Changelog for ruby3.4-rubygem-exception_notification-4.5.0-1.12.i586.rpm :

* Tue Jan 25 2022 Stephan Kulow updated to version 4.5.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.5.0
* enhancements
* Added Rails 7 compatibility (by AATTfwininger)
* Added support for the optional `data` attribute to the SNS notifier (AATTTomK32)
* Addressed a deprecation warning for `module_parent_name` which was thrown for users using Rails > 6.x (AATTquorak)
* Restored the hash separator for `controller#action` in the email notifier (AATTgarethrees)
* removals
* Dropped support for Tinder (gem is no longer maintained) (by AATTfwininger)
* Dropped support for Ruby on Rails versions below 5.2
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 4.4.3
* big fixes
* Remove using configured default from address from custom mailer_parent class
* Sat Jun 27 2020 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 4.4.1
* enhancements
* Enhance `ignore_if` option to allow by-notifier customization (by AATTfursich)
* Ignore extended modules of ignored exceptions (by AATTelengine)
* Add `exception_data` to Mattermost notifier (by AATTcamillof)
* bug fixes
* Fix Rubocop offenses (by AATTnicolasferraro)
* Sat Aug 17 2019 Manuel Schnitzer - updated to version 4.4.0
* enhancements
* Rails 6 compatibility (by AATTshanecav)
* Add Datadog notifier (by AATTajain0184)
* Use backtrace cleaner for Slack notifications (by AATTpomier)
* Add slack channel name override option (by AATTchaadow)
* Addition of sample application for testing purposes (by AATTampeigonet)
* bug fixes
* Fix error in Resque failure backend (by AATTEmilioCristalli)
* Remove sqlite dependency (by AATTEmilioCristalli)
* Configure ignore_crawlers from Rails initializer (by AATTEmilioCristalli)
* Sat Dec 08 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 4.3.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.3.0
* enhancements
* Add Microsoft Teams Notifier (by AATTphaelin)
* Add SNS notifier (by AATTFLarra)
* Add Google Chats notifier (by AATTrenatolond)
* Align output of section-headers consistently (by AATTkronn)
* ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception receives block & pass it to each notifier (by AATTpocke)
* Update Travis to latest rubies (by AATTlostapathy)
* bug fixes
* Replace all before_filter to before_action on readme (by AATTpastullo)
* Fix error when using error grouping outside of rails (by AATTgarethcokell)
* Fix missing MissingController Mattermost class (by AATTn-rodriguez)
* Sun Sep 03 2017 updated to version 4.2.2 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.2
* enhancements
* Error groupiong (by AATTMartin91)
* Additional fields for Slack support (by AATTschurig)
* Enterprise HipChat support (by AATTseanhuber)
* Tue Jul 19 2016 updated to version 4.2.1 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.1
* enhancements
* Allow customizable backtrace for Slack (by AATTaried3r)
* Add `Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound` to ignored_exceptions (by AATTnazarok)
* Improved text in Slack notifier (by AATTvojtad)
* bug fixes
* Fix data being sent on webhook notifier
* Wed Jul 13 2016 updated to version 4.2.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.0
* enhancements
* update URL in gemspec (by AATTktdreyer)
* Add `hostname` to Slack notifier (by AATTjuanazam)
* Allow `exception_recipients` to be a proc (by AATTkellyjosephprice)
* Add Mattermost integration (by AATTAschen)
* Rails 5 compatible
* bug fixes
* Fix error when showing timestamp on non Rails apps
* Fix delivery failure when deliver_with specified (by AATTgrzuy)
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 4.1.4 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc
* Wed Dec 23 2015 updated to version 4.1.3 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == undefined
* enhancements
* Add a way to have a backtrace callback on notifiers (by AATTpcboy)
* bug fixes
* Fix incompatible character encodings error (by AATTsan650)