Changelog for godot3-debugsource-3.6-1.3.i586.rpm :

* Wed Sep 11 2024 Update to 3.6 Added:
* 2D physics interpolation
* 2D hierarchical culling
* 3D Tighter shadow culling
* 3D Mesh merging
* 3D Discrete level of detail
* 3D Add rotation ability to material editor preview
* Text-to-speech support
* Boot splash minimum display time setting
* Support for documenting most editor settings in the class reference
* Multiline strings in buttons And more: \"linker_pie_flag.patch\" rebased- deleted improve_linker_detection.patch upstream changed the way exported projects are embedded => does not need linker detection anymore
* Tue Feb 27 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated %patchN.
* Fri Feb 16 2024 Pin mbedtls-devel version to be lower than 3 for Leap builds, too.
* Tue Sep 26 2023 Update to 3.5.3 Added:
* Suggest \"class_name\" in GDScript autocompletion Changed:
* GDScriptParser: Don\'t use index operator on linked list Fixed:
* TileSet resizing collision shape when vertex is outside the tilesheet
* AnimatedSprite normal map loading
* AudioEffectRecord circular reference
* Trim when importing WAV
* Include the follow-viewport-transform into CanvasLayer transform calculations
* Moving position indicator out of bounds in FileAccessMemory
* Infinite loop on EOF in the command line debugger
* Recursion level check for \"Array\" and \"Dictionary\" hashing
* Recursion level check for \"VariantWriter::write()\"
* Ensure registered classes are declared
* Scrolling behavior with zero/low page value
* \"TextureButton\" and \"Button\" update on texture change
* Better handle truncated socket messages
* GridMap free navigation RID error spam
* Don\'t use udev for joypad hotloading when running in a sandbox
* Use current keyboard layout in \"keyboard_get_scancode_from_physical\"
* Ensure \"joy_connection_changed\" is emitted on the main thread
* Shadows when using 2 directional lights And more: \"tinyexr_thirdparty_upstream.patch\" dropped: bundled tinyexr 1.0.5 has patch applied
* Sat Sep 23 2023 removed scons_regression.patch - scons 4.5.2 is deployed- added improve_linker_detection.patch for pck embedding with runner
* Wed May 03 2023 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - Require the mbedtls-devel version to be lower than 3
* Sat Mar 11 2023 Update to 3.5.2 Added:
* Expose all existing PropertyHint global enums
* Improve dragging scene into 3D viewport
* Store Bullet total gravity, linear damp and angular damp calculations
* Options for sorting transparent objects Changed:
* Cast between float and ints in Tween \"tween_property()\"
* Hide \"text\" property of RichTextLabel if BBCode is enabled Fixed:
* CanvasLayer visibility toggle can only run once per frame
* Editor crash when MeshLibrary gets replaced while used in an open scene
* Skeleton3D falsely assuming all physical bones will be children of their first bone
* \"word_wrap()\" for long words
* Checking if script is attached to any node belonging to scene for drag and drop to script editor
* Exporting with export template binaries over 2.0 GiB
* local variables not showing when breaking on final line
* TreeItem \"remove_child()\" not updating Tree immediately
* Move navigation server finalize before physics server And more: added scons_regression.patch for scons 4.5.1 until 4.5.2- user directory rename logic moved from rename_to_godot3.patch to spec file
* Thu Mar 02 2023 Transformed current package \"godot\" to branch specific package \"godot3\" in order to install and use both.- Added rename_to_godot3.patch to do part of the job.
* Mon Nov 21 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Do not have the main package recommend the bash-completion sub-package, but rather have the subpackage supplement the combination of godot and bash-completion (already in place).
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Update to 3.5.1 Added:
* Expose Tabs \"set/get_tab_button_icon()\" to scripting Changed:
* Include terminal indented comments for code folding in editor
* Portals: Show RayCast debug helper Fixed:
* GNU ld detection for pck_embed linker script
* CPUParticles initialize data on \"set_amount\"
* Crash when playing SceneTreeTween right after finishing
* \"Time.get_unix_time_from_system()\" not including msecs
* Crash when pressing up on an empty PopupMenu
* Exclude disabled StaticBody collisions from NavigationMesh baking
* Prevent HTTPRequest from polling invalid client
* Hotfix for Bullet\'s collision margin regression And more:
* Mon Sep 12 2022 Heap-buffer-overflow in bundled thirdparty tool tinyexr
* added tinyexr_thirdparty_upstream.patch from upstream tinyexr (boo#1203278)
* Sat Aug 06 2022 Update to 3.5 Added:
* NavigationServer with obstacle avoidance
* Physics interpolation in 3D
* SceneTreeTween
* Time singleton
* Label3D node and Sprite3D material render priority
* Scene unique nodes
* FlowContainer
* Asynchronous shader compilation and caching
* OccluderShapePolygon
* \"material_overlay\" property for MeshInstance
* Transparent background Viewports with post processing effects
* Changing directional shadows at runtime
* Setting visibility for CanvasLayer
* push, pull, fetch and improved diff view to VCS UI
* \"global_translation\" and \"global_rotation\"` to Spatial
* Option to paste animation as duplicate
* Configuring loop mode on WAV import
* Pinning property values and Consistent property defaults
* Deep comparison of Array and Dictionary
* methods \"OS.is_process_running()\", \"OS.crash()\", \"OS.has_clipboard()\", \"OS.get_processor_name()\", \"OS.get_screen_refresh_rate()\", \"OS.move_to_trash()\", \"Image.fill_rect()\", \"String.get_slice()\", \"String.join()\", \"Dictionary.merge()\"
* Search methods for PoolArrays: \"has()\", \"count()\", \"find()\", \"rfind()\"
* Option to keep or skip carriage return (CR) in \"File.get_as_text()\"
* GradientTexture2D
* Signal to notify when children nodes enter or exit tree
* Alt + Mouse wheel to adjust FOV in the 3D editor viewport
* Make overridden properties link to parent definition
* drag and drop for NodePaths
* drag and drop to TextEdit, LineEdit, RichTextLabel
* drag start/end signals for Slider
* Option to make selection unique to TextEdit, LineEdit, RichTextLabel
* alignment options to Button icons
* WOFF2 font support and brotli decoder
* RichTextLabel: \"deselect()\" and \"get_selected_text()\" methods
* Binary MO translation file support
* Proxy support for HTTPClient and the editor
* \"set_extra_headers()\" to WebSocketServer
* Support for primary clipboard
* Viewport property to use full floating-point precision in HDR
* Saving multiple Images in BakedLightmap
* \"max_distance\" for VisibilityNotifier
* \"VERTEX_ID\" and \"INSTANCE_ID\" to user created shaders
* Random initial color feature for all Particles nodes Changed:
* Create onready variables when dropping nodes and holding Ctrl
* Don\'t switch to 2D/3D viewports when selecting nodes while in Script Editor
* Re-enable input accumulation disabled by error in 3.4
* Navigation and Navigation2D nodes were kept for compatibility but are now deprecated. Their functionality is replaced by the NavigationServer and Navigation2DServer.
* WebSocket hostname resolution non-blocking
* Use application name as PulseAudio device name And much more: \"linker_pie_flag.patch\" rebased- Use bundled freetype, libpng and zlib for non-Tumbleweed builds.
* Tue Aug 02 2022 Update to 3.4.5 Added:
* Expose \"tile_texture\" property in TilesetEditorContext Changed:
* XR: Update Meta hand tracking version Fixed:
* X11 \"OS.is_window_maximized()\"
* Properly check for fullscreen toggle made through the Window Manager
* Crash in AudioServer when switching audio devices with different audio channels count
* EditorProperty icon overlapping text with checkbox
* Custom class icon when it inherits from a script
* UndoRedo in Gradient editor
* Editor undo history for function name autocompletion
* FileDialog: Fix support for changing directory in \"user://\" and \"res://\" modes
* RichTextLabel: Fix implementation of \"remove_line()\"
* glTF texture filename decoding
* Document that accumulated input is disabled by default This is actually due to a regression in 3.4. It\'s kept disabled in this release for compatibility, but will be enabled by default in 3.5.
* GLES2: Unpack blend shape arrays when necessary
* GLES3: Unbind vertex buffer before calculating blend shapes
* Portals: Force full check on adding moving object And more:
* Wed Jun 29 2022 Andreas Schwab - Fix name of installable binaries
* Sat Mar 26 2022 Update to 3.4.4 Reverted:
* Audio: PitchShift effect quality for different pitch scale values
* ProjectSettings \"has_setting()\" when used on a overriden setting with feature tags Fixed:
* CSG: visible seam on smoothed sphere, cylinder, and torus shapes
* CSG: mixed smoothed and non-smoothed face normals computation
* Portals: duplication of instanced scenes during conversion
* Animation: cubic interpolate when looping
* \"UndoRedo::create_action()\" invalid memory usage
* RichTextLabel: shadow color when text has transparency
* Editor: showing \"Extend Script\" option without script attached
* Physics: Update joints on \"NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE\"
* GLES2: compression on blend shapes
* GLES2: \"VersionKey\" comparison in shader binding
* GLES3: shader state caching when blend shapes used
* GLES3: broken normals in meshes with blend shapes
* Sat Feb 26 2022 Update to 3.4.3 Added:
* TileMap: Expose \"autotile_coord\"` parameter in \"TileMap.set_cellv\"
* Expose \"AnimationNodeOneShot::mix_mode\" as a property Fixed:
* GridMap: \"Convert to MeshLibrary\" not respecting collision transforms
* GridMap: Editing MeshLibrary\'s Shapes array from the Inspector
* Portals: gameplay monitor unloading and ticking
* Portals: DYNAMIC particle systems
* Potential infinite recursion crash in Variant decoding
* Decoding UTF-8 filenames on unzipping
* Replicate load-as-placeholder state on node duplication
* \"ProjectSettings.has_setting()\" handle feature overrides
* Editor: undo/redo operations in Input Map
* Editor: Performance increase for opening the editor on big projects
* GDScript: Clear pending function states when reloading script
* GDScript: crash when \"is\" keyword is tested against a String variable
* GUI: Release focus of Control node when exiting tree
* GUI: LineEdit center and right alignment
* GUI: PopupMenu bad item offset with custom vseparation
* GUI: RichTextLabel underline appearance when inside fill tag
* GUI: RichTextLabel underline prevents strikethrough from rendering
* GUI: TabContainer not setting layout immediately
* GUI: TextEdit blocking side scrolling in ScrollContainer
* GUI: TextureButton focus texture logic
* GUI: nine patch of circular TextureProgressBar
* Import: glTF scene export crash on null normal texture
* Increase joystick max button number
* HTTPRequest support for requests with \"content-length\" above 2.1 GB
* Fix tablet tilt values returning bad values
* Rendering: blend shapes when octahedral compression is used
* Rendering: nvalid read when using LightOccluder2D
* GLES3: Fix visible background line in intersections in screen-space reflections And more: