Changelog for love-debuginfo-11.5-1.5.i586.rpm :

* Sat Dec 23 2023 Michael Vetter - Update to 11.5:
* Added \"LÖVE Loader\" launcher on Android for easier loading of .love files.
* Changed iOS game selector to alphabetically sort the list of .love files.
* Changed JIT compilation on macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon) to be off by default, since performance and available JIT memory isn\'t reliable.
* Fixed inconsistent and buggy behaviour of \'pairs\' by updating LuaJIT.
* Fixed \"unexpected alignment\" errors when running love on some 32 bit Linux systems.
* Fixed running fused games on Windows when the executable has been code-signed.
* Fixed undefined behaviour in\'s implementation.
* Fixed writing files when a symlink exists in the save directory\'s path.
* Fixed love.threaderror not being called if the error message is an empty string.
* Fixed a race condition when a Thread is destroyed immediately after Thread:start.
* Fixed unexpectedly slow first frames on macOS.
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping when replacing an existing mapping.
* Fixed love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString.
* Fixed duplicate platform fields in love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings.
* Fixed DistanceJoint type information.
* Fixed time drift in Source:tell after a Source loops.
* Fixed audio not always pausing when the app is minimized on Android.
* Fixed RecordingDevice:start to return false instead of hard-crashing on iOS.
* Fixed identical frames in Ogg Theora videos being skipped.
* Fixed love.font.newBMFontRasterizer\'s single file parameter variant.
* Fixed the original window size not always being restored when exiting fullscreen on Linux.
* Fixed some cases of framerate hitches in Windows when vsync is enabled in windowed mode.
* Fixed colors appearing over-saturated on P3 displays in macOS.
* Fixed textures looking washed out when gamma-correct rendering is used on some Android devices.
* Fixed images with mipmaps when ANGLE is used with an AMD GPU.
* Fixed line rendering when duplicate points are used in the line.
* Fixed line rendering with miter and bevel line join modes when antiparallel lines are formed.
* Fixed a crash when calling Text:add with an empty string parameter.
* Sun Jun 26 2022 Berthold Gunreben - HashFunction.cpp:25:9: error: #error Hashing not yet implemented for big endian Disable s390x builds.
* Sat Feb 19 2022 Carsten Ziepke - update to 11.4:
* Added a variant of love.filesystem.newFileData which accepts a Data object.
* Added Body:getLocalPoints.
* Added Font:getKerning.
* Added support for r16, rg16, and rgba16 pixel formats in Canvases.
* Added Shader:send(name, matrixlayout, data, ...) variant, whose argument order is more consistent than Shader:send(name, data, matrixlayout, ...).
* Changed all builds and platforms where LOVE provides LuaJIT to use LuaJIT 2.1 instead of 2.0.
* Changed love.timer.getTime to start at 0 when the module is first loaded.
* Changed certain out-of-Lua-memory situations to show a message box instead of instantly crashing.
* Changed the naming scheme of LOVE\'s embedded Lua files for improved integration with Lua chunkname APIs.
* Fixed build-time compatibility with Lua 5.4.
* Fixed code compatibility with math.mod and string.gfind when LuaJIT 2.1 is used.
* Fixed errors on some systems related to > 53 bit pointer addresses, when recent versions of LuaJIT 2.1 are used.
* Fixed File:isEOF when called on a dropped file.
* Fixed support for > 2GB dropped files on desktops.
* Fixed ByteData and DataView missing Data:clone implementations.
* Fixed love.physics meter scale value persisting after love.event.quit(\"restart\").
* Fixed audio to resume properly after interruption on iOS.
* Fixed to error instead of crash when an invalid video file is given.
* Fixed initial window creation to set the window\'s title during creation instead of after.
* Fixed the window\'s screen position when exiting fullscreen via love.window.setFullscreen.
* Fixed love.displayrotated being given a boolean instead of an enum string.
* Fixed memory corruption and a crash when drawing smooth lines.
* Fixed a crash in Canvas:newImageData when the pixel format\'s pixel byte size multiplied by its width isn\'t a multiple of 4.
* Fixed when explicit mipmaps are provided.
* Fixed freezes and crashes in automatic batching when an AMD GPU is used.
* Fixed and Image:replacePixels on more AMD/ATI GPUs.
* Fixed Font:setFallbacks to account for different DPI scales in each fallback font.
* Fixed Font:getWrap to not remove trailing newlines.
* Fixed Text:getWidth when the Text\'s string only contains spaces.
* Fixed a crash with some Intel graphics drivers on Linux.
* Fixed texture memory reported by when a volume or array Canvas is created.
* Fixed DXT1 textures which use 1 bit alpha-cutout.
* Fixed rare issues where textures were not sent to shaders correctly.
* Fixed Shader:send(name, data, matrixlayout, ...).
* Fixed quad offsets in ParticleSystems when ParticleSystem:setOffset is not used.
* Fixed a performance issue with setting a small subrange of data in non-stream Meshes and SpriteBatches.
* Fixed rounded rectangles breaking if the rx or ry parameters are negative.
* Fixed rounded rectangle automatic points calculation when rx or ry are more than half the rectangle\'s size.
* Wed Jul 28 2021 Dirk Stoecker - Drop remove-duplicate-typedef.patch as it causes build failure for i586 now
* Mon Aug 24 2020 Dirk Mueller - update to 11.3:
* Added support for FLAC audio files.
* Added support for microphone recording on Android.
* Added (false by default). On Android, setting it to true requests microphone recording permission from the user.
* Added Decoder:clone.
* Added Data:getFFIPointer.
* Added Joystick:getDeviceInfo.
* Added Joystick:getGamepadMappingString and love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid).
* Added love.math.colorToBytes and love.math.colorFromBytes.
* Added \'usedpiscale\' boolean (true by default) to love.window.setMode and love.conf. Disables automatic DPI scaling when false.
* Added love.window.getDisplayOrientation and a love.displayrotated callback.
* Added love.window.get/setVSync, to allow setting vsync without recreating the window.
* Added love.window.getSafeArea.
* Added an optional vertex count parameter to Mesh:setVertices.
* Added support for rgba4, rgb5a1, rgb565, rgb10a2, rg11b10f, r8, rg8, r16, rg16, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f formats in ImageData and Images.
* Added support for loading .dds files that contain uncompressed pixel data.
* Changed audio file type detection, so it probes all supported backends for unrecognized extensions.
* Fixed \"bad lightuserdata\" errors when running love on some arm64 devices.
* Fixed boot.lua\'s line numbers in stack traces to match its source code.
* Fixed the deprecation system not fully restarting when love.event.quit(\"restart\") is used.
* Fixed love.isVersionCompatible.
* Fixed named Channels persisting across love.event.quit(\"restart\") occurrences.
* Fixed race conditions when different love.physics Worlds are used in different threads.
* Fixed World:getJoints to return the fully resolved type of the Joint, instead of the base type.
* Fixed love.timer.sleep(0) to return control to the OS scheduler instead of being a no-op.
* Fixed love.math.randomNormal incorrectly using cached state after love.math.setRandomSeed or setRandomState.
* Fixed returning an incorrect hash for certain input sizes.
* Fixed to cause a Lua error instead of crashing when invalid arguments are used.
* Fixed the Data-returning variant of and File:read to return the number of bytes that were read.
* Fixed love.filesystem\'s require loaders to error instead of crashing when no argument is given.
* Fixed love.filesystem.mount(Data).
* Fixed a memory leak when loading files in some situations.
* Fixed
* Fixed audio clicks immediately after playing a Source on iOS.
* Fixed Source:play + Source:stop + Source:play looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.
* Fixed Source:play + Source:seek looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.
* Fixed occasional pops in streaming sources on iOS.
* Fixed to use previously set playback positions on stopped Sources.
* Fixed Source:setEffect(name, true) and Source:getEffect(name) when the effect has no associated Filter.
* Fixed, \"queue\") to cause a Lua error.
* Fixed Source:setPitch to error if the given pitch is <= 0, NaN, or infinity.
* Fixed video seeking and pausing in various scenarios.
* Fixed an audio Source memory leak when a Video gets garbage collected after playing it.
* Fixed video playback support on some Adreno-based Android devices.
* Fixed black fringes around text in some situations.
* Fixed extreme flickering when text moves along non-integer coordinates.
* Fixed the first character in a string sometimes not being processed during text vertex generation.
* Fixed Text:set(\" \") not clearing any previously set text in a Text object.
* Fixed to return a table with boolean values in its fields instead of number values.
* Fixed lines not rendering properly if a single line has more than 65,000 vertices.
* Fixed a pixel shader performance regression on some graphics drivers when OpenGL 3 or OpenGL ES 3 is used.
* Fixed text not showing up on Radeon HD 3000-series graphics cards on Windows.
* Fixed non-integer DPI scale values being truncated to integers in
* Fixed creating depth canvases on Windows systems when using an Intel HD 3000 GPU.
* Fixed automatic batching performance to be more consistent on all operating systems.
* Fixed gammaToLinearPrecise in shaders not being as precise as it should be.
* Fixed ImageData:paste and ImageData:setPixel to have more consistent clamping and rounding of color values when different formats are used.- remove love-11.2-return.patch: upstream
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Max Mitschke - Added remove-duplicate-typedef.patch to fix i586 build
* Wed Nov 28 2018 Update to 11.2: Additions:
* Added Source:setAirAbsorption and Source:getAirAbsorption.
* Added Body:setTransform and Body:getTransform. Performance Improvements:
* Improved performance of slightly on iOS and Android. Fixes:
* Fixed love.filesystem initialization on Windows 10 update 1809.
* Fixed various issues with running on macOS 10.14.
* Fixed compatibility with Lua 5.2 and 5.3.
* Fixed the explicit format + Data argument variant of
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping not being able to change existing mappings.
* Fixed a crash on quit on Linux if a custom Cursor is active when quitting.
* Fixed a crash in the Data variant of Shader:send when it\'s called after love.window.setMode.
* Fixed a error message to be less confusing.- Add love-11.2-return.patch: to make compiler happy- Remove love.mpg123.patch: don\'t see why needed anymore- Remove update-luasocket.patch: upstreamed- Run spec-cleaner
* Sat Jun 24 2017 Added update-luasocket.patch from upstream to fix build with lua53
* Mon Apr 17 2017 Build with mpg123 unconditionally, add love.mpg123.patch- Run autoreconf- Add Requires(pre) as needed
* Sat Jan 21 2017 Update to version 0.10.2