Changelog for
eclipse-collections-11.1.0-1.3.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Nov 01 2023 Fridrich Strba
- Build the eclipse-collections-api module with release=8 if the compiler is supporting it
* fixes incompatibilities with JDK21 and new added methods in java.util.List interface
* Wed Sep 13 2023 Fridrich Strba - Reproducible builds: produce reproducible manifest with bnd
* Sun Jul 31 2022 Anton Shvetz - Update to v11.1.0
* New Functionality = Added Bag.distinctView(). = Added Bags.mutable.withInitialCapacity. = Added forEachInBoth to Primitive Lists. = Added MultiReader to Bags factory in API module. = Added MultiReader to Lists factory in API module. = Added MultiReader to Sets factory in API module. = Added Primitive Bag factories in API module. = Added Primitive Set factories in API module. = Added Primitive Stack factories in API module. = Added factory for ObjectPrimitiveHashMapWithHashingStrategy. = Added withInitialCapacity api in mutableObjectPrimitiveHashingStrategyMapFactory. = Added ability to create Hashing Strategy Sets, Maps and Bags using Function. = Added injectInto for primitive types to primitive iterables. = Added injectIntoKeyValue to MapIterable. = Added injectIntoKeyValue to objectPrimitiveMap. = Added injectIntoKeyValue to primitiveObjectMap. = Added injectIntoKeyValue to primitivePrimitiveMap. = Added mutable reduction scenario to injectIntoKeyValue test for primitive maps. = Added object to primitive map factory to API module. = Added of and with factory methods to object -> primitive map factories. = Added of and with factory methods to primitive -> primitive and primitive -> object map factories. = Added withKeyMultiValues to MutableMultimap and subtypes. = Added withKeyValue to MutableMultimap and subtypes. = Added getAndPut to mutableObjectPrimitiveMap to retrieve the value associated with the key if one exists. = Added peekAndPop methods in ImmutableStack. = Added fused method for collect + makeString. = Added missing implementations of toString(). = Added selectWithIndex and rejectWithIndex to Ordered Primitive Iterables. = Implemented containsAny, containsNone, containsAnyIterable, containsNoneIterable on RichIterable.
* Optimizations = Optimized asParallel() for immutable sets in O(1) instead of O(n). = Optimized some implementations of toString() that were delegating to iterators. = Improved equals() performance for Set implementations.
* Tech Debt Reduction = Replaced implementation factories and dependencies with API factories where possible. = Fixed CheckStyle configuration for NewlineAtEndOfFile so that it works across operating systems. = Made forEach a default method on primitiveIterable.stg. = Made noneSatisfy a default method on primitiveIterable.stg. = Removed unnecessary implementations of toSortedList/Set/Bag/MapBy. = Disambiguate and deprecate primitive injectInto methods on RichIterable. = Improved code generation logic into separate goals for sources, test-sources, and resources. = Improved PIT mutation test coverage. = Improved overall test coverage by adding missing tests.
* Documentation Changes = Updated reference guide and convert to AsciiDoc. = Updated to reflect contribution guidelines around commit sign-off. = Updated with OSS projects that use Eclipse Collections.
* Build Changes = Upgraded CheckStyle from 9.1 to 10.1. = Upgraded actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3.0.2. = Upgraded checkstyle-configuration.xml from 1.2 schema to 1.3 schema. = Upgraded setup-java v3. = Upgraded actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7. = Upgraded actions/checkout from 2 to 3. = Upgraded actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.4 to 3. = Upgraded maven-plugin-api from 3.6.3 to 3.8.5. = Upgraded maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.2.4. = Upgraded maven-site-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.11.0. = Switched to oracle-actions to download JDK for EA builds. = Turned on additional CheckStyle rules and IntelliJ inspections. = Removed FindBugs build from GitHub workflows.
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Anton Shvetz - Update to v11.0.0
* New Functionality = Added toImmutableList/Set/Bag/Map/BiMap to RichIterable. = Added toImmutableSortedList/Set/Bag to RichIterable. = Added toImmutableSortedBag/List/Set with Comparator to RichIterable. = Added toImmutableSortedBagBy/ListBy/SetBy with Function to RichIterable. = Added selectWithIndex and rejectWithIndex to OrderedIterable and ListIterable. = Added putAllMapIterable method to MutableMap. = Added withMapIterable to MutableMap. = Added newWithMap and newWithMapIterable to ImmutableMap. = Added anySatisfyWithOccurrences, allSatisfyWithOccurrences, noneSatisfyWithOccurrences, detectWithOccurrences to Bag. = Added covariant overrides for sortThis(). = Added covariant return types to methods in MultiReaderList that return this. = Added primitive singleton iterator. = Added union, intersect, difference, symmetric difference, cartesianProduct, isSubsetOf, isProperSubsetOf to primitive sets. = Added containsAny and containsNone on primitive iterables. = Added toSortedList(Comparator) and toSortedListBy(Function) to primitive iterables. = Added isEqual and isSame to Pair and Triple as default methods. = Added converters from Pair and Triple to List types. = Added toImmutableSortedBagBy to Collectors2. = Added toImmutableSortedMap and toImmutableSortedMapBy to Collectors2. = Added toSortedMap and toSortedMapBy to Collectors2. = Added Norwegian translation for the Eclipse Collections website. = Added ClassComparer utility.
* Optimizations = Optimized ImmutableListFactoryImpl.withAll(Iterable). = Optimized containsAll on primitive iterables. = Optimized primitive hash set newSet and withAll. = Optimized sumByLong and sumByInt Primitive methods for Bags. = Optimized toImmutable on primitive sets. = Optimized union and difference on SetIterables. = Added enhanced for-loop syntax wherever as possible.
* Tech Debt Reduction = Deprecated ImmutableArrayStack. = Fixed bug with noneSatisfy for ImmutableBooleanEmptySet. = Fixed compiler errors for JDK-15-EA. = Fixed return types of aggregateBy(). = Fixed types on Multimap.
*MultiValues(). = Fixed primitive hash map values collections removed for special key zero. = Fixed CollectIterable detect methods. = Added missing overrides for toImmutable methods on synchronized primitive object maps. = Added missing overrides of aggregateBy() and aggregateInPlaceBy(). = Added documentation on serializing Eclipse Collections with jackson. = Added logic to throw UnsupportedOperationException on calling withMap method in FixedSizeMap. This is a breaking change. = Made org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.Interval#goForward private. This is a breaking change. = Replaced HashingStrategies.longHashCode with Java 8 Long.hashCode. This is a breaking change. = Deleted as the file is no longer needed. = Removed extra calls to map.get in sumByDoubleFunction and sumByFloatFunction. = Removed implementations of OrderedIterable.toStack() that can use the default implementation instead. = Removed implementations of aggregateBy and aggregateInPlaceBy that can use default implementations instead. = Removed references to deleted classes in findbugs-exclude file.
* Removed Functionality = Removed Verify.assertThrows() which takes a Runnable in favor of Assert.assertThrows(). This is a breaking change. = Removed assertNotEquals() from Verify as Assert already has the same API. This is a breaking change.
* Build Changes = Upgraded EBR plugin to 1.3.0. = Upgraded actions/cache to 2.1.6. = Upgraded actions/upload-artifact to 2.2.4. = Upgraded antlr ST4 to 2.1.5. = Upgraded checkstyle plugin to 3.1.2. = Upgraded checkstyle to 8.42. = Upgraded codehaus maven plugin to 2.8.1. = Upgraded jacoco to v2.2.3. = Upgraded jmh-core to 1.33. = Upgraded maven-resources-plugin to 3.2.0. = Upgraded to JUnit 4.13.1. = Upgraded to setup-java v2. = Skip p2 repository module during EA builds and Java 15+ builds. = Enabled Dependabot v2. = Added GitHub action to generate code coverage report. = Added JDK Early Access GitHub Actions.
* Breaking Changes Warning: These changes are already mentioned above. The list below might not be exhaustive, make sure to test your application and usages to verify. = Added logic to throw UnsupportedOperationException on calling withMap method in FixedSizeMap. = Made org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.Interval#goForward private. = Replaced HashingStrategies.longHashCode with Java 8 Long.hashCode. = Removed Verify.assertThrows() which takes a Runnable in favor of Assert.assertThrows(). = Removed assertNotEquals() from Verify as Assert already has the same API.
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Fridrich Strba - Do not use service file- Avoid unnecessary dependency on tycho and maven-enforcer-plugin
* Wed Jun 30 2021 Anton Shvetz - Initial commit with v10.4.0