Changelog for
smartmontools-6.2-6.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Dec 05 2013 Add supplementary drivedb.h update script (, bnc#851276).- Skip drivedb.h verification by rpm -V (bnc#851276).- Implement intelligent drivedb.h update not overwriting newer drivedb.h releases.- Update smartmontools-drivedb.h to the latest version from the upstream branch trunk.
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Update to version 6.2:
* smartctl: Added ATA write cache reordering control using \'-g wcreorder\' and \'-s wcreorder,[on|off]\' options.
* update-smart-drivedb: Updated for new SVN repository.
* HDD, SSD and USB additions to drive database.
* Areca RAID support: Fixed possible segfault on empty port.
* HPT RAID support: Maximum disk number increased to 128.
* Fri Apr 05 2013 Add Source URL, see
* Wed Apr 03 2013 remove all sysvinit support.
* Mon Mar 18 2013 Update to version 6.1:
* smartctl -l improved.
* smartctl -s/-g wcache and rcache for SCSI devices.
* smartctl prints more info for ATA and SCSI devices.
* smartctl \'--identify\' updated for latest ATA ACS-3 spec.
* smartd runs /etc/ to generate warning emails.
* smartd \'-w PATH\' option to specify this executable.
* smartd \'-d ignore\' directive.
* smartd DEVICESCAN ignores devices already specified.
* smartd: added support for -s and -A for SCSI devices.
* smartd \'-W\' directive uses ATA attribute 190 if 194 is missing.
* Support of larger SCSI defect lists via READ DEFECT(12).
* Device type \'-d usbjmicron,p\' for Prolific USB bridges.
* Many HDD, SSD and USB additions to drive database.
* Support for SAS disks behind Areca controllers.
* Improved support for SATA disks on LSI/Megaraid controllers.
* Disks on MegaRaid controllers are automatically scanned.- smartmontools.keyring: New signing key for the next 2 years.
* Wed Dec 12 2012 Use sysconfig variables (sed on and generate smartd_opts for systemd smartd.service.- Remove obsolete parsing of /etc/default/smartmontools (it is no more in upstream installation).
* Thu Nov 29 2012 Verify GPG signature.
* Tue Nov 20 2012 Re-introduce smartmontools-sysconfig.patch with SMARTD_SAVESTATES, SMARTD_ATTRLOG and SMARTD_EXTRA_OPTS sysconfig variables (bnc#790044).
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Update to version 6.0 (bnc#789204):
* option/directive \'-F nologdir\' and \'-F xerrorlba\'.
* smartctl \'--identify\' option.
* smartctl prints nominal media rotation rate (ATA).
* smartctl prints SATA version and speed.
* smartctl \'-l sataphy\' works for CD/DVD drives also.
* smartctl \'-x\' includes ATA Device Statistics.
* smartd warning emails include device identify info.
* smartd \'-d\' output is flushed to support redirection.
* Many HDD, SSD and USB additions to drive database.
* smartctl options \'-g, --get\' and \'-s, --set\' to get/set various ATA settings: AAM, APM, Read look-ahead, Write cache, Security (freeze), Standby mode/timer.
* smartd directive \'-e\' to set (most of) the above settings on startup.
* smartctl options \'-f hex\' and \'-f hex,[id|val]\'.
* smartctl does not start ATA self-test if another test is already running. Override with new option \'-t force\'.
* smartctl supports extended self-test polling times greater than 255 minutes.
* Controller-independent SAT detection: \'-d sat,auto[+TYPE]\'.
* smartd.conf DEFAULT directive.
* Support for SATA disks behind Areca SAS RAID controllers and HP Smart Array controllers.
* Tue Nov 06 2012 do no longer require syslog on 12.3, journal is enough for some installations
* Tue Sep 11 2012 buildrequire systemd to have working rpm macros
* Thu May 31 2012 update to the _latest_ smartmontools-5.42 tarball, see \"The PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG macro was not expanded in configure\"- remove automake dependency
* Tue Feb 21 2012 Disable PIE for SLE9.
* Wed Nov 30 2011 add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
* Tue Nov 22 2011 When in a virtualized envirnment, hard disk monitoring with smartd is a task for the host, make systemd to skip the service if found running in such setup.
* Fri Oct 21 2011 Upgrade to version 5.42 (bnc#725631):
* smartctl option \'-l devstat\' (Device Statistics).
* smartctl option \'-l ssd\' (SSD endurance indicator).
* smartd logs identify information of each SCSI/SAS device.
* smartd resends warning emails if problem reappears.
* smartd directives \'-l offlinests\' and \'-l selfteststs\'.
* Many HDD, SSD and USB additions to drive database.
* Platform-specific man pages.
* smartd.8 man page no longer includes smartd.conf.5.
* Support for Areca controllers enhanced.- Fixed pid file location (bnc#714647).
* Mon Oct 10 2011 reuse of %makeinstall to build for SLES11_SP1-
* Sun Oct 09 2011 upgrade to 5.41 Date 2011-06-09 - Failed self-tests outdated by a newer successful extended self-test are no longer reported as errors. - Support for ATA Long Logical/Physical Sectors (LLS/LPS). - \'smartctl --scan-open\' can create a draft smartd.conf. - smartctl prints World Wide Name (WWN) of ATA device. - smartctl option \'-f brief\' to select new attribute output format which includes more flags and fits in 80 columns. - smartd logs identify information and WWN of each ATA device. - smartd logs warning from drive database if present. - smartd logs changes of offline data collection status. - smartd directive \'-l scterc,READTIME,WRITETIME\'. - smartd preserves last scheduled selective self-tests span. - \'smartd.service\' file for systemd. - configure option \'--with-systemdsystemunitdir\' - configure option \'--with-exampledir\'. - configure searches for init.d or rc.d directory. - \'make install\' does no longer overwrite an existing smartd.conf file. - \'update-smart-drivedb\' does no longer require GNU sed. - Many HDD, SSD and USB additions to drive database. - Linux USB autodetection: Enable \'-d sat,16\' for newer kernels. - Linux megaraid: Fix segfault on non-data SCSI commands. - Linux megaraid: Fix pass-through of non-data ATA commands.- clean up old patches included in upstream- added systemd upstream configure option- added patch for FSF-address- clean up spec with spec-cleaner-
* Wed Jun 08 2011 Added sysconfig options to set arbitrary smartd options and disable persistent state writes and attribute log (FATE#310460).- Decrease log message on unsupported state writes to DEBUG (FATE#310460).- Change sysconfig ServiceReload to ServiceRestart, otherwise sysconfig changes will not take effect until restart.
* Mon Mar 21 2011 licenses package is about to die
* Thu Feb 03 2011 fixed smartctl -V command to show version [bnc#647521]
* modified nobuild-date.patch
* Thu Jan 13 2011 Removed support for SLE9 and older.
* Tue Dec 07 2010 prereq init script syslog
* Thu Oct 21 2010 update to final 5.40 - configure: \'--enable-drivedb\' is now the default. - Improved support for Intel SSDs. - Improved support for SandForce based SSDs. - Many additions to drive database. - smartctl option \'-t vendor,N\'. - Linux: Support SATA drives on LSI 3ware 9750 controllers. - Fix regression in smartd SMARTD_DEVICE and SMARTD_DEVICETYPE environment variables.
* Wed Oct 06 2010 Added rpmlintrc.- Removed Obsoletes for ancient packages.- Enabled attribute log.
* Tue Sep 28 2010 Fix patch to remove build Dates- Update to a newer version of 5.39.1 branch in order to support libcap-ng so smartd can drop privileges
* Sun Aug 29 2010 Do not include build enviroment infon in the binaries including date and time of compilation, makes build-compare happier.
* Mon Jun 28 2010 use %_smp_mflags
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Updated to version 5.39.1:
* Fix regression in smartctl option \'-q, --quietmode\'.
* Fix regression in smartd directive \'-l selftest\'.
* Linux: Allow smartd \'DEVICESCAN -d sat\'.
* Linux: Fix spin-up of SATA drive if \'-n standby\' is used (bnc#576662).
* Support for up to 128 devices on 3ware controllers
* smartctl option \'-l xerror\' to print ATA SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log
* Option \'-d sat+TYPE\' to use SAT with controllers which require \'-d TYPE\'
* Option \'-v ID,RAW_FORMAT,ATTR_NAME\' to add new vendor specific attributes
* Support for SSD drives using 64-bit raw attributes
* Many additions to drive database
* New simplified syntax for drive database
* Configure option to add drive database file to distribution
* smartd can now handle attributes 197 and 198 with increasing raw values
* smartd logs changes of self-test execution status
* smartd directive \'-n powermode,N\' to limit the number of skipped checks
* smartd flag \'!\' for \'-r\' and \'-R\' directives to log changes as critical
* Self-tests scheduled during system downtime or disk standby are run after next startup (bnc#469859).
* smartd option \'-s PREFIX\' to store smartd internal state until next startup
* smartd option \'-A PREFIX\' to log attributes at each check cycle
* Configure options to enable the above by default
* Change to an object oriented interface to access ATA and SCSI devices
* Modules migrated to new interface
* Rework of smartd data structures
* Checkin date and SVN revision and optional BUILD_INFO printed in version info
* SELinux fixes to 3ware device node creation
* Use getaddrinfo() instead of gethostbyname() to support IPv6
* Additional support for Samsung MLC flash drives
* Tue Feb 09 2010 Changed daemon start policy from \"force yes\" to \"default start\" (bnc#567416).
* Mon Aug 10 2009 Updated to the latest SVN snapshot:
* More drives recognized: Fujitsu MHW2 BJ series, WD Caviar Black family, Western Digital AV-GP series, Transcend Solid-State Drive and Transcend Solid-State Drive V series, Seagate Momentus 5400.5 series.
* Fix data type bug in checksum test for multi sector logs.
* Add USB ID of Seagate FreeAgent Go.
* Add experimental feature to log attribute values at each check cycle (ATA only).
* Heads up about a non backwardly compatible change introduced in draft SAT-2 (sat2r8b.pdf) that will break our existing SAT processing code. Action needed if change stands.
* smartctl: Don\'t report an attribute as failed if threshold is 0.
* Print only one warning on checksum errors in multi sector log.
* Require to specify PORT parameter of \'-d usbjmicron\' if two disks are connected.
* smartctl: Limit default number of printed entries for \'-l xerror\' to 8, for \'-l xselftest\' to 25.
* smartctl: Fix number of entries in \'-l xselftest\' output.
* Add USB IDs of a SunplusIT bridge, three WD drives, and an unsupported Iomega drive.
* smartd: Add \'!\' flag to \'-r\' and \'-R\' directives. If specified, message is logged as LOG_CRIT and warning mail is sent if attribute normalized or raw value changes.
* Add names for some attributes used in Samsung MLC drives: 178-180 & 183
* smartctl: Add option \'-x, --xall\' to print all info including extended SMART logs and non-SMART info.
* smartctl: Add \'-l xerror,error\' and \'-l xselftest,selftest\' to print the old logs if the extended logs are not supported.
* Disable 48-bit ATA commands for JMicron USB bridges by default.
* smartd: Don\'t ignore the \'-n\' directive when a self-test is scheduled.
* SCSI (SAS): implement \'-l sasphy,reset\'.
* SCSI (SAS): add \'-l sasphy\' and \'-l sasphy,reset\' into smartctl.
* Print General Purpose Logs even if GPL feature bit is missing.
* Sat Jul 18 2009 bootstrap with automake-1.11
* Wed Jun 03 2009 Updated to the latest CVS snapshot:
* SCSI: Fetch load-unload cycle counts
* smartd: Fix \'-M test\' directive in conjunction with \'-s\'
* knowndrives updates
* Add \'+\' modifier to smartd \'-C\' and \'-U\' directives
* Add experimental option \'-d usbsunplus\' for drives behind SunplusIT USB bridges.
* Add smartctl \'-d test\' option
* Add experimental USB device type autodetection
* Add new SMART STATUS check command for JMicron USB bridges
* Add smartctl option \'-l xerror[,NUM]\'
* Accept half healthy (and half unhealthy) indication from the SMART RETURN STATUS.
* Workaround for huge raw values of Reallocated_Sector_Ct and Reallocated_Event_Ct for newer Fujitsu disks.