Changelog for
texmaker-5.1.4-1.10.i586.rpm :
* Sat Jun 10 2023 Atri Bhattacharya
- Update to version 5.1.4:
* A bug with the contextual menu in the editor with Qt6 has been fixed.
* A bug related to replace action with a regular expression has been fixed.
* The internal pdf viewer can now zoom to 800%.
* \"Home\" and \"End\" key shortcuts have been added to the internal pdf viewer (first/last page).
* While clicking in an internal link in the internal pdf viewer, the pdf is no more moved horizontally.
* Some items have been added to the completion.txt (default list for completion).
* Adaptation of the log file viewer to the dark theme.
* A trouble for the compilation with C99 has been fixed.
* An option to set the (optional) interval to record a backup of the opened files has been added.
* The blocking of the check grammar web page by the CORS policy has been fixed.
* Thu May 05 2022 Paolo Stivanin - Update to version 5.1.3:
* a compilation trouble in icondelegate with Qt>6.2.0 version has been fixed
* some spellings errors in the source has ben fixed
* if an .asy document is loaded, the comment and uncomment tools are adapted (// instead of %)
* the man page has been updated
* --version and --help options to the texmaker command line has been added
* zh-TW translation has been updated (thanks to Lu Ke)
* a bug which avoid to change the shortcut of the \"Quick build\" command has been fixed
* xdg-open is now used instead of evince in no-kde linux environment
* Wed Oct 20 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.1.2:
* Fixed a bug related to replace action with a regular expression.
* Fixed a bug related to mouse wheel events in the pdf viewer.
* Added support for non integer dpi scale factor.- New BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Quick) needed to compile texmaker versions >= 5.1.0.
* Sun Jun 27 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux - Remove the unneeded QtWebkit build dependency.
* Wed Jan 29 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 5.0.4:
* The url used to check a new version has been fixed (website has moved to https).
* A bug after closing the internal pdf viewer during a session (not the embed one) has been fixed.
* The deactivation of the list of pages in the internal pdf viewer is now recorded in the viewer settings.
* The pos and size of the internal browser is now recorded.
* A typo in the english manual has been fixed.
* A workaround about the bad detection of dpi screen on Xorg has been added.
* The ctrl+, shortcut has been added for opening the configuration dialog.
* The ctrl+0 shortcut has been added for defining the master document.
* Updated translations.- Remove some doc files that are installed by the build script as they are packaged using %doc/%license.
* Sun Mar 24 2019 Remove a cache file .qmake.stash, the presence of which causes build failures on openSUSE Leap 15.1 and 15.0.- Move appdata file to metainfo dir which is the standard now.
* Sat Feb 09 2019 Update to version 5.0.3:
* Fix bad highlighting on misspelled text before a \\cite{} or \\label{} command.
* If no text is selected the \"(un)comment\" command will (un)comment the current line.
* The default size of the configuration dialog has been reduced.
* Fold/Unfold/Fold All/Unfold All menu options has been added.
* Fix bug about completion when citing references that contain numbers.
* Fix \"recent files\" menu with names including an ampersand.
* Fix typo in the documentation.
* Updated translations.
* Tue Dec 19 2017 Use qmake macros- Cleanup a bit with spec-cleaner
* Tue Dec 19 2017 Update to version 5.0.2: + A memory leak has been fixed in the internal pdf viewer.- Drop BuildRequires: libpoppler-qt5-devel; no longer required by upstream as it uses bundled pdfium instead.
* Sat Aug 05 2017 Update to version 5.0.1: - A trouble with the MikTex\'s ps2pdf command has been fixed - The \"-dpiscale x\" option has been added to the Texmaker command line : with this option the environment variable QT_SCALE_FACTOR will be set to x before building the GUI (same behavior than adding \"export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=x\" to the environment variables). Can be used to adjust the interface if the monitor dpi is not well detected. - Updated translations.