Changelog for kf6-kirigami-devel-6.11.0-1.1.i586.rpm :

* Sat Feb 08 2025 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.11.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Too many changes since 6.10.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Revert \"make sure the node is always at an integer position\" (kde#484888)
* SelectableLabel: disable shortcuts when invisible or no text selected (kde#498867)
* Icon: fix absolute icon paths (kde#498288)
* Dialog: include leading and trailing components in footer implicitWidth (kde#497795)
* Thu Jan 09 2025 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.10.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.9.0:
* Update dependency version to 6.10.0
* Expose auto exclusive from AbstractButton to Kirigami.Action
* Mnemonic: Emit sequence change also when it gets disabled
* ListSectionHeader: set Accessible.role to Heading
* controls/Card: set title as default
* FormLayout: Set mnemonic only if buddy is visible and doesn\'t have one
* FormLayout: Activate buddy with ShortcutFocusReason
* qmltest: Avoid Qt module include
* SearchDialog: Add emptyHelpfulAction
* FormLayout: Make use of animateClick in shortcut activation
* Don\'t overwrite menubar position
* platformtheme: Set Accent color in highlight
* Fix documentation referring to not existing Theme.smallSpacing
* Ensure sidebar \"y\" position is only shifted when menubar/header is visible
* Update version to 6.10.0
* Sun Dec 08 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.9.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.8.0:
* Update dependency version to 6.9.0
* Chip: Add visible hover state
* Fix accessibility of InlineMessage
* ActionMenuItem: make a11y press work
* PrivateActionToolButton: make a11y press work
* SelectableLabel: Allow disabling the built-in context menu
* Always use a ToolBar for pages on the stack
* SelectableLabel: Make selection persistent (kde#496214)
* PlaceholderMessage: Let use overwrite icon color
* PlaceholderMessage: Forward icon.width/icon.height to internal Icon
* NavigationTabBar: Fix warning related to assigning a Repeater instead of a AbstractButton
* Use border for keyboard active focus in NavigationTabButton
* SelectableLabel: Remove onLinkActivated
* [SelectableLabel] restore font property
* Add missing REQUIRED for ECM
* Remove Useless empty contentItem
* Fix mobile mode
* Fix doc for PlatformTheme::ColorSet
* ColumnView: Note that FixedColumns is the default value for columnResizeMode
* Add optional Breeze style import also for static builds
* Update version to 6.9.0
* Mon Nov 04 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.8.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.7.0:
* Update dependency version to 6.8.0
* TitleSubtitle: Don\'t explicit set renderType
* Upper mound for overlaysheet width
* SelectableLabel: fix a11y properties
* Fix Kirigami Application (Qt6) template (kde#494478)
* SelectableLabel: Use onPressedChanged
* Reformat code with clang-format
* Icon: Always respect the animated property (kde#466357)
* Adjust tst_qicon for desktop theme
* Fix loading desktop theme (kde#491294)
* Fix presumable typos confusing background and foreground colors
* Always print Theme file loading errors
* SelectableLabel: override default padding values more completely (kde#495256)
* Fix icon for positive state of InlineMessage
* SelectableLabel: fix binding loop warning on cursorShape
* ScrollablePage: Add properties to set if the scrollbars are interactive
* SelectableLabel: use property alias instead of direct binding, expose more through aliases
* Dialog: fix multiple binding loops (again)
* Update version to 6.8.0
* make the close button actually close
* layout: Reverse the stacking order of items inserted into ToolBarLayout
* Modify SelectableLabel to use TextEdit instead
* Cleanup and fix static QML module installation
* Disable PageRow gesture on android
* Make OverlaySheet look exactly like Dialog (kde#489357)
* Top align icon in multiline InlineMessage
* Mon Oct 07 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.7.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.6.0:
* Update dependency version to 6.7.0
* Add since info for new API
* Re-enable cachegen on Android
* Create CMake config file only once all build parameters are known
* Fix unit tests when using a static build
* PlatformTheme: fix crash when item is being destroyed
* OverlaySheet: make default title vertically center aligned (kde#489357)
* Fix clang-format version imcompatibilities
* Dialog: Take header width into account, small fix for footerToolbar width
* Workaround on incorrect palette update (kde#493654)
* platform: Check if weak pointer is expired in PlatformThemeChangeTracker ctor (kde#493652)
* Dialog: Use footer buttons width if its wider than content
* Fix sidebar text color in systemsettings
* Use disabled text colors also for inherit-ing Theme instances (kde#433256)
* autotests/tst_theme: Add a test that verifies only one signal emission happens
* autotests/tst_theme: Remove waiting for events
* autotests/tst_theme: Explicitly mark root test objects as not inheriting
* Add PlatformThemeChangeTracker to BasicTheme::sync()
* platform: Replace PlatformTheme::queueChildUpdate with ChangeTracker::Data flag
* platform: Don\'t use queued signals for batching change signals in PlatformTheme
* Fix NavigationTabBar sizing on mobile
* ContextualHelpButton: Clip to avoid text overflow
* ContextualHelpButton: Fix flickering when the popup covers the button (kde#489688)
* ColumnView currently allows having a QObject item inside its children list. This commit restricts this list from `QList*>` to `QList*>` and removes redundant casts.
* ToolBarLayout: Add support for actions that are separators
* Update version to 6.7.0
* Sat Sep 07 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.6.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.5.0:
* Update version to 6.6.0
* Disable cachegen (kde#488326)
* PlaceholderMessage: Remove the icon opacity if the message is actionable
* ToolBarLayout: Add test for dynamic actions
* Read willShowOnActive value as Variant and convert to Bool
* PrivateActionToolButton: Replace onVisibleChanged with Connections
* Fix registration name for WheelEvent
* [icon] Only reload icon from theme if the theme has that icon (kde#491806)
* PrivateActionToolButton: Hide menu if button is hidden (kde#486107)
* Allow recoloring of Android icon theme
* ci: add Alpine/musl job
* [icon] Fix icon colors when using Plasma platformtheme and QIcon source (kde#491274)
* ShadowedImage: Expose Image.status via a readonly alias
* PromptDialog: fix buttons overflow
* Relicense Chip to LGPL
* Relicense LoadingPlaceholder to LGPL- Drop patch, merged upstream:
* 0001-Disable-cachegen.patch
* Sat Sep 07 2024 Christophe Marin - Add upstream change (kde#488326, boo#1228876):
* 0001-Disable-cachegen.patch
* Mon Aug 05 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.5.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.4.0:
* Update dependency version to 6.5.0
* Relicense MenuDialog and PromptDialog to LGPL
* GlobalDrawerActionItem: Fix tooltip
* ContextualHelpButton: make text always accessible
* Convert license headers to SPDX
* Port dialogs to pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound
* Dialog: Support variable base padding
* Dialog: Add some null safety
* Dialog: Fix ScrollView::contentItem management
* Update version to 6.5.0
* We can Use directly nullptr
* fix: install KirigamiPrivate soversion
* NavigationTabButton: Drop bold font workaround
* Tue Jul 09 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.4.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Changes since 6.3.0:
* Add Kirigmai.Action unit tests
* Fix static build
* Allow initializing a Kirigami.Action from a QAction
* NavigationTabButton: improve text legibility (kde#489573)
* Dialog: Add horizontal padding to prevent content from leaking onto borders
* ActionTextField: de-duplicate action icon code
* dialogs/Dialog.qml: removed colorSet
* ActionTextField: fix QML errors
* Update build.gradle in application template to Qt 6
* Remove unused KItemModels import
* Fix: The issue of abnormal touch events
* Relax property types to QtQuick.Templates counterparts
* Units: decouple grid unit from font metrics
* Fix typo
* support USE_DBUS option to enable/disable dbus use
* PlaceholderMessage: Announce the text and description to a11y (kde#482753)
* fix: install KirigamiPrivate soversion
* Wed Jun 05 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.3.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Too many changes since 6.2.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Revert \"icon: Remove the node with lowest opacity when animation end\" (kde#487577)
* Card: emit toggled() when the user clicks on the header checkbox (kde#481461)
* Always color icons (kde#485801)
* Mon May 13 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.2.1
* New bugfix release- Changes since 6.2.0:
* Revert \"Dialog: Always use an overlay as visual parent\"
* Mon May 06 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.2.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
* Too many changes since 6.1.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Fixed wrong navigation and dialog header button colors (kde#486163)
* ContextualHelpButton: remove excess space from tooltip (kde#481817)
* Fri Apr 05 2024 Christophe Marin - Update to 6.1.0
* New feature release- Changes since 6.0.0:
* update version for new release
* PromptDialog: Demote wrapper item from Control to Padding
* ListSectionHeader: Clean up and expand docs, add import alias for Controls
* PlatformTheme: Note where the disabled text color comes from
* ImageColors: make sure QML attached object is fetched from main thread
* Clarify that the default alignment for ActionToolbar is AlignLeft
* Fix up qualified properties access and doc examples, use appropriate enum for TextEdit
* ContextualHelpButton: Fix up code style and qualified property access
* ContextualHelpButton: Use a specific and appropriate type for a property
* ContextualHelpButton: Sort out imports and improve docs
* padding: make sure to polish on completion (kde#477978)
* PlaceholderMessage: remove bad example using it as a loading indicator
* ContextualHelpButton: fix translated string usage
* Adopt ContextualHelpButton
* ApplicationItem & ApplicationWindow: Don\'t reserve space for overlaid vkbd
* ColumnView: Disable invisible (out-of-viewport) pages
* Make global drawer item keyboard navigable
* Respect QT_NO_XDG_DESKTOP_PORTAL (kde#482730)
* ColumnView: Add check args to clamp
* ColumnView: Use OutExpo for page animation
* Fix separator of OverlayDrawer in the header bar
* ScrollablePage: Workaround Qt flickable inertia being really low See
* Add Position paramenter for InlineMessage
* Handle URL inputs for pushDialogLayer (kde#481623)
* InlineMessage: Fix showing close button
* Handle null drawer as well
* Fix footer in layers (kde#480428)
* Wed Feb 21 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to 6.0.0
* New bugfix release
* Release announcement not available yet- Changes since 5.249.0:
* Handle null drawer as well
* Fix footer in layers (kde#480428)
* update version for new release
* Fix PassiveNotificationsManager height for wrapped text (kde#476021)
* Update template
* Units: make smallSpacing 4px and largeSpacing 8px
* PageRow: Ensure JS-created pages have a parent set (kde#477977)
* Mainpage.dox use correct URLs for types
* OverlaySheet: Don\'t do custom positioning on mobile Otherwise the overlaysheet seems to go to the bottom of the screen, with a tiny height
* pushDialogLayer: don\'t potentially override explicitly defined properties
* Actually close drawers on Escape
* Kirigami app template: bump min Qt/KF deps to match initial KF6 release
* Set framecontrast to 0.2
* workaround on the breakage in childAt introduced by the new headers
* Refactor separator to use frameContrast, add lightFrameContrast
* PagePoolAction: Do nothing if we\'re already showing the current page (kde#480837)
* pushDialogLayer: don\'t implicitly convert properties to bool
* Use Header color set on overlaydrawer
* Use header color instead of window for columnview separator
* Fix Overlay sheet size hints (kde#480673,kde#480508,kde#480147,kde#480514)
* Set borders to follow same colors as Breeze widget style
* update version for new release
* Wed Jan 31 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.249.0 (6.0 RC 2):
* New bugfix release
* For more details see
* Mon Jan 15 2024 Fabian Vogt - Update to 5.248.0 (6.0 RC 1)
* For more details please see:
* Sat May 27 2023 Christophe Marin - Init kf6-kirigami