Changelog for
kImageAnnotator-Qt6-debugsource-0.7.1-1.4.i586.rpm :
* Fri Mar 15 2024 Christophe Marin
- Update to 0.7.1:
* Change kColorPicker version- Add patch to make both flavors coinstallable again:
* 0001-Make-Qt5-and-Qt6-libraries-coinstallable-again.patch
* Sun Feb 11 2024 Christophe Marin - Fix build on Leap. The Qt6 packaging macros set the minimum compiler version- Change %post/%postun to %ldconfig_scriptlets- Rename the library to libkImageAnnotator-Qt$ver-0 to fix rpmlint errors on Leap
* Sat Feb 03 2024 Fabian Vogt - Redownload tarball, the tag got force pushed
* Tue Jan 16 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to version 0.7.0:
* New: Allow copying items between tabs. (#318)
* New: CTRL + A does not select all text typed. (#198)
* New: Open text edit mode when double-click on textbox figure in Text tool. (#180)
* New: Add reflowing capability to the text tool. (#129)
* New: Editing text, no mouse cursor edit functions. (#297)
* New: Mouse click within a text box for setting specific editing position and selecting text. (#273)
* Fixed: Text isn\'t reflowed the next line within the box and text overlaps when resizing box. (#271)
* Fixed: Can\'t wrap long text line when I resize Text box area. (#211)
* Fixed: Key press operations affect items across different tabs. (#319)
* Fixed: Clipboard cleared when new tab added. (#321)- Build both -Qt5 and -Qt6 flavors- Don\'t build the example
* Mon Mar 20 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 0.6.1 Fixed
* Fix for unnecessary scrollbars.
* Add KDE support for scale factor.
* Show tab tooltips on initial tabs.
* Sticker resizing is broken when bounding rect flipped.
* Mon May 23 2022 Martin Hauke - Update to version 0.6.0 New
* Add optional undo, redo, crop, scale and modify canvas buttons to dock widgets.
* Cut out vertical or horizontal slice of an image.
* Middle-click on tab header closes tab.
* Add button to fit image into current view.
* Allow changing item opacity.
* Add support for RGBA colors with transparency.
* Add mouse cursor sticker.
* Allow scaling stickers per setting.
* Respect original aspect ratio of stickers.
* Respect original size of stickers. Fixed
* Adding image effect does not send image change notification.
* Blur / Pixelate break when going past image edge once.
* Item opacity not applied when item shadow disabled. Changed
* Changed kImageAnnotator: Max font size changed to 100pt.
* Thu Nov 25 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 0.5.3
* Fixed: Crash while typing text on wayland.
* Changed: Show scrollbar when not all tools visible.
* Sun Sep 19 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 0.5.2 Fixed
* Crashes on destruction. (#242)
* Memory leaks caught by ASAN. (#243) Changed
* Use system font provided by QGuiApplication as default for text tool.
* Sat Jun 05 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 0.5.1 New
* Add function for loading translations.
* Add a new tool for creating resizable movable duplicates of regions.
* Add support for hiding annotation settings panel.
* Add config option for numbering tool to only set next number.
* Allow manually changing canvas size.
* Canvas background color configurable.
* Zoom in and out with keyboard shortcuts.
* Zoom in and out via buttons from UI.
* Add reset zoom keyboard shortcut with tooltip.
* Add keyboard shortcut support for text tool.
* Allow rotating background image.
* Allow flipping background image horizontally and vertically.
* Configurable UI with dockable settings widgets.
* Add invert color image effect.
* Allow disabling item shadow per item from UI.
* Add a font selection to UI.
* Add zoom in/out capability to crop view.
* Allow to zoom in modify canvas view.
* Select item after drawing it and allow changing settings. Changed
* Change drop shadow to cover all sites. Fixed
* Deleting item outside image doesn\'t decrease canvas size.
* Duplicate region of grayscale image has color.
* Marker shows fill and width config when modifying existing item.
* Highlighter/Marker washed out color and overlapping.
* Popup menus shown outside screen.
* Not possible to enter value in the width tool.
* Obfuscation tool shows fonts settings when switching from tool with font.
* Annotation tools are not displayed if application starts with docks hidden.
* Vertical scrollbar missing after using Paste embedded and moving the image.
* Not possible to disable tool automatically deselected after drawn.
* Annotation tool shortcuts do not work if the panel is hidden.
* Wed Mar 24 2021 ecsos - Update to 0.4.2
* Fixed: Fetching image from annotator with HiDPI enabled pixelates image. (#218)
* Fixed: Keep aspect ratio only work when pressing CTRL before moving resize handle. (#219)