Changelog for
gdal-devel-3.10.2-1.1.i586.rpm :
* Sun Feb 16 2025 Bruno Friedmann
- Update to bugfix release version 3.10.2 [#]## Port
* Fix read heap-buffer-overflow on nested /vsitar/ calls (ossfuzz [#388868487])
* fix cppcheck nullPointerOutOfMemory [#]## Core
* GDALGCPsToGeoTransform(): return FALSE when invalid geotransform is generated (#11618) [#]## Utilities
* gdal_rasterize: Also accept doubles for -ts (#11829) [#]## Raster drivers [#]### PLMOSAIC driver:
* Use a unique user-agent string to isolate usage of driver [#]### SNAP_TIFF driver:
* third_party/libertiff: avoid issue with invalid offline tags with value offset at zero (ossfuzz #388571282) [#]### STACIT driver:
* add STAC 1.1 support (#11753)
* Identify(): accept if at least 2 of \'proj:transform\', \'proj:bbox\' or \'proj:shape\' are present [#]### WMS driver:
* Update ESRI WMS links in documentation- OGR 3.10.2 [#]## Core
* Fix GeodesicLength() that was quite severely broken as working only on closed linestrings (3.10.0 regression) [#]## Vector utilities
* ogr2ogr: fix -clipsrc/-clipdst when a input geometry is within the envelope of a non-rectangle clip geometry, but doesn\'t intersect it (3.10.0 regression) (#11652, #10341)
* ogrtindex: fix error message when specifying incorrect output driver
* ogrlineref: make -f LIBKML to work without warning (#11719) [#]## Vector drivers [#]### CSV driver:
* fix parsing files with double-quote inside a field value (#11660) [#]### DXF driver:
* interpret INSERT blocks with row count or column count equal to 0 as 1 (#11591) [#]### Geoconcept driver:
* fix potential double-free on creation error code [#]### GML driver:
* gml:CircleByCenterPoint(): return a 5-point CIRCULARSTRING for compliance with ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 (#11750) [#]### MiraMonVector driver:
* Fix memory leak with oss-fuzz #393742177 scenario [#]### MVT driver:
* allow generating tilesets with more than 1 tile at zoom level 0 (#11749)
* avoid infinite recursion on opening on hostile file (ossfuzz [#391974926]) [#]### Parquet driver:
* fix compiler deprecation warning with libarrow 19.0 [#]# Python bindings
* fix wrong comment in documentation (#11631)
* on Debian, fix install target with non-Debian provided python version (#11636)
* Avoid losing error message (#11795)
* Wed Jan 15 2025 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix release version 3.10.1 + CMake: FindDotnet.cmake: remove obsolete cmake_minimum_required() + CMake: fix swig/csharp/CMakeLists.txt compatibility with CMake 3.31 + CMake: use add_compile_options() instead of setting CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS for -fno-finite-math-only (#11286) + Set GDAL_DEV_SUFFIX to the pre-release suffix if a corresponding Git tag was found. + PDF: fix build issue on CondaForge build infrastructure (gcc 13.3) + Fix issues in cpl_vsil_win32.cpp with latest mingw64- Remove merged upstream 19ba2562.patch
* Sun Jan 05 2025 Bruno Friedmann - Add upstream patch 19ba2562.patch to support newer poppler. fix boo#1235083
* Thu Nov 07 2024 Bruno Friedmann - Update to feature release 3.10.0
* RFC 101: Raster dataset read-only thread-safety
* New read/write AVIF raster driver
* New read-only SNAP_TIFF raster driver for Sentinel Application Processing GeoTIFF files
* New OGR read-only XODR driver for OpenDRIVE (#9504)
* Code linting and security fixes
* Bump of shared lib major version
* Sat Oct 26 2024 Enno Tensing - Update to release 3.9.3
* Sat Sep 28 2024 Ben Greiner - Fix SLE/Leap 15.6 build
* Move to SLE/Leap python311 module: Old Python 3.6 is no longer supported by qgis
* use gcc13-c++ (gcc7-c++ does not provide )
* Update build dependencies according to cmake defintions in order to make clear what is missing for SLE/Leap
* Mon Aug 26 2024 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.9.1 + Fix issue compiling with openssl 3.2.2 and libarchive 3.3.3 + Fix -Wnull-dereference warnings of gcc 14.2
* Thu Jul 04 2024 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.9.1 update to version 3.9.0 + fix boo#1227394 compilation error with libpoppler 24.06- packaging: the following binaries are directly present in main gdal /usr/bin/gdal2tiles /usr/bin/gdal2xyz /usr/bin/gdal_calc /usr/bin/gdal_edit /usr/bin/gdal_fillnodata /usr/bin/gdal_merge /usr/bin/gdal_pansharpen /usr/bin/gdal_polygonize /usr/bin/gdal_proximity /usr/bin/gdal_retile /usr/bin/gdal_sieve /usr/bin/gdalattachpct /usr/bin/gdalcompare /usr/bin/gdalmove /usr/bin/ogr_layer_algebra /usr/bin/ogrmerge /usr/bin/pct2rgb /usr/bin/rgb2pct Their
*.py equivalent are present in python3-GDAL, so we remove the hard dependency on python3-GDAL in gdal + remove duplicate LICENSE.TXT file in /usr/share/gdal- spec cleaning
* Thu Apr 04 2024 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.8.5 (last of 3.8 series)
* Mon Feb 26 2024 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.8.4
* Tue Jan 09 2024 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.8.3 Update copyright year
* Wed Dec 20 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.8.2
* Full list of changes in
* Tue Dec 05 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release 3.8.1
* Full list of changes in update to version 3.8.0
* Full list of changes in
* Sun Nov 19 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release version 3.7.3 see
* Sun Oct 01 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.7.2:
* GDAL 3.7.2 is a bugfix release.
* /vsiaz/: fix cached URL names when listing /vsiaz/
* /vsiaz/: add options to pass object_id/client_id/msi_res_id in IMDS
* authentication requests (AZURE_IMDS_OBJECT_ID, AZURE_IMDS_CLIENT_ID,
* /vsiaz/: implement Azure Active Directory Workload Identity authentication,
* typically for Azure Kubernetes
* ### Core
* TileMatrixSet::parse(): add support for OGC 2D Tile Matrix Set v2 (#6882)
* Warper: do not modify bounds when doing geographic->geographic on a dataset
* with world extent but not in [-180,180] (#8194)
* RMS resampling: avoid potential integer overflow with UInt16 values
* GDALChecksumImage(): fix 3.6.0 regression regarding integer overflow on
* images with more than 2 billion pixels (#8254)
* gdalinfo -json output: emit a stac[\'proj:epsg\'] = null object when emitting
* proj:wkt2 or proj:projjson (#8137)
* gdalmdimtranslate: fix wrong output dimension size when using syntax like
* \'-array name=XXX,view=[::factor_gt_1]\'
* gdal2tiles: fix exception with dataset in EPSG:4326 with longitudes > 180 in
* WebMercator profile (#8100)
* allow gaps in input files larger than grid size (#8260)
* GeoPackage driver:
* GDALGeoPackageRasterBand::GetMetadata(): fix use after free
* fix missing GRID_CELL_ENCODING metadata item when there is other metadata
* remove .aux.xml file in Delete()
* GTiff driver:
* fix reading .tif + .tif.aux.xml file with xml:ESRI SourceGCPs without
* HDF5 driver:
* more efficient metadata collection (no functional change)
* deal with int64/uint64 attributes
* remove trailing space in multi-valued metadata items
* remove dataset name prefix in band level metadata
* address Planet\'s datacube band-specific metadata
* NITF driver:
* fix MIN/MAX_LONG/LAT when reading RPC00B
* add support for CSCSDB (Common Sensor Covariance Support Data) DES from
* nitf_spec.xml: corrections to CSEXRB TRE
* OGCAPI driver:
* make it work when the media type of links (expected to be application/json)
* is missing, using Accept content negotiation (#7970)
* do not try to use the \'uri\' member of a tilematrixset definition document
* reproject bounding box from CRS84 to tile matrix set CRS
* skip too small overview levels
* remove erroneous taking into account of tilematrixset limits
* STACIT driver:
* correctly process asset \'href\' starting with \'file://\' (#8135)
* make it tolerant to missing proj:epsg if proj:wkt2 or proj:projjson are
* provided (#8137)
* apply vsis3 protocol to s3:// items
* WEBP driver:
* fix build against libwebp < 0.4.0 (#8111)
* Zarr driver:
* Zarr V2: fix duplicate array listing when both a \'foo\' file and \'foo/\'
* directory exist on the object storage (#8192)
* Mon Sep 25 2023 Dirk Stoecker - Add Conflicts entry between drivers package and old library version
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Dirk Stoecker - Seperate drivers.ini from the library package
* Mon Aug 21 2023 Bruno Friedmann - update to bugfix release version 3.7.1
* see update to feature release version 3.7.0 + see packaging:
* add new buildrequire pkgconfig(libarchive) for new /vsi7z/ and /vsirar/ virtual file systems
* handle new delivered files data/gfs.xsd: XML schema for .gfs files (#6655) data/gml_registry.xsd: new file with XML schema of gml_registry.xml (#6716) data/ogrinfo_output.json.schema: validate ogrinfo -json output data/gdalinfo_output.schema.json: validate gdalinfo -json output (fixes #6850) data/grib2_table_4_2_0_21.csv data/grib2_table_4_2_2_6.csv bin/sozip
* spec-cleaner
* remove limitation for python < 3.11 as Factory has 3.11.4
* Fri May 26 2023 Boris Manojlovic - add required development rpms
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.6.3:
* bugfixes
* see
* Sun Jan 08 2023 Matthias Eliasson - Update to version 3.6.2 bugfix release See changelog
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Update to bugfix 3.6.1 (critical) Important: GDAL 3.6.1 officially retracts GDAL 3.6.0 which cause corruption of the spatial index of GeoPackage files it created (in tables with 100 000 features or more): cf and GDAL 3.6.1 fixes that issue. Setting OGR_GPKG_ALLOW_THREADED_RTREE=NO environment variable (at generation time) also works around the issue with GDAL 3.6.0. Users who have generated corrupted GeoPackage files with 3.6.0 can regnerate them with 3.6.1 with: \"ogr2ogr out_ok.gpkg in_corrupted.gpkg\" (assuming a GeoPackage file with vector content only) Consult the release notes for the list of issues addressed :
* Sat Nov 26 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Improve packaging + add proj for datum presence for tests + add cmake-full with tests_support (ctest) + add bison, shapelib,OpenEXR,armadillo,qhull,libz4,pcre2 qhull,deflate are conditionnal(missing on Leap 15) + cmake force non use of internal, force use of external libs except lerc not packaged. + Exclude more tests (remote,out-of-memory)
* Fri Nov 25 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Set bash-completion as noarch
* Fri Nov 25 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 3.6.0:
* Fixes boo#1205745- Skipped 3.5.0:
* Upstream dropped deprecated perl binding
* Drop unneeded patch: - gdal-perl.patch
* Tue Mar 15 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Update to version 3.4.2 bugfix release See changelog Remove merged upstream patches gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch and gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Bjørn Lie - Add gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch: Fix build on Leap 15.4 and poppler.- Add fdups macro, BuildRequires already in place, remove duplicate files.
* Mon Mar 07 2022 Bjørn Lie - Add gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch: Fix build with poppler 22.03.0 and newer.
* Tue Jan 04 2022 Bruno Friedmann - Upgrade to version 3.4.1 bugfix release + Full changelog + Explicitly add a call to + Upstream PCIDSK: fix write heap-buffer-overflow boo#1194263- Removed due to cc1plus: warning: - I gcore: No such file or directory [-Wmissing-include-dirs]- Add conditionnal support for hdf4 boo#1192614 on Leap build -with hdf4_support can be enabled- Update copyright year