Changelog for gcompris-qt-debuginfo-4.1-1.3.i586.rpm :

* Thu May 23 2024 Bruno Friedmann - Update to version 4.1 + contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities
* Wed Feb 21 2024 Bruno Friedmann - Update to version 4.0: + add translations for 3 more languages: Bulgarian, Galician and Swahili. + contains 190 activities, including 8 new ones: \"Grammar classes\" is an activity to learn to identify words grammatical classes, one class at a time. \"Grammar analysis\" is similar to the previous one, but with several classes requested for each sentence. \"Calcudoku\" is an arithmetic game where the goal is to fill a grid with numbers according to specific rules. With \"Guess 24\", using the 4 given numbers and the operators, find the number 24! In \"Frieze\", reproduce and complete the different friezes. \"Read a graduated line\" is an activity where you need to find a value represented on a graduated line. In \"Use a graduated line\", place the given value on the graduated line. In \"Adjacent numbers\", learn which numbers come before or after the given sequence. + It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities. + One major milestone has been reached with this version: after almost 9 years of work, the task of reworking all the graphics to fit the guidelines has been completed!
* Tue Sep 19 2023 Lubos Kocman - Update license according to legalreview
* Thu Jun 15 2023 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release 3.3: + adds translations for 2 more languages: Arabic and Esperanto. + bug fixes on multiple activities \"Path encoding\", \"Letter in word\", \"Ballcatch\" and \"Piano composition\". + improvements of keyboard handling (shortcuts, focus...). + contains new graphics and improvements on \"Photo hunter\".
* Wed Apr 05 2023 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release 3.2
* Fri Feb 03 2023 Bruno Friedmann - Add missing runtime libqt5-qtcharts-imports dependency for Fraction activity.
* Sat Jan 21 2023 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release 3.1 - Fix critical bug in the new \"Comparator\" activity.- Update to release 3.0 contains 182 activities, including 8 new ones: - Mouse click training - Create the fractions - Find the fraction - Compare numbers - Swap ten\'s complement - Use ten\'s complement - added 2 new command line options: List all the available activities (-l or --list-activities) Directly start a specific activity (--launch activityName)- Packaging update copyright years and format with spec-cleaner- Update list of dependencies.
* Wed May 11 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Add libqt5-qtimageformats as requirements to be sure to open new webp encoded images
* Tue Apr 19 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release 2.4 + Recompress image to webp (30% smaller) + Fixes for qt 5.15
* Sun Mar 13 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release 2.3 + Fix broken 3 activities in 2.2 (\"Alphabet sequence\", \"Even and odd numbers\" and \"Numbers in order\") + 2.2 changelog: - Russian translation back to 100%. - Better ordering of the letters in the virtual keyboard (follows the locale set in GCompris). + Activities: - New images for Tangram, Renewable energy and Watercycle activities. - Lot of little issues fixed in Renewable energy and Watercycle activities. - Fix a crash on some Android when starting Balancebox activity. - Many other little fixes and improvements. - New voices added for Norwegian Nynorsk (all except introduction ones).
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release version 2.1 + Ship SSL certificate to download the assets for older Android phones/tablets which do not have it and fail to download data. + Graphics have been updated for Balance box and Erase activities. + Fix a bug in reversecount where after the fish did one turn, it was not possible to win even when inputting the good result. + Fix a freeze in learn_decimals activities when changing levels. + Add bold tag for Keyboard controls line on path encoding activities. + Fix bottom of the activities list not visible when scrolled down to the end. + On Windows, remove the blurriness on HiDPI screens when installing GCompris. + Translations + Beton and Macedonian have been completed. + Czech has returned (partial translation above 80% for now)- Packaging + Update copyright year + Use new url for download from + use cmake() for qtlinguist + removed unused gcompris-qt-rpmlintrc