Changelog for
ecwolf-1.4.1-3.3.i586.rpm :
* Sat Nov 02 2024 Martin Hauke
- Add patch:
* ecwolf-fix-gcc14.patch
* Thu Feb 22 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated %patchN
* Mon Feb 06 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 1.4.1
* Fixed crash when picking up Chaingun while already holding a Chaingun.
* Fake Hitler actor can no longer open doors, no longer erroneously backs away from the player, and continues to \"dodge\" when out of sight.
* Fixed support for gray scale PNGs.
* Added support for 32:9 aspect ratio displays and additional resolutions.
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Martin Hauke - Add patches
* ecwolf-fix-path.patch
* ecwolf-no-rpath.patch- Drop patch
* ecwolf-static-libs.patch- Install manpage- Update BuildRequires- Mention bundled libs- Update to version 1.4.0
* LAN multiplayer for up to 11 players.
* Actors now track their current target instead of assuming the one and only player.
* Visibility for attacks is determined by geometric checks instead of renderer feedback.
* The \"DoomEdNum\" has been deprecated and all places where they were used now accept actor class names directly.
* Support for BILLBOARD flag for \"3D sprites\", compared to Wolf4SDL the angle of the actor is used allowing arbitrary angles.
* Added parallax skies compatible with ROTT through sky1 in MAPINFO/Map definition (mostly incompatible with LZWolf\'s parallaxsky definition)
* Added support for Wolfstone 3D and Elite Hans: Die Neue Ordnung
* Added pageindextext to MAPINFO/Gameinfo.
* Added $musicalias to SNDINFO.
* Added Super 3-D Noah\'s Ark MIDI->OPL code.
* Fading has been reworked to allow overlaying fades over game play.
* Support for blend and alpha mixing in TEXTURES.
* Support for colormaps with 64 light levels like Blake Stone.
* Partial support for Blake Stone map meta data.
* Support for Blake Stone\'s level name strings as LEVELDSC.
* Support for Macintosh Wolf3D\'s MAPLIST.
* Added support for offset() in DECORATE states.
* Pickups support Hide state to allow spent pickups to be visible
* Added Idle state for actors to return to if they lose their target.
* Files can be autoloaded though ecwolf.cfg.
* Added game based content filtering for PK3s from ZDoom.
* Default FOV can be changed through DesiredFOV in ecwolf.cfg.
* Added Pushwall_MoveNoStop line special which allows moving pushwalls through walls like Mac Wolf and ROTT.
* Added Teleport_Relative line special which works similarly to ROTT elevators without the theatrics.
* Wall and plane drawing has been modified to generally have better precision.
* Added trackhighscores property to MAPINFO/Gameinfo.
* Added resethealth and resetinventory to MAPINFO/Map definition.
* Enemies can now accept health items.
* Added A_Wander.
* Added SmartAnimation actor to support Blake Stone\'s \"smart animation\" system.
* Added --foreignsaves option to force saves to load even if game data check fails.
* Added --skill option to select skill level by number particularly for when more than 4 skill levels are present.
* Added ROTT style tall walls and ROTT\'s map height marker with feature flag \"planedepth\".
* Actor z-heights are now rendered and can be set in info plane with \"zheights\" enabled in map translator (compatible with ROTT).
* ROTT map loader no longer synthesizes a third plane but instead relies on the map translator flag \"globalflat\".
* Support for ROTT\'s song numbers in map translator.
* Partial support for booting Macintosh Wolfenstein 3D, Blake Stone: Planet Strike, and Rise of the Triad.
* Includes support for several new data formats most of which have no practical use outside of loading vanilla compatible data.
* Macintosh Wolfenstein 3D data is supported through macbin format.
* Feature is hidden behind ShowPreviewGames in ecwolf.cfg as they\'re not yet supported or fully playable.
* Improvements in holowall support.
* Fixed some long standing minor memory leaks.
* New icon/logo by NeuralStunner.
* Support for more ultrawide aspect ratios.
* Automap panning speed is now dependent on zoom level.
* Fixed crash if no sound device was present.
* Fixed cases where adaptive frame rate would fail and game would run too fast.
* Customized SDL_mixer is still suggested but no longer required for full functionality as the only feature missing is support for alternate spelling of LOOP_START and LOOP_END tags.
* Steam and GOG support updated to support new releases.
* Remove patchutil from ECWolf source code
* Sun Feb 17 2019 Martin Hauke - Simplified specfile- Use proper source url- Use %cmake macro- Run spec-cleaner- Build ecwolf-patchutil- Add patch:
* ecwolf-static-libs.patch
* Mon Sep 25 2017 Initial package- Cleaned spec file