.
* Fix possible crash when trying to parse nil value.
* Tue Apr 03 2012 update to 1.6.6
* Propagate src encoding to values made from it (fixes 1.9 mode converting everything to ascii-8bit; harmless for 1.8 mode too) (Thomas E. Enebo ), should fix
* Fix Thx to Jason Hutchens.
* Fix
* Wed Feb 15 2012 Update to version 1.6.5:
* Fixed a bug that shows up when using optimisation under GCC 4.7.- Changes from version 1.6.4:
* Patches that improve speed on JRuby contributed
* Support object_class/array_class with duck typed hash/array.- Changes from version 1.6.3:
* Let JSON.load(\'\') return nil as well to make mysql text columns (default to \'\') work better for serialization.- Changes from version 1.6.2:
* Add support for OpenStruct and BigDecimal.
* Fix bug when parsing nil in quirks_mode.
* Make JSON.dump and JSON.load methods better cooperate with Rails\' serialize method. Just use: serialize :value, JSON
* Fix bug with time serialization concerning nanoseconds. Thanks for the patch go to Josh Partlow (jpartlowAATTgithub).
* Improve parsing speed for JSON numbers (integers and floats)
* Wed Dec 14 2011 move benchmarks to doc- create testsuite subpackage ( template doesn\'t detect it as it is tests not test as usual )
* Wed Nov 23 2011 added versioned provides
* Mon Nov 21 2011 Fix build on SLE11SP1: add the fastjar dependency at build time- Remove file duplicates at the end of the build
* Mon Nov 21 2011 Remove all the update=alternatives references from the spec file, they are no longer needed since the gem doesn\'t have entries inside of /bin
* Fri Oct 14 2011 Update to 1.6.1
* Using -target 1.5 to force Java bits to compile with 1.5.- additional changes from version 1.6.0
* Extract utilities (prettifier and GUI-editor) in its own gem json-utils.
* Split json/add/core into different files for classes to be serialised.
* Thu Aug 25 2011 json gem does not provide json_pure in terms of rpm Provides. If a gem depends on json_pure, having the json gem installed will make gem not find it.- use the update-alternatives system for the installed binaries to be able to install json_pure in parallel
* Wed Aug 24 2011 Update to version 1.5.4
* Fix memory leak when used from multiple JRuby. (Patch by jfirebaughAATTgithub).- additional changes from version 1.5.3
* Alias State#configure method as State#merge to increase duck type synonymy with Hash.
* Add as_json methods in json/add/core, so rails can create its json objects the new way.- additional changes from version 1.5.2
* Apply documentation patch by Cory Monty .
* Add gemspecs for json and json_pure.
* Fix bug in jruby pretty printing.
* Fix bug in object_class and array_class when inheriting from Hash or Array.- additional changes from version 1.5.1
* Made rake-compiler build a fat binary gem. This should fix issue additional changes from version 1.5.0
* Included Java source codes for the Jruby extension made by Daniel Luz .
* Output full exception message of deep_const_get to aid debugging.
* Fixed an issue with ruby 1.9 Module#const_defined? method, that was reported by Riley Goodside.- Add provides rubygem-json_pure since json_pure is just this gem under a different name.
* Tue Mar 29 2011 split off -doc subpackage
* Sun Nov 14 2010 update to version 1.4.6
* Fixed oversight reported in, always create a new object from the state prototype.
* Made pure and ext api more similar again.- additional changes from version 1.4.5
* Manage data structure nesting depth in state object during generation. This should reduce problems with to_json method definŃ–tions that only have one argument.
* Some fixes in the state objects and additional tests.- additional changes from version 1.4.4
* Fixes build problem for rubinius under OS X,
* Fixes crashes described in and
* Fri Jun 11 2010 update to version 1.4.3
* Fixed some test assertions, from Ruby r27587 and r27590, patch by nobu.
* Fixed issue reported by electronicwhisperAATTgithub. Thx!- additional changes from version 1.4.2
* Applied patch from naruse Yui NARUSE to make building with Microsoft Visual C possible again.
* Applied patch from devrandom in order to allow building of json_pure if extensiontask is not present.
* Thanks to Dustin Schneider , who reported a memory leak, which is fixed in this release.
* Applied 993f261ccb8f911d2ae57e9db48ec7acd0187283 patch from joshAATTgithub.- additional changes from version 1.4.1
* Fix for a bug reported by Dan DeLeo , caused by T_FIXNUM being different on 32bit/64bit architectures.- additional changes from version 1.4.0
* Major speed improvements and building with simplified directory/file-structure.
* Extension should at least be comapatible with MRI, YARV and Rubinius.- additional changes from version 1.2.4
* Triger const_missing callback to make Rails\' dynamic class loading work.- additional changes from version 1.2.3
* Added a State#[] method which returns an attribute\'s value in order to increase duck type compatibility to Hash.- additional changes from version 1.2.2
* Made some changes to make the building of the parser/generator compatible to Rubinius.- additional changes from version 1.2.1
* Added :symbolize_names option to Parser, which returns symbols instead of strings in object names/keys.
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Mon Dec 21 2009 update to version 1.2.0